CountryPicker is a simple fragment that can be embedded or shown as dialog. See the example to see more detail.
The functions are simple:
Allow user to search the country
Inform client which country user has selected
Convenient function to get currency code of the selected country
To embed CountryPicker in your own view:
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
CountryPicker picker = new CountryPicker();
transaction.replace(, picker);
To show CountryPicker as a dialog:
CountryPicker picker = CountryPicker.newInstance("Select Country");, "COUNTRY_PICKER");
When user selects a country, client can listen to that event:
picker.setListener(new CountryPickerListener() {
public void onSelectCountry(String name, String code) {
// Invoke your function here
The data is from CountryPicker by nicklockwood (
I converted his data in "Countries.plist" to json format to avoid extra dependency.
Thanks Nick for his awesome library!