This file contains a quickstart guide and a small set of sample usages. For a more detailed description of the project and of the Stac rule-based agent see "STACSettlers documentation.pdf" file. This project contains various implementations for the Strategic Conversation (STAC) project. It also contains the code (as local dependencies) for the agents developed in the following PhD thesis:
- Mihai Dobre, Low-resource Learning in Complex Games, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, 2018.
Just run make build
. Check the main file for more information
To run an example simulation between 4 Stac agents, build the jar, create a config.txt file with the following contents:
and run the following command:java -cp STACSettlers-1.0-bin.jar soc.robot.stac.simulation.Simulation <config-file>
. This will run one game between 4 Stac heuristic agents with the best parameters.
The config.txt file contained in the resources package has a set of example agents that can be run in the simulation environment. Note that smartsettlers and the TypedMCTS agents require FullyObservable=true!
To replay a simulation or any other game recorded to soclog files, run the following:java -cp STACSettlers-1.0-bin.jar soc.client.SOCReplayClient
then click load file and select the log file under logs_server
generated by the game.
The replay client can be used to collect the gameplay (excluding chat negotiations) into a postgresql database. The database schema is included in the database
folder. (Per-game tables are created as needed by the replay client.) The username, password and url to the database should be included in dbconfig.txt
inside the src/main/java/resources
folder. For instructions on how to use the replay client for storing the gameplay, see the pdf document and the SOCReplayClient
class javadoc.
human.sql file is a dump of the database that contains the gameplay from the human corpus. The log files will be released by the STAC project (
Running online games requires a mysql database; see javadocs for on how to set up the db. Starting the server can be done via the following command:java -cp STACSettlers-1.0-bin.jar soc.server.SOCServer -Dstac.robots={number of robots to start} portNumber max_connections dbUser dbPass
Running this agent requires Node.js and the installation of the modules contained in web folder.
(1) Run the server (DRL agent):<YourPath>/java/web/main$ node runserver.js
N.B. If you want to change the host and port of the remote server, open the file YourPath>/java/config.txt and edit the variables "TCPServer_*"
(2) Run the client (JSettlers):<YourPath>/java/$ scripts/ config-drl.txt
N.B. If you want to change the host and port of the remote server, edit the host+port in method "getTradeFromServer" of file YourPath>/java/src/soc/server/ and recompile
The output of the server should look like this:
*TCP Server for JSettlers*
libraries loaded!
config file loaded!
configurations defined!
brain created!
Initialised agent!
Loading policy ../../web/policies//simpleds-policy-0.json
Network initialised!
Running in test mode!
<Press ctrl+c to quit>
request 100
request 200
request 300
request 400
request 500
request 600
request 700
The scripts folder contains a set of example scripts for the most common usages. Note that the jar must be renamed to STACSettlers.jar from STACSettlers-1.0-bin.jar before running the scripts.
STACSettlers and Jsettlers are licensed under GNU General Public License version 3. Below is the copyright notice for the STACSettlers part of the code and the license is included in LICENSE.txt. The license for JSettlers project is included in src/resources/LICENSE.txt. JavaBayes, mdp-library and weka jars contained in lib folder are also licensed under GPL v3. MCTS-1.0 ( and DeepCatan-0.0.1 ( jars are licensed under the MIT license.
STACSettlers - An extension to the JSettlers framework
Copyright (C) 2017 STAC
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.