As of version 0.2.6, a complete receiver beacon message looks as follows:
This message is standard APRS:
- 'LKHS>': origin
- 'LKHS': receiver callsign
- 'APRS,TCPIP*,qAC,GLIDERN2:': source
- 'APRS': software version (always "APRS")
- 'TCPIP*': tunneling (always "TCPIP*")
- 'qAC': q construct (not suited for beacon identifcation)
- 'GLIDERN2': receiver callsign (APRS server)
- '/': either "/" (timestamp and position follow) or ">" (timestamp follows)
- '211635h': timestamp in 24h notation UTC (21 hours, 16 minutes, 35 seconds)
- '4902.45NI01429.51E&': optional position (WSG84)
- '4902.45N': latitude (49 degrees, 2.45 minutes north)
- 'I': display symbol - table to use (alternate symbol table "I")
- '01429.51E': longitude (14 degrees, 29.51 minutes east)
- '&': display symbol - position in table "I" to use (diamond symbol with overlay)
- '000/000': optional heading and speed ("000/000" indicates no data)
- '000': heading (001 thru 360) in degrees ("000" = no data)
- '000': ground speed in knots (heading "000" = no data)
- '/A=001689': optional altitude (1689 feet)