Example configuration
okbuck {
buildToolVersion = "24.0.2"
target = "android-24"
linearAllocHardLimit = [
app: 16 * 1024 * 1024
primaryDexPatterns = [
app: [
exopackage = [
appDebug: true
appLibDependencies = [
'appProd': [
'appDev': [
annotationProcessors = [
"local-apt-dependency": ['com.okbuck.apt.ExampleProcessor']
buckProjects = project.subprojects
extraBuckOpts = [
'appDebug': [
"android_binary": ["trim_resource_ids = True"]
wrapper {
repo = 'https://github.com/facebook/buck.git'
transform {
transforms = [
'appDebug' : [
experimental {
transform = true
dependencies {
specifies the version of the Android SDK Build-tools, defaults to24.0.2
specifies the Android compile sdk version, default isandroid-24
are used to configure options used by buck for multidex apps. For more details about multidex configuration, please read the Multidex wiki.exopackage
are used for configuring buck's exopackage mode. For more details about exopackage configuration, please read the Exopackage wiki, if you don't need exopackage, you can ignore these parametersannotationProcessors
is used to depend on annotation processors declared locally as another gradle module in the same project.buckProjects
is a set of projects to generate buck files for. Default is all sub projects.extraBuckOpts
provides a hook to add additional configuration options for buck android_binary ruleswrapper
is used to configure creation of the buck wrapper script.
- The git url of any custom buck fork. Default is none.
- The keys used to configure various options can be for
- All buildTypes and flavors i.e
- All buildTypes of a particular flavor i.e 'appDemo'
- All flavors of a particular buildType i.e 'appDebug'
- A particular variant (buildType + flavor combination) i,e 'appDemoRelease'
You can configure behavior of buck by using various configuration files like buckconfig, buckjavaargs, bucklogging and buckversion. It is recommended to atleast set the buckversion so you are pointed at a good revision of the buck codebase.
Similarly, watchman can be configured for better performance via watchmanconfig. For examples of these configuration files, you can look at the existing configuration files in this repository.
The buckw
and various configuration files can be checked into version control. The following paths can be ignored buck-out .buckd .okbuck .buckconfig.local **/BUCK
You can type ./buckw targets
to get a list of targets that can be built. The generated .buckconfig.local
file will have some aliases setup to build your apps without having to type the rulename. i.e you can build targets via the alias like ./buckw build appDebug another-appPaidRelease