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302 lines (234 loc) · 10.3 KB

explore 1.3.1

New features

  • add correlation to explore_cor() when using geom_points

explore 1.3.0

New features

  • add parameter nthread to explain_xgboost(). (#45)
  • add interact(). (#47)
  • add interactivity as default in explore shiny app. (#47)
  • add create_data_abtest().
  • add basic color parameter to explore() & abtest() functions.
  • add get_color()
  • move NA-info in explore() from title to subtitle. (#48)
  • add more descriptive infos into explore()subtitle.
  • add color parameter for explore(), explore_*(), report()
  • add bins parameter to target_explore_num()

Breaking changes

  • mix_color() with one color as parameter generates colors from light to dark
  • target_explore_num() bar positioning changes from max to mean value

Bug fixes / internal

  • fix undefined / not meaningful values in abtest() shiny-app
  • rename vignettes explore_*.Rmd to explore-*.Rmd

explore 1.2.0

New features

  • add explain_xgboost() (#42)
  • add drop_var_by_names() (#43)
  • add drop_var_not_numeric() (#43)
  • add drop_var_low_variance() (#43)
  • add drop_var_no_variance() (#43)
  • add drop_var_with_na() (#43)
  • add drop_obs_with_na() (#43)
  • add drop_obs_if() (#43)
  • add mix_color()
  • add show_color()
  • add create_data_esoteric()

Breaking changes

  • create_data_empty() has no longer a parameter seed

Bug fixes / internal

  • add check_vec_low_variance() (internal helper function)

explore 1.1.1

  • Fix CRAN check warning in running example get_nrow() (#41)

explore 1.1.0

Breaking changes

  • explore no longer imports MASS and RandomForest. for explain_logreg() and explain_forest(), you will receive a prompt to install these packages in interactive sessions. (#2 1, @olivroy)

New features

  • add explain_forest().
  • add predict_target().
  • add create_data_newsletter().
  • add use_data_beer() and use_data_starwars() functions (#20, #23)
  • explore now has a website. (#17, #19, @olivroy)
  • abtest() now supports numeric target (t-test).
  • abtest_targetpct() with count data (parameter n).
  • abtest() and explore() can now run without data (shiny app). If no data are provided, palmerpenguins::penguins is used. (#25)
  • New vignettes were added. (#27, #28, #29, #31)
  • Documentation and examples were enhanced. (#38, @olivroy, #32, #33, #36, #37)
  • create_data_() use_data_*() return data sets as tibble.

Bug fixes / internal

  • drop use of fct_explicit_na() (forcats >= 1.0.0) and use linewidth for ggplot2 (>= 3.4.0) (deprecated) (#15, @olivroy)
  • explore no longer depends on assertthat, tidyr, and broom. (#16, #21, @olivroy).
  • Error messages are now more informative (#18, @olivroy)
  • explore now uses testthat 3rd edition and GitHub actions (#16, @olivroy)
  • explore has been re-licensed as MIT (#22)

explore 1.0.2 (2023-01-14)

  • add_var_random_01() creates variable of type integer
  • add target_name & factorise_target parameter to more create_data_*()
  • add target1_prob parameter to more create_data_*()
  • add checks to create_data_*()
  • format variable random_moon
  • add abtest()
  • remove native pipe in explore_tbl()
  • fix error in explore() median if NA values
  • add tests for explore() (no error if data contains NA)

explore 1.0.1 (2022-12-20)

  • Switch back to %>% in vignettes (compatibility R < 4.1) (#6)
  • No hard coded path for markdown-templates
  • Add create_data_unfair()
  • create_data_app() gains a screen_size argument.

explore 1.0.0 (2022-11-11)

  • Dependency DT (>= 0.3.0)
  • Improve and use native pipe in README.
  • Improve documentation
  • Add function create_data_app()
  • Add support for integer64
  • Bugfix report() >100 variables
  • No warning-message in explore_count()
  • Redesign explore_tbl()
  • Add mean to explore_density() plot
  • Add create_data_churn()
  • Add add_var_random_moon()
  • Vignettes: switch from %>% to |>
  • Add create_notebook_explore()

explore 0.9.0 (2022-08-31)

  • rename create_x_data() to create_data_x()
  • rename add_x_var() to add_var_x()
  • extend create_data_*() functions
  • extend add_var_*() functions
  • explain_tree(): set default minsplit = 20
  • explain_tree(): set prior probabilities
  • explore() and report(): targetpct as alternative to split parameter
  • balance_target(): add parameter seed
  • fix variable type for create_data_x()
  • using md in roxygen

explore 0.8.0 (2022-01-30)

  • all dwh_*() functions are no longer included in {explore} Alternative: source
  • add create_fake_data()
  • add create_random_data()
  • add add_random_var()
  • add get_var_buckets()
  • total_fig_height(): parameters var_name_target, var_name_n
  • code styling
  • report templates: add var buckets (to plot large number of variables)

explore 0.7.1 (2021-06-04)

  • change theme_light() into individual theme() so that set_theme works.
  • add rmarkdown to Suggests in DESCRIPTION
  • drop LazyData in DESCRIPTION
  • format DESCRIPTION

explore 0.7.0 (2021-01-21)

  • explain_tree() gains a weights parameter.
  • flip no/yes label in rpart.plot
  • fix minsplit for count-data
  • add weight_target()
  • add plot_legend_targetpct()
  • add legend in targetpct rmarkdown-template
  • add unit testing (testthat)

explore 0.6.2 (2020-10-14)

  • Bugfix explore_bar(): NA in plot
  • explore_count(): convert target into factor
  • explore_count(): add default title (cat name)
  • explore_count(): add parameter numeric, max_cat, max_target_cat
  • explain_tree(): convert character variables into factors (count data)
  • explain_tree(): parameter out ("plot" | "model")
  • explain_logreg(): parameter out ("tibble" | "model")
  • vignette("explore_titanic"): change to tibble
  • vignette("explore_mtcars"): add explanations
  • change theme_minimal to theme_light
  • dwh_fastload(): add parameters overwrite and append
  • update

explore 0.6.1 (2020-09-04)

  • Fix Github URL
  • new Vignette vignette("explore_penguins")
  • new Vignette vignette("explore_titanic") (count data)
  • explore_count(): plot count() output
  • add default parameter n for count data: explore(), explore_all(), explore_tbl(), explain_tree(), report(), describe(), describe_cat(), describe_num(), describe_tbl(), total_fig_height()
  • explore_tree(): default value for minsplit = 10% of obs
  • explore_cor(): use geom_point() for small datasets
  • explore_shiny(): use browseURL() with parameter browser=NULL
  • describe_tbl(): add observations containing NA
  • guess_cat_num(): parameter description (optional)
  • count_pct(): no renaming of variables.

explore 0.5.5 (2020-04-06)

Maintenance update:

  • fix breaking changes tibble 3.0.0

explore 0.5.4 (2020-02-09)

Maintenance update:

explore 0.5.3 (2020-01-17)

  • explore_bar(): add parameter numeric
  • describe_all() returns a tibble
  • describe_all(): column 'variable' is character (not factor)
  • report() split = TRUE as default
  • add rescale01()
  • add parameter rescale01 to clean_var()
  • add function count_pct()
  • add out='tibble' to describe_cat()
  • add function explore_targetpct()

explore 0.5.2 (2019-11-22)

  • split source-code file into multiple files
  • format_num_auto() without brackets
  • treat Date variables as cat
  • report() fix automatic file extension .html
  • add simplify_text()
  • add parameter simplify_text to clean_var()
  • fix link in

explore 0.5.1 (2019-10-08)

Prepare for new dplyr 0.8.4 (#2, @romainfrancois)

Bug Fixes

  • prepare explore_tbl() for dplyr 0.8.4
  • describe_num() with default digits=6
  • describe_cat() bugfix variable with all NA
  • describe_all() bugfix variable with all NA
  • explain_tree() bugfix dataframe with 0 rows
  • improve speed describe() text output (RMarkdown)
  • explore() now checks if data is a data.frame

explore 0.5.0 (2019-09-19)

Interactive data exploration now accept categorical and numerical targets (next to a binary target).

  • explain_tree(): target can be bin/num/cat
  • explain_tree(): add parameter max_target_cat
  • explore_shiny(): target can be bin/num/cat
  • add function format_num_auto()
  • total_fig_height() replaces the now deprecated get_nrow().
  • add parameter title to explore_cor()
  • add support for POSIXct in describe()
  • improved handling of dataframes with no observations
  • add parameter title to explore_density()
  • add parameter nvar to total_fig_height()
  • update
  • update Vignettes
  • add
  • add hex sticker

explore 0.4.4 (2019-08-27)

Many functions now accept categorical and numerical targets (next to a binary target). If you want to force which geom is used for visualisation, you can use explore_bar() and explore_density(). New function explore_tbl() to visualise a dataframe/table (type of variables, number of NA, ...)

  • add function explore_bar()
  • explore_density() now using correct tidy eval, target cat > 2 possible
  • target_explore_cat() now using correct tidy eval
  • target_explore_num() now using correct tidy eval
  • add plot_var_info() - plots a info-text to a variable as ggplot obj.
  • plot_var_info() used in explore/explore_all if
  • plot_var_info() used if explore empty data
  • add parameter max_cat in explore_bar(), explore_density() and explain_tree()
  • add explore_tbl()
  • drop explore_cat() & explore_num()
  • rename template_report_target_den.html > _split.html
  • intelligent placing of labels in plots
  • add info window "generating report ..." in explore_shiny()
  • format_num() -> format_num_kMB(), format_num_space()
  • format_target() -> if numeric split 0/1 by mean
  • report() -> default .html file extension
  • consistency showing NA info in explore-title
  • parameter split: default = FALSE
  • allow numeric (num) target in explore_all & report
  • describe_tbl() -> fix target if not bin
  • describe(): change out="vector" to out="list"

explore 0.4.3 (2019-06-17)

  • fix parameter in explore(): auto_scale, na
  • fix number of NA in explore() (move code before auto_scale)
  • explore_density() with target: drop plot title "propensity by"
  • explore_shiny(): use output_dir / tempdir()
  • change naming "attribute" to "variable" (consistent)