- Compatibility: Foundry VTT V11
- Compatibility: Foundry VTT V10+
- Compatibility: Foundry VTT V9.233+
- Bugfix: Fixed copy-pasting of foreign objects
- Compatibility: Foundry VTT V9.233+
- Bugfix: Fixed multiple delete objects of foreign layers
- Bugfix: Better implementation of delete method for Foundry 0.8.3+
- Compatibility: Foundry VTT 0.8.3+
- Enhancement: Copy-Paste works in Super Select mode (Changes to corresponding Layer)
- Bugfix: Fixed always remember mode
- Bugfix: Fixed minor state issues
- Compatibility: Changed the way Super Select handles foreign deletions. Should Improve module compatibility.
- Enhancement: All Placeables can be now deleted in Super Select Mode
- Compatibility: Added support for DF Hotkeys (Default Shift+S)
- Compatibility: Supports modules & systems that drop objects into the scene like Clocks
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug of disappearing tiles while in Fog of War mode and Super Select mode
- Bugfix: Fixed issue related to selecting multiple object of different types
- Bugfix: Fixed initial state on always-on mode
- Enhancement: Tokens on higher priority than drawings and tiles, so they can be selected on top of drawings
- Enhancement: New setting "Remember Last" keeps the mode on after switching
- Bugfix: Fixed various errors
- Initial Release