This package is a collection of useful tools for SwiftUI views.
iOS 15.0
/// Package.swift
/// ...
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "main"),
/// ...
The font has been defined using the system font along with size and weight. You can combine sys + size + weight for usage. The size ranges from 10 to 50, and the weight options are bold, medium, and regular. For example, system font + size 40 + regular would be .sys40r.
extension Font {
public static let sys40b: Font = .system(size: 40, weight: .bold)
public static let sys40m: Font = .system(size: 40, weight: .medium)
public static let sys40r: Font = .system(size: 40, weight: .regular)
Text("Hello, SDSwiftUIPack!")
You can also set both the font and color simultaneously.
Text("Hello, SDSwiftUIPack!")
.sdFont(.sys30b, color: .green)
Padding can be easily specified using only CGFloat. You can set padding for top, leading, trailing, and bottom, or specify padding for all edges, horizontal, or vertical.
Text("Hello, SplashView!")
.sdPaddingpadding(top: 10, leading: 10, bottom: 10, trailing: 10)
You can use a Searchbar with various designs. Additionally, you can easily handle changes to the search bar’s text through modifiers such as onChange, onSearch, and onRemoveAll.
SearchBar("Enter nickname", text: $nickname, type: .none)
SearchBar("Enter nickname", text: $nickname, type: .back(onClickBack: {
SearchBar("Enter nickname", text: $nickname, type: .search)
.onSearch { newValue in
print("onSearch: \(newValue)")
.onChange { newValue in
print("onChange: \(newValue)")
.onRemoveAll {
sanhee16, [email protected]