- cmake >= 3.10
- gcc >= 6.4
- zlib >= 1.2
- samtools >= 1.9
git clone
cd KSNP-k-mer-based-haplotype-assembly;
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..; make
samtools view in.bam chr_name | ksnp -k <k-mer size> -v <VCF file> -o <output file>
## K-mer size supports INT value from 2 to 10 (default value is 2)
## The in.bam is sorted and indexed. The chr_name is not required when the in.bam only includes one chromosome.
## The VCF file should contain SNP positions on one chromosome. Please split the VCF file into small files according to the chr_name. The VCF file can be in be in compressed gz format or decompressed format.
## The output file includes all of the variants in input VCF file with phased information.