Implementations of IComponent that hold ILIfeCycle<> things always assume that they live for the entire scene and never clean up their resources when they are removed. Is that OK?
Use ReadOnlyMemory<> instead of naked arrays!
Make sure that changes (adding new textures, creating new entities/components) only happen at a single stage in the pipeline. Just like how deleting only happens on buffer flush. Maybe via some sort of command bus/queue, would also help networking/multiplayer maybe?
Quiting during loading screen doesn't really quit?
Sun shadows: front faces rendered with slope-scaled depth bias??
See for shadow map ideas, especially from slide 59
See starting form slide 42 on FOG
Make it easier to change skyboxes
Use Texture.Load() instead of Sampling using the point sampling for a tiny perf boost where we don't need sampling
Input: move to, see also
Particle renderer
Tips on handling raw memory using a shared pool IMemoryOwner<char> owner = MemoryPool<char>.Shared.Rent();
Rendering with command lists could speed things up IFF we adhere to all the ideas in that slideshow.
Due to the new flip mode and tearing support users need at least Windows 10 Anniversary edition (2016) See:
If trying out tasks, there's a lot I can do to figure out where to run tasks. See: (misleading name) also configureawait(false) seems like a good option to set!