Sample Exam Questions APP (List of Free Mock Exam Questions) multiple choice support.
- Multiple choice questions support
- Support images in questions and alternatives
- Mobile-first
AppCertification was designed to run on on modern cloud providers like Digital Ocean or Heroku, although it should work just about anywhere. For a quick trial you can get set up on Heroku by clicking this button:
Requirements are :
- Ruby 2.2 .
- Rails 4.2 .
- A server like Unicorn, Puma, Passenger or Thin.
Bundle the Gemfile
bundle install
Setup database
rake db:setup
Add explanation to questionLogin with facebook- Write Tests
- Time limit for attempt
- Add timer to attempt
- Add exam results
- Add exam perfomance results
- Add paginate in attempt
- Add swipe in attempt (mobile)
- Add score report
- Add bar graph with highest score vs current score