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Creating a new Raspberry Pi release

Roel Broersma edited this page Oct 21, 2023 · 26 revisions

How to create a new Raspberry Pi release to upload to the Github Release page

  1. Take a Linux machine or (virtual) DietPi.
  2. Install a Desktop environment like LXDE (dietpi-software and select install software: LXDE: ultra lightweight desktop)
  3. Install gnome-disk-utility using: apt-get install gnome-disk-utility -y
  4. Download the Latest DietPi image for Raspberry Pi systems, using: cd /tmp wget -o /tmp/dietpi.img.7z
  5. Download the latest dietpi.txt from the Tunnel Gui Project: wget
  6. Install 7zip: apt-get install 7zip
  7. Extract the downloaded zipfile: cd /tmp 7zr x /tmp/DietPi_RPi-ARMv8-Bookworm.img.xz
  8. Start the Desktop environment on a machine which has a monitor connected (or a Hyper-V console window) using the command: startx
  9. Start the Gnome disk utility, open a Terminal and type: gnome-disks
  10. Click the Hamburger Menu and click 'Attach Disk Image... (.iso, .img)', now select the unpacked .img file at /tmp/DietPi_RPi-ARMv8-Bookworm.img and make sure to unclick Set up read-only loop device!
  11. You will see two partitions, select the first FAT partition and click the Play button, it will now mount as /media/....
  12. Go to the /media/.... folder and drag and drop the /tmp/dietpi.txt file to it that we downloaded in step 5. Overwrite it.
  13. Go back to the gnome-disk-utility and click the STOP button to stop mounting the FAT partition.
  14. Now click the MINUS button in the top bar to DETACH the .img file.
  15. Go to a terminal and zip the .img file using a normal .zip utility (this is more friendly for our Windows users): cd /tmp zip -9 -o DietPi_RPi-ARMv8-Bookworm.img

This is currently a manual process but we should be able to script it so we can do it with one command-line and don't need the Desktop environment at all :)

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