This document explains how the correct answer can be discovered. Only read on if you want to spoil the surprise..
bazel build crime_scene_reports:missing_basil_089324
The basil was first discovered missing on 28th June 2022.
Two witnesses have came forward with relevant information.
Their names are Amy and Mark. Both witnesses have been interviewed.
This will tell you that there are 2 witnesses. Their names are Amy & Mark.
Crime scene reports are build targets (output isn't repeated if already cached). If you want to see the output again you'll need to run bazel clean
bazel query people/...
bazel query 'rdeps(//..., (//people:mark union //people:amy))'
This tells us that there were two interviews and gives us the targets for these interviews.
bazel run //interviews:454235
I saw someone getting into a red car with some basil and they drove away without paying for it.
bazel run //interviews:565673
I saw a tall person running quickly to their car with some basil.
This tells us that the culprit was a tall person with a red car.
bazel query 'attr(tags, "red", //cars/...)'
This tells us that there are two red cars.
bazel query 'rdeps(//..., //cars:23245)'
This tells us that a person called Basil owns the first red car.
bazel query 'rdeps(//..., //cars:85465)'
This tells us that a person called Katie owns the second red car.
bazel query 'attr(tags, "tall", (//people:basil union //people:katie))'
This tells that Basil is tall. We already know that he has a red car.
bazel test solution --test_env guess=basil
//solution:solution PASSED in 0.1s
The mystery of the stolen basil has been solved! It was Basil.