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Comment back on pull request sooner on error.
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- Refactor EventParser so it returns a comment we can send to the pull
request when a bad command or help command is commented.
- Remove now unneeded HelpExecutor because we comment right from the
EventsController now
- Use pflag package to parse commands instead of doing it manually
- Comment back when user types terraform instead of atlantis
  • Loading branch information
lkysow committed Feb 28, 2018
1 parent 9586c87 commit ab1d36d
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Showing 13 changed files with 384 additions and 217 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions server/events/command_handler.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ type GitlabMergeRequestGetter interface {
type CommandHandler struct {
PlanExecutor Executor
ApplyExecutor Executor
HelpExecutor Executor
LockURLGenerator LockURLGenerator
VCSClient vcs.ClientProxy
GithubPullGetter GithubPullGetter
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,8 +147,6 @@ func (c *CommandHandler) run(ctx *CommandContext) {
cr = c.PlanExecutor.Execute(ctx)
case Apply:
cr = c.ApplyExecutor.Execute(ctx)
case Help:
cr = c.HelpExecutor.Execute(ctx)
ctx.Log.Err("failed to determine desired command, neither plan nor apply")
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions server/events/command_handler_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import (

var applier *mocks.MockExecutor
var helper *mocks.MockExecutor
var planner *mocks.MockExecutor
var eventParsing *mocks.MockEventParsing
var vcsClient *vcsmocks.MockClientProxy
Expand All @@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ var logBytes *bytes.Buffer
func setup(t *testing.T) {
applier = mocks.NewMockExecutor()
helper = mocks.NewMockExecutor()
planner = mocks.NewMockExecutor()
eventParsing = mocks.NewMockEventParsing()
ghStatus = mocks.NewMockCommitStatusUpdater()
Expand All @@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ func setup(t *testing.T) {
ch = events.CommandHandler{
PlanExecutor: planner,
ApplyExecutor: applier,
HelpExecutor: helper,
VCSClient: vcsClient,
CommitStatusUpdater: ghStatus,
EventParser: eventParsing,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,12 +152,12 @@ func TestExecuteCommand_WorkspaceLocked(t *testing.T) {

func TestExecuteCommand_FullRun(t *testing.T) {
t.Log("when running a plan, apply or help should comment")
t.Log("when running a plan, apply should comment")
pull := &github.PullRequest{
State: github.String("closed"),
cmdResponse := events.CommandResponse{}
for _, c := range []events.CommandName{events.Help, events.Plan, events.Apply} {
for _, c := range []events.CommandName{events.Plan, events.Apply} {
cmd := events.Command{
Name: c,
Expand All @@ -170,8 +167,6 @@ func TestExecuteCommand_FullRun(t *testing.T) {
When(eventParsing.ParseGithubPull(pull)).ThenReturn(fixtures.Pull, fixtures.Repo, nil)
When(workspaceLocker.TryLock(fixtures.Repo.FullName, cmd.Workspace, fixtures.Pull.Num)).ThenReturn(true)
switch c {
case events.Help:
case events.Plan:
case events.Apply:
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions server/events/command_name.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ type CommandName int
const (
Apply CommandName = iota
// Adding more? Don't forget to update String() below

Expand All @@ -17,8 +16,6 @@ func (c CommandName) String() string {
return "apply"
case Plan:
return "plan"
case Help:
return "help"
return ""
150 changes: 113 additions & 37 deletions server/events/event_parser.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ package events
import (

Expand All @@ -14,6 +16,11 @@ import (

const gitlabPullOpened = "opened"
const usagesCols = 90

// multiLineRegex is used to ignore multi-line comments since those aren't valid
// Atlantis commands.
var multiLineRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`.*\r?\n.+`)

//go:generate pegomock generate -m --use-experimental-model-gen --package mocks -o mocks/mock_event_parsing.go EventParsing

Expand All @@ -29,7 +36,7 @@ type Command struct {

type EventParsing interface {
DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) (*Command, error)
DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) CommandParseResult
ParseGithubIssueCommentEvent(comment *github.IssueCommentEvent) (baseRepo models.Repo, user models.User, pullNum int, err error)
ParseGithubPull(pull *github.PullRequest) (models.PullRequest, models.Repo, error)
ParseGithubRepo(ghRepo *github.Repository) (models.Repo, error)
Expand All @@ -45,41 +52,81 @@ type EventParser struct {
GitlabToken string

// DetermineCommand parses the comment as an atlantis command. If it succeeds,
// it returns the command. Otherwise it returns error.
// CommandParseResult describes the result of parsing a comment as a command.
type CommandParseResult struct {
// Command is the successfully parsed command. Will be nil if
// CommentResponse or Ignore is set.
Command *Command
// CommentResponse is set when we should respond immediately to the command
// for example for atlantis help.
CommentResponse string
// Ignore is set to true when we should just ignore this comment.
Ignore bool

// DetermineCommand parses the comment as an Atlantis command.
// Valid commands contain:
// - The initial "executable" name, 'run' or 'atlantis' or '@GithubUser'
// where GithubUser is the API user Atlantis is running as.
// - Then a command, either 'plan', 'apply', or 'help'.
// - Then optional flags, then an optional separator '--' followed by optional
// extra flags to be appended to the terraform plan/apply command.
// Examples:
// - atlantis help
// - run plan
// - @GithubUser plan -w staging
// - atlantis plan -w staging -d dir --verbose
// - atlantis plan --verbose -- -key=value -key2 value2
// nolint: gocyclo
func (e *EventParser) DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) (*Command, error) {
// valid commands contain:
// the initial "executable" name, 'run' or 'atlantis' or '@GithubUser' where GithubUser is the api user atlantis is running as
// then a command, either 'plan', 'apply', or 'help'
// then an optional workspace argument, an optional --verbose flag and any other flags
// examples:
// atlantis help
// run plan
// @GithubUser plan staging
// atlantis plan staging --verbose
// atlantis plan staging --verbose -key=value -key2 value2
err := errors.New("not an Atlantis command")
func (e *EventParser) DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) CommandParseResult {
if multiLineRegex.MatchString(comment) {
return CommandParseResult{Ignore: true}

// strings.Fields strips out newlines but that's okay since we've removed
// multiline strings above.
args := strings.Fields(comment)
if len(args) < 2 {
return nil, err
if len(args) < 1 {
return CommandParseResult{Ignore: true}

// Helpfully warn the user if they're using "terraform" instead of "atlantis"
if args[0] == "terraform" {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: DidYouMeanAtlantisComment}

// Atlantis can be invoked using the name of the VCS host user we're
// running under. Need to be able to match against that user.
vcsUser := e.GithubUser
if vcsHost == vcs.Gitlab {
vcsUser = e.GitlabUser
if !e.stringInSlice(args[0], []string{"run", "atlantis", "@" + vcsUser}) {
return nil, err
if !e.stringInSlice(args[1], []string{"plan", "apply", "help", "-help", "--help"}) {
return nil, err
executableNames := []string{"run", "atlantis", "@" + vcsUser}

// If the comment doesn't start with the name of our 'executable' then
// ignore it.
if !e.stringInSlice(args[0], executableNames) {
return CommandParseResult{Ignore: true}

// If they've just typed the name of the executable then give them the help
// output.
if len(args) == 1 {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: HelpComment}
command := args[1]
if command == "help" || command == "-help" || command == "--help" {
return &Command{Name: Help}, nil

// Help output.
if e.stringInSlice(command, []string{"help", "-h", "--help"}) {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: HelpComment}

// Need to have a plan or apply at this point.
if !e.stringInSlice(command, []string{"plan", "apply"}) {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: fmt.Sprintf("```\nError: unknown command %q.\nRun 'atlantis --help' for usage.\n```", command)}

var workspace string
Expand All @@ -91,25 +138,33 @@ func (e *EventParser) DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) (*Comma

// Set up the flag parsing depending on the command.
const defaultWorkspace = "default"
if command == "plan" {
switch command {
case "plan":
name = Plan
flagSet = pflag.NewFlagSet("plan", pflag.ContinueOnError)
flagSet.StringVarP(&workspace, "workspace", "w", defaultWorkspace, fmt.Sprintf("Switch to this Terraform workspace before planning. Defaults to '%s'", defaultWorkspace))
flagSet.StringVarP(&workspace, "workspace", "w", defaultWorkspace, "Switch to this Terraform workspace before planning.")
flagSet.StringVarP(&dir, "dir", "d", "", "Which directory to run plan in relative to root of repo. Use '.' for root. If not specified, will attempt to run plan for all Terraform projects we think were modified in this changeset.")
flagSet.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "", false, "Append Atlantis log to comment.")
} else if command == "apply" {
case "apply":
name = Apply
flagSet = pflag.NewFlagSet("apply", pflag.ContinueOnError)
flagSet.StringVarP(&workspace, "workspace", "w", defaultWorkspace, fmt.Sprintf("Apply the plan for this Terraform workspace. Defaults to '%s'", defaultWorkspace))
flagSet.StringVarP(&workspace, "workspace", "w", defaultWorkspace, "Apply the plan for this Terraform workspace.")
flagSet.StringVarP(&dir, "dir", "d", "", "Apply the plan for this directory, relative to root of repo. Use '.' for root. If not specified, will run apply against all plans created for this workspace.")
flagSet.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "", false, "Append Atlantis log to comment.")
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown command %q – this is a bug", command)
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: fmt.Sprintf("Error: unknown command %q – this is a bug", command)}

// Now parse the flags.
if err := flagSet.Parse(args[2:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
// It's safe to use [2:] because we know there's at least 2 elements in args.
err := flagSet.Parse(args[2:])
if err == pflag.ErrHelp {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: fmt.Sprintf("```\nUsage of %s:\n%s\n```", command, flagSet.FlagUsagesWrapped(usagesCols))}
if err != nil {
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: fmt.Sprintf("```\nError: %s.\nUsage of %s:\n%s\n```", err.Error(), command, flagSet.FlagUsagesWrapped(usagesCols))}
// We only use the extra args after the --. For example given a comment:
// "atlantis plan -bad-option -- -target=hi"
Expand All @@ -135,19 +190,20 @@ func (e *EventParser) DetermineCommand(comment string, vcsHost vcs.Host) (*Comma
validatedDir = filepath.Clean(validatedDir)
// Detect relative dirs since they're not allowed.
if strings.HasPrefix(validatedDir, "..") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("relative path %q not allowed", dir)
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: fmt.Sprintf("Error: Using a relative path %q with -d/--dir is not allowed", dir)}

dir = validatedDir
// Because we use the workspace name as a file, need to make sure it's
// not doing something weird like being a relative dir.
if strings.Contains(workspace, "..") {
return nil, errors.New("workspace can't contain '..'")
return CommandParseResult{CommentResponse: "Error: Value for -w/--workspace can't contain '..'"}

c := &Command{Name: name, Verbose: verbose, Workspace: workspace, Dir: dir, Flags: extraArgs}
return c, nil
return CommandParseResult{
Command: &Command{Name: name, Verbose: verbose, Workspace: workspace, Dir: dir, Flags: extraArgs},

func (e *EventParser) ParseGithubIssueCommentEvent(comment *github.IssueCommentEvent) (baseRepo models.Repo, user models.User, pullNum int, err error) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,3 +405,23 @@ func (e *EventParser) stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
return false

var HelpComment = "```cmake\n" +
Terraform automation and collaboration for your team
atlantis <command> [options]
plan Runs 'terraform plan' for the changes in this pull request.
apply Runs 'terraform apply' on the plans generated by 'atlantis plan'.
help View help.
-h, --help help for atlantis
Use "atlantis [command] --help" for more information about a command.

var DidYouMeanAtlantisComment = "Did you mean to use `atlantis` instead of `terraform`?"

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