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Setting up RTKLIB Tools and dependencies

##Installation Notes Before we can use RTKLIB-Tools, we will first need to set up the dependencies in environment variables required. RTKLIB-Tools is a Python oriented tool kit, and is thus a a set of interpreted scrpts, with dependencies involving other Python libraries. Some of RTKLIB-Tools' dependencies however, such as RTKLIB, are binary files that must be compiled from original source code. This setup tutorial will step through installing and configuring a UNIX-based environment, however is entirely reliant upon open source code that should be freely available for alternate operating systems.

RTKLIB is the open source project used by RTKLIB-Tools. This project is maintained by Tomoji Takasu and is hosted at:


Current developmtn code can also be found at the project's github repo:

Once we have downloaded the available source code, we will then need to compile into executable binary file which can later be called upon for batch operations using RTKLIB-Tools. Its also required to install some additional required C compiler and Linear Algebra packs in order to compile RTKLIB from source. These can be installed using the package, for example:

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install automake
sudo apt-get install checkinstall
sudo apt-get install liblapack3gf
sudo apt-get install libblas3gf

Once we have install the necessary dependencies and downloaded the original source code, we can simply enter the source code's /app directory and execute the makefile script:

cd app/
sudo bash

The compiled binary file will simply be generated within /app/<name>/gcc, where <name> is the name for the function. Modifying the file permissions may be necessary to allow the file to be executable: chmod +x <executable name>

RTKLIB-Tools uses a host of other python resorses including but not limited to:
Python 3.3

Drawing [IPython]( An interactive python environment [Notebook]( An IPython addon for web-based interactive computational environment Drawing [matplotlib]( A python plotting library used to produces quality plots and figures Drawing [NumPy]( A fundamental package for scientific computing with Python Drawing [pandas]( A library providing high-performance data structures and data analysis tools for python

Setting up each python dependencies mentioned above can be tedious, if not repetitive. An easy alternative is to use a Python distribution tool, perhaps one intended for large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, and scientific computing. This is what Continuum provides for free with:
Anaconda: a convenient python distribution tool

Download the installation file for linux and simply run shell script using this as seen here:

bash <downloaded file>

Further documentation can be found at the Conda Into Page

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