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metajack edited this page Apr 22, 2013 · 2 revisions


  • rust build upgrade
  • color format issues
  • font issues
  • release engineering


azita, brson, pcwalton, jdm, jack

Rust build upgrade

  • jack: can you update rust build to pull in your trait casting patch?
  • jdm: sure

color format issues

  • jack: samsung noticed android opengl doesn't support bgr color format used by azure
  • jack: presumably b2g has this problem?
  • pcwalton: no, they don't use azure
  • jdm: they do for canvas


  • jack: assuming we have to do this color swap. does opengl do it for free?
  • pcwalton: if it's done in a shader, yes. need to add as a flag on a layer, 'color-swap'
  • pcwalton: then do it in the fragment shader
  • jack: what's it cost?
  • pcwalton: basically free. you must have a fragment shader. right now it's the identity shader
  • jack: so do we want to do this in the fragment shader?
  • jack: we can undo our change and use RGBA?
  • pcwalton: why does it have to be BGRA?
  • pcwalton: i set it up that way because mac needs BGRA (?)
  • jack: adding RGBA mode looks like not that big of a deal
  • pcwalton: some layers are going to want R5G6B5 for performance on mobile
  • jack: it looks like azure has R5G6B5. if we switch skia to use that then we can use RGB everywhere
  • jack: the image data is RGB24 or ARGB32. it's a non-trivial transform to switch to RGBA. maybe we can change the image format to RGBA.

font issues

jack: I've tracked down where font styles are being lost on linux. I should have this fixed today.

release engineering

brson: last week we talked with ben hearsum to set up servo automation on releng infrastructure. we will be able to poke at the bots ourselves. not sure what the status is. brson: this week i'm working on bors for servo. azita: what exactly do we need from releng? brson: bots are unreliable, so if they get stuck, we need someone to fix them, so if we have to file a ticket for that, it could be a slow process. also build setup for servo is still changing often. for example, we will be switching to rustpkg. we expect the scripts to continue to change for a while.