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Incrementalist README


The purpose of the Incrementalist library is incremental parsing of Common Lisp code that is contained in a Cluffer buffer into a syntax tree. The parsing is incremental in the sense that after a small change in the buffer text, the syntax tree can usually be updated with a small amount of parsing work.

*This library is under active development. Its ASDF system structure, package structure, exported symbols and protocols may change at any time. Consult the NEWS file or the “Changelog” section of the manual for lists of changes in specific versions.*

This document only gives a very brief overview and highlights some features. Proper documentation can be found in the file:documentation directory.

Usage Overview

A central concept of the Incrementalist library is the “analyzer” which, given a Cluffer buffer, creates and maintains a concrete syntax tree that represents the content of the buffer. We therefore start by creating and populating a buffer:

(defun example-buffer (&key (content "(((1)))"))
  (let* ((line (make-instance 'cluffer-standard-line:open-line))
         (buffer (make-instance 'cluffer-standard-buffer:buffer :initial-line line))
         (cursor (make-instance 'cluffer-standard-line:right-sticky-cursor)))
    (cluffer:attach-cursor cursor line 0)
    (loop for c across content
          do (case c
               (#\Newline (cluffer:split-line cursor))
               (t         (cluffer:insert-item cursor c))))
    (values buffer cursor)))

#<CLUFFER-STANDARD-BUFFER:BUFFER 1 line 7 items {10055953A3}>

We can now attach an analyzer to a buffer:

(defun example-analyzer (buffer)
  (make-instance 'incrementalist:analyzer :buffer buffer))

(example-analyzer (example-buffer))

To obtain the concrete syntax tree, we must update the analyzer after attaching it to the buffer and after changes to the contents of the buffer:

(multiple-value-bind (buffer cursor) (example-buffer :content "(((11)))")
  (let ((analyzer (example-analyzer buffer)))
    (let ((cache (incrementalist:cache analyzer)))
      (format t "Initial")
      (incrementalist:update analyzer)
      (mapc #'print (incrementalist:find-wads-containing-position
                     cache 0 4))
      ;; Delete first and last buffer item and update analyzer
      (cluffer:erase-item cursor)
      (setf (cluffer:cursor-position cursor) 0)
      (cluffer:delete-item cursor)
      (incrementalist:update analyzer)
      (format t "~&After change")
      (mapc #'print (incrementalist:find-wads-containing-position
                     cache 0 3)))))
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:ATOM-WAD rel:0[0],3 -> 0,5 raw: 11>)
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:CONS-WAD rel:0[0],2 -> 0,6>)
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:CONS-WAD rel:0[0],1 -> 0,7>)
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:CONS-WAD abs:0[0],0 -> 0,8>)
After change
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:ATOM-WAD rel:0[0],2 -> 0,4 raw: 11>)
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:CONS-WAD rel:0[0],1 -> 0,5>)
(0 . #<INCREMENTALIST:CONS-WAD abs:0[0],0 -> 0,6>)

Incrementalist handles syntax errors by adding special nodes to the concrete syntax tree:

(let* ((analyzer (example-analyzer (example-buffer :content "(#\\Foo")))
       (cache (incrementalist:cache analyzer)))
  (incrementalist:update analyzer)
  (let* ((wads (incrementalist:find-wads-containing-position
                cache 0 2))
         (wad1 (cdr (first wads)))
         (wad2 (cdr (second wads))))
    (format t "wad    ~A~%errors ~:A~2%" wad1 (incrementalist:errors wad1))
    (format t "wad    ~A~%errors ~:A~%" wad2 (incrementalist:errors wad2))))
wad    #<ATOM-WAD rel:0[0],1 -> 0,6 raw: #\?>
errors (#<ERROR-WAD rel:0[0],3 -> 0,6 condition: UNKNOWN-CHARACTER-NAME>)


wad    #<CONS-WAD abs:0[0],0 -> 0,6>
errors (#<ERROR-WAD rel:0[0],6 -> 0,6 condition: UNTERMINATED-LIST>)