ember/order-in-routes: [2, {
order: [
['method', 'empty-method'],
If you want some of properties to be treated equally in order you can group them into arrays, like so:
order: [
['inherited-property', 'property'],
['method', 'empty-method'],
You can find full list of properties that you can use to configure this rule here.
You should write code grouped and ordered in this way:
- Services
- Default route's properties
- Custom properties
- beforeModel() hook
- model() hook
- afterModel() hook
- Other lifecycle hooks in execution order (serialize, redirect, etc)
- Actions
- Custom / private methods
const { Route, inject: { service }, get } = Ember;
export default Route.extend({
// 1. Services
currentUser: service(),
// 2. Default route's properties
queryParams: {
sortBy: { refreshModel: true },
// 3. Custom properties
customProp: 'test',
// 4. beforeModel hook
beforeModel() {
if (!get(this, 'currentUser.isAdmin')) {
// 5. model hook
model() {
return this.store.findAll('article');
// 6. afterModel hook
afterModel(articles) {
articles.forEach((article) => {
article.set('foo', 'bar');
// 7. Other route's methods
setupController(controller) {
controller.set('foo', 'bar');
// 8. All actions
actions: {
sneakyAction() {
return this._secretMethod();
// 9. Custom / private methods
_secretMethod() {
// custom secret method logic