diff --git a/app/conf/visuoTactileRF.ini b/app/conf/visuoTactileRF.ini
index b3ba633..2fe33c0 100644
--- a/app/conf/visuoTactileRF.ini
+++ b/app/conf/visuoTactileRF.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name visuoTactileRF
robot icub
-rate 50
+rate 20
verbosity 0
modality 1D
diff --git a/app/scripts/PPS_OptFlow.xml b/app/scripts/PPS_OptFlow.xml
index 17301f2..2ec5dd7 100644
--- a/app/scripts/PPS_OptFlow.xml
+++ b/app/scripts/PPS_OptFlow.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
- /visuoTactileRF/skin_events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_LyonIntegrated.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_LyonIntegrated.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b931c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_LyonIntegrated.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ PPSReactCtrl_LyonIntegrated
+ reactController
+ icub-b3
+ reactController
+ skinEventsAggregator
+ general::robot icub
+ console1
+ skinEventsAggreg
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ console1
+ aggregEvForiCubGui
+ pf3dTracker
+ --from pf3dTracker.ini
+ icub-b1
+ PF3DTracker
+ visuoTactileWrapper
+ --noDoubleTouch
+ icub-b2
+ visuoTactileRF
+ --taxelsFile taxels1D_learnedAll.ini --rate 20
+ icub-b2
+ yarpview
+ --name /PF3DT_viewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 2340 --y 275 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ rococo
+ PF3DTracker_viewer
+ skinManagerGui
+ --from skinManGui.ini --context skinGui --xpos 1020 --ypos 350
+ console1
+ skinManGui
+ iCubSkinGui
+ --from right_arm.ini --useCalibration --xpos 1305 --ypos 390 --width 300 --height 230
+ rococo
+ skinGuiRA
+ iCubSkinGui
+ --from right_forearm.ini --useCalibration --xpos 1305 --ypos 620 --width 300 --height 230
+ rococo
+ skinGuiRF
+ /reactController/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /iCubGui/forces
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/skin_events:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /pf3dTracker/video:i
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/video:o
+ /PF3DT_viewer
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/data:o
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/pf3dTracker:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:i
+ udp
+ /icub/camcalib/right/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/events:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmL:o
+ /skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmR:o
+ /skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandL:o
+ /skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandR:o
+ /skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /wholeBodyDynamics/skin_contacts:i
+ udp
+ /skinManagerGui/rpc:o
+ /skinManager/rpc
+ tcp
+ /skinManager/monitor:o
+ /skinManagerGui/monitor:i
+ udp
+ /skinManager/info:o
+ /skinManagerGui/info:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/skin/right_hand_comp
+ /skinGui/right_hand:i
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_forearm_comp
+ /skinGui/right_forearm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_arm_comp
+ /skinGui/right_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/head/state:o
+ /iCubGui/head:i
+ udp
+ /icub/left_arm/state:o
+ /iCubGui/left_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/right_arm/state:o
+ /iCubGui/right_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/torso/state:o
+ /iCubGui/torso:i
+ udp
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f172d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ PPS_and_Reactcontrol
+ reactController
+ localhost
+ reactController
+ skinEventsAggregator
+ general::robot icub
+ localhost
+ skinEventsAggreg
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ localhost
+ aggregEvForiCubGui
+ pf3dTracker
+ --from pf3dTracker.ini
+ localhost
+ PF3DTracker
+ visuoTactileWrapper
+ --noDoubleTouch
+ localhost
+ visuoTactileRF
+ --taxelsFile taxels1D_learnedAll.ini --rate 20
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /vtRF/left --RefreshTime 33 --x 0 --y 0 --w 400 --h 400 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /vtRF/right --RefreshTime 33 --x 420 --y 0 --w 400 --h 400 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /PF3DT_viewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 980 --y 620 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ localhost
+ PF3DTracker_viewer
+ /reactController/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /iCubGui/forces
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/skin_events:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /pf3dTracker/video:i
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/video:o
+ /PF3DT_viewer
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/data:o
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/pf3dTracker:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:i
+ udp
+ /icub/camcalib/right/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/events:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmL:o
+ /skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmR:o
+ /skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandL:o
+ /skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandR:o
+ /skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:o
+ /vtRF/left
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:o
+ /vtRF/right
+ udp
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icubSim.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icubSim.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6be02a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icubSim.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ PPS_and_Reactcontrol_icubSim
+ iCub_SIM
+ localhost
+ iCub_SIM
+ iCubGui
+ localhost
+ iCubGui
+ reactController
+ localhost
+ reactController
+ virtualContactGeneration
+ localhost
+ virtContactGen
+ skinEventsAggregator
+ localhost
+ skinEventsAggreg
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ localhost
+ aggregEvForiCubGui
+ /virtualContactGeneration/virtualContacts:o
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /iCubGui/forces
+ udp
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub_Lyon.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub_Lyon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fd8525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_icub_Lyon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ PPS_and_Reactcontrol_Lyon
+ reactController
+ console1
+ reactController
+ skinEventsAggregator
+ general::robot icub
+ console1
+ skinEventsAggreg
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ console1
+ aggregEvForiCubGui
+ pf3dTracker
+ --from pf3dTracker.ini
+ icub-b1
+ PF3DTracker
+ visuoTactileWrapper
+ --noDoubleTouch
+ icub-b2
+ visuoTactileRF
+ --taxelsFile taxels1D_learnedAll.ini --rate 20
+ icub-b2
+ yarpview
+ --name /PF3DT_viewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 2000 --y 750 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ rococo
+ PF3DTracker_viewer
+ /reactController/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /iCubGui/forces
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/skin_events:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /pf3dTracker/video:i
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/video:o
+ /PF3DT_viewer
+ tcp
+ /pf3dTracker/data:o
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/pf3dTracker:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:i
+ udp
+ /icub/camcalib/right/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/events:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmL:o
+ /skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmR:o
+ /skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandL:o
+ /skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandR:o
+ /skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_ultimateTracker_icub.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_ultimateTracker_icub.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5525d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactControl_ultimateTracker_icub.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ PPS_and_Reactcontrol_ultimTracker
+ reactController
+ localhost
+ reactController
+ skinEventsAggregator
+ general::robot icub
+ localhost
+ skinEventsAggreg
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ localhost
+ aggregEvForiCubGui
+ visuoTactileWrapper
+ --noDoubleTouch
+ localhost
+ visuoTactileRF
+ --taxelsFile taxels1D_learnedAll.ini --rate 20
+ localhost
+ motionCUT
+ --recogThres 0.015 --blobMinSizeThres 20 --framesPersistence 3 --cropSize
+ localhost
+ templatePFTracker
+ localhost
+ localhost
+ ultimateTracker
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /motionCUT_viewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 980 --y 340 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /templatePFTracker_viewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 1280 --y 60 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /dispViewer --RefreshTime 33 --x 1600 --y 60 --w 320 --h 260 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /vtRF/left --RefreshTime 33 --x 0 --y 0 --w 400 --h 400 --compact
+ localhost
+ yarpview
+ --name /vtRF/right --RefreshTime 33 --x 420 --y 0 --w 400 --h 400 --compact
+ localhost
+ /reactController/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /reactController/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/skin_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/pps_events_aggreg:i
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /iCubGui/forces
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/skin_events:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/gui:o
+ /iCubGui/objects
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:i
+ udp
+ /icub/camcalib/right/out
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:i
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/events:o
+ /visuoTactileRF/events:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /motionCUT/img:i
+ udp
+ /motionCUT/img:o
+ /motionCUT_viewer
+ udp
+ /icub/camcalib/right/out
+ /SFM/right:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /SFM/left:i
+ tcp
+ /SFM/disp:o
+ /dispViewer
+ tcp
+ /icub/camcalib/left/out
+ /templatePFTracker/left/image:i
+ udp
+ /templatePFTracker/left/image:o
+ /templatePFTracker_viewer
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmL:o
+ /skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmR:o
+ /skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandL:o
+ /skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandR:o
+ /skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i
+ tcp
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageL:o
+ /vtRF/left
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/imageR:o
+ /vtRF/right
+ udp
diff --git a/app/scripts/ppsAndReactCtrl_log_icub.xml b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactCtrl_log_icub.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a597aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ppsAndReactCtrl_log_icub.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+ PPSandReactrl_Logging
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/reactCtrl --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperReactCtrl
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skinEvAggreg --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinEvAggreg
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/iCubGuiObjects --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperObjectsiCubGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSeventsForiCubGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_events --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinContact
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_hand --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinLeftHandComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_forearm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinLeftForearmComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_arm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinLeftArmComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_hand --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinRightHandComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_forearm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinRightForearmComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_arm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperSkinRightArmComp
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/joints_head --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperHeadJoints
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/joints_torso --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperTorsoJoints
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/joints_leftArm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperLeftArmJoints
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/joints_rightArm --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperRightArmJoints
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_dumper --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPS
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/ppsEvAggreg --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSevAggreg
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_skinGui_leftHand_dumper --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSlefttHandSkinGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_skinGui_rightHand_dumper --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSrightHandSkinGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_skinGui_leftForearm_dumper --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSleftForearmSkinGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_skinGui_rightForearm_dumper --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSrightForearmSkinGui
+ yarpdatadumper
+ --name /data/pps_wrapper_icubGui --txTime --rxTime
+ localhost
+ dataDumperPPSwrapperiCubGui
+ /reactController/data:o
+ /data/reactCtrl
+ udp
+ /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ /data/skinEvAggreg
+ udp
+ /reactController/gui:o
+ /data/iCubGuiObjects
+ udp
+ /ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/contacts:o
+ /data/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+ udp
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /data/skin_events
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/left_hand_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_hand
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/left_forearm_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_forearm
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/left_arm_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_left_arm
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_hand_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_hand
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_forearm_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_forearm
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_arm_comp
+ /data/skin_tactile_comp_right_arm
+ udp
+ /icub/head/state:o
+ /data/joints_head
+ udp
+ /icub/torso/state:o
+ /data/joints_torso
+ udp
+ /icub/left_arm/state:o
+ /data/joints_leftArm
+ udp
+ /icub/right_arm/state:o
+ /data/joints_rightArm
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/dataDumper:o
+ /data/pps_dumper
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o
+ /data/ppsEvAggreg
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandL:o
+ /data/pps_skinGui_leftHand_dumper
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiHandR:o
+ /data/pps_skinGui_rightHand_dumper
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmL:o
+ /data/pps_skinGui_leftForearm_dumper
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileRF/skinGuiForearmR:o
+ /data/pps_skinGui_rightForearm_dumper
+ udp
+ /visuoTactileWrapper/gui:o
+ /data/pps_wrapper_icubGui
+ udp
diff --git a/app/scripts/pps_skinAndiCubGuis_Lyon.xml b/app/scripts/pps_skinAndiCubGuis_Lyon.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d51ea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/pps_skinAndiCubGuis_Lyon.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ PPS_skiunAndiCubGuis_Lyon
+ skinManager
+ --from skinManAll.ini --context skinGui
+ console1
+ skinMan
+ skinManagerGui
+ --from skinManGui.ini --context skinGui --xpos 1020 --ypos 350
+ console1
+ skinManGui
+ iCubSkinGui
+ --from right_arm.ini --useCalibration --xpos 1750 --ypos 0 --width 250 --height 250
+ rococo
+ skinGuiRA
+ iCubSkinGui
+ --from right_forearm.ini --useCalibration --xpos 1750 --ypos 250 --width 250 --height 250
+ rococo
+ skinGuiRF
+ iCubSkinGui
+ --from right_hand_V2_1.ini --useCalibration --xpos 1750 --ypos 500 --width 250 --height 250
+ rococo
+ skinGuiRH
+ iCubGui
+ --xpos 2000 --width 500 --height 700
+ rococo
+ iCubGui
+ /skinManager/skin_events:o
+ /wholeBodyDynamics/skin_contacts:i
+ udp
+ /skinManagerGui/rpc:o
+ /skinManager/rpc
+ tcp
+ /skinManager/monitor:o
+ /skinManagerGui/monitor:i
+ udp
+ /skinManager/info:o
+ /skinManagerGui/info:i
+ tcp
+ /icub/skin/right_hand_comp
+ /skinGui/right_hand:i
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_forearm_comp
+ /skinGui/right_forearm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/skin/right_arm_comp
+ /skinGui/right_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/head/state:o
+ /iCubGui/head:i
+ udp
+ /icub/left_arm/state:o
+ /iCubGui/left_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/right_arm/state:o
+ /iCubGui/right_arm:i
+ udp
+ /icub/torso/state:o
+ /iCubGui/torso:i
+ udp
diff --git a/modules/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/CMakeLists.txt
index 3032bec..df43927 100644
--- a/modules/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/modules/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ add_subdirectory(ultimateTracker)
diff --git a/modules/demoAvoidance/demoAvoidance.cpp b/modules/demoAvoidance/demoAvoidance.cpp
index a2bbefb..3daa4b8 100644
--- a/modules/demoAvoidance/demoAvoidance.cpp
+++ b/modules/demoAvoidance/demoAvoidance.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#define PPS_AVOIDANCE_RADIUS 0.2 // [m]
#define PPS_AVOIDANCE_VELOCITY 0.10 // [m/s]
@@ -51,7 +52,10 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
PolyDriver driverJointL,driverJointR;
int contextL,contextR;
Port dataPort;
- int motionGain;
+ double motionGain;
+ bool useLeftArm;
+ bool useRightArm;
RpcServer rpcSrvr;
@@ -70,28 +74,47 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
bool read(ConnectionReader &connection)
- Bottle input;
- input.read(connection);
- if (input.size()>=7)
+ Bottle in;
+ in.read(connection);
+ if (in.size()>=1)
- string arm=input.get(0).asString().c_str();
- transform(arm.begin(),arm.end(),arm.begin(),::tolower);
- mutex.lock();
- map::iterator it=data.find(arm);
- if (it!=data.end())
+ Bottle input;
+ input=*(in.get(0).asList());
+ if (input.size()>=7)
- Data &d=it->second;
- d.point[0]=input.get(1).asDouble();
- d.point[1]=input.get(2).asDouble();
- d.point[2]=input.get(3).asDouble();
- d.dir[0]=input.get(4).asDouble();
- d.dir[1]=input.get(5).asDouble();
- d.dir[2]=input.get(6).asDouble();
+ yDebug("[demoAvoidance] got command (%s)",input.toString().c_str());
+ string arm=iCub::skinDynLib::SkinPart_s[input.get(0).asInt()];
+ if (arm == "r_hand" || arm == "r_forearm")
+ {
+ arm = "right";
+ }
+ else if (arm == "l_hand" || arm == "l_forearm")
+ {
+ arm = "left";
+ }
+ transform(arm.begin(),arm.end(),arm.begin(),::tolower);
+ mutex.lock();
+ map::iterator it=data.find(arm);
+ if (it!=data.end())
+ {
+ Data &d=it->second;
+ d.point[0]=input.get(7).asDouble();
+ d.point[1]=input.get(8).asDouble();
+ d.point[2]=input.get(9).asDouble();
+ d.dir[0]=input.get(10).asDouble();
+ d.dir[1]=input.get(11).asDouble();
+ d.dir[2]=input.get(12).asDouble();
+ }
+ mutex.unlock();
- mutex.unlock();
return true;
@@ -182,17 +205,14 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf)
- data["left"]=Data();
- data["left"].home_x[0]=-0.30;
- data["left"].home_x[1]=-0.20;
- data["left"].home_x[2]=+0.05;
- Matrix R(4,4);
- R(0,0)=-1.0; R(2,1)=-1.0; R(1,2)=-1.0; R(3,3)=1.0;
- data["left"].home_o=dcm2axis(R);
+ if (rf.check("noLeftArm") && rf.check("noRightArm"))
+ {
+ yError("[demoAvoidance] no arm has been selected. Closing.");
+ return false;
+ }
- data["right"]=data["left"];
- data["right"].home_x[1]=-data["right"].home_x[1];
+ useLeftArm = false;
+ useRightArm = false;
string name=rf.check("name",Value("avoidance")).asString().c_str();
string robot=rf.check("robot",Value("icub")).asString().c_str();
@@ -203,82 +223,125 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
if (motionGain!=-1.0)
- yWarning("motionGain set to catching");
+ yWarning("[demoAvoidance] motionGain set to catching");
bool autoConnect=rf.check("autoConnect");
if (autoConnect)
- yWarning("Autoconnect mode set to ON");
+ yWarning("[demoAvoidance] Autoconnect mode set to ON");
bool stiff=rf.check("stiff");
if (stiff)
- yInfo("Stiff Mode enabled.");
+ yInfo("[demoAvoidance] Stiff Mode enabled.");
- Property optionCartL;
- optionCartL.put("device","cartesiancontrollerclient");
- optionCartL.put("remote","/"+robot+"/cartesianController/left_arm");
- optionCartL.put("local",("/"+name+"/cart/left_arm").c_str());
- if (!driverCartL.open(optionCartL))
- {
- close();
- return false;
- }
+ Matrix R(4,4);
+ R(0,0)=-1.0; R(2,1)=-1.0; R(1,2)=-1.0; R(3,3)=1.0;
- Property optionCartR;
- optionCartR.put("device","cartesiancontrollerclient");
- optionCartR.put("remote","/"+robot+"/cartesianController/right_arm");
- optionCartR.put("local",("/"+name+"/cart/right_arm").c_str());
- if (!driverCartR.open(optionCartR))
+ if (!rf.check("noLeftArm"))
- close();
- return false;
- }
+ useLeftArm=true;
+ data["left"]=Data();
+ data["left"].home_x[0]=-0.30;
+ data["left"].home_x[1]=-0.20;
+ data["left"].home_x[2]=+0.05;
+ data["left"].home_o=dcm2axis(R);
+ Property optionCartL;
+ optionCartL.put("device","cartesiancontrollerclient");
+ optionCartL.put("remote","/"+robot+"/cartesianController/left_arm");
+ optionCartL.put("local",("/"+name+"/cart/left_arm").c_str());
+ if (!driverCartL.open(optionCartL))
+ {
+ close();
+ return false;
+ }
- Property optionJointL;
- optionJointL.put("device","remote_controlboard");
- optionJointL.put("remote","/"+robot+"/left_arm");
- optionJointL.put("local",("/"+name+"/joint/left_arm").c_str());
- if (!driverJointL.open(optionJointL))
- {
- close();
- return false;
+ Property optionJointL;
+ optionJointL.put("device","remote_controlboard");
+ optionJointL.put("remote","/"+robot+"/left_arm");
+ optionJointL.put("local",("/"+name+"/joint/left_arm").c_str());
+ if (!driverJointL.open(optionJointL))
+ {
+ close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ driverCartL.view(data["left"].iarm);
+ data["left"].iarm->storeContext(&contextL);
+ Vector dof;
+ data["left"].iarm->getDOF(dof);
+ dof=0.0; dof[3]=dof[4]=dof[5]=dof[6]=1.0;
+ data["left"].iarm->setDOF(dof,dof);
+ data["left"].iarm->setTrajTime(0.9);
+ data["left"].iarm->goToPoseSync(data["left"].home_x,data["left"].home_o);
+ data["left"].iarm->waitMotionDone();
+ IInteractionMode *imode; driverJointL.view(imode);
+ IImpedanceControl *iimp; driverJointL.view(iimp);
+ if (!stiff)
+ {
+ imode->setInteractionMode(0,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(0,0.4,0.03);
+ imode->setInteractionMode(1,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(1,0.4,0.03);
+ imode->setInteractionMode(2,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(2,0.4,0.03);
+ imode->setInteractionMode(3,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(3,0.2,0.01);
+ imode->setInteractionMode(4,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(4,0.2,0.0);
+ }
- Property optionJointR;
- optionJointR.put("device","remote_controlboard");
- optionJointR.put("remote","/"+robot+"/right_arm");
- optionJointR.put("local",("/"+name+"/joint/right_arm").c_str());
- if (!driverJointR.open(optionJointR))
+ if (!rf.check("noRightArm"))
- close();
- return false;
- }
+ useRightArm = true;
+ data["right"]=Data();
+ data["right"].home_x[0]=-0.30;
+ data["right"].home_x[1]=+0.20;
+ data["right"].home_x[2]=+0.05;
+ data["right"].home_o=dcm2axis(R);
+ Property optionCartR;
+ optionCartR.put("device","cartesiancontrollerclient");
+ optionCartR.put("remote","/"+robot+"/cartesianController/right_arm");
+ optionCartR.put("local",("/"+name+"/cart/right_arm").c_str());
+ if (!driverCartR.open(optionCartR))
+ {
+ close();
+ return false;
+ }
- driverCartL.view(data["left"].iarm);
- driverCartR.view(data["right"].iarm);
+ Property optionJointR;
+ optionJointR.put("device","remote_controlboard");
+ optionJointR.put("remote","/"+robot+"/right_arm");
+ optionJointR.put("local",("/"+name+"/joint/right_arm").c_str());
+ if (!driverJointR.open(optionJointR))
+ {
+ close();
+ return false;
+ }
- data["left"].iarm->storeContext(&contextL);
- data["right"].iarm->storeContext(&contextR);
+ driverCartR.view(data["right"].iarm);
+ data["right"].iarm->storeContext(&contextR);
- Vector dof;
- data["left"].iarm->getDOF(dof);
- dof=0.0; dof[3]=dof[4]=dof[5]=dof[6]=1.0;
- data["left"].iarm->setDOF(dof,dof); data["right"].iarm->setDOF(dof,dof);
- data["left"].iarm->setTrajTime(0.9); data["right"].iarm->setTrajTime(0.9);
+ Vector dof;
+ data["right"].iarm->getDOF(dof);
+ dof=0.0; dof[3]=dof[4]=dof[5]=dof[6]=1.0;
+ data["right"].iarm->setDOF(dof,dof);
+ data["right"].iarm->setTrajTime(0.9);
- data["left"].iarm->goToPoseSync(data["left"].home_x,data["left"].home_o);
- data["right"].iarm->goToPoseSync(data["right"].home_x,data["right"].home_o);
- data["left"].iarm->waitMotionDone();
- data["right"].iarm->waitMotionDone();
+ data["right"].iarm->goToPoseSync(data["right"].home_x,data["right"].home_o);
+ data["right"].iarm->waitMotionDone();
+ IInteractionMode *imode; driverJointR.view(imode);
+ IImpedanceControl *iimp; driverJointR.view(iimp);
- IInteractionMode *imode; driverJointL.view(imode);
- IImpedanceControl *iimp; driverJointL.view(iimp);
- for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
- {
if (!stiff)
imode->setInteractionMode(0,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(0,0.4,0.03);
@@ -287,9 +350,6 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
imode->setInteractionMode(3,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(3,0.2,0.01);
imode->setInteractionMode(4,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); iimp->setImpedance(4,0.2,0.0);
- driverJointR.view(imode);
- driverJointR.view(iimp);
@@ -309,8 +369,15 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
bool updateModule()
- manageArm(data["left"]);
- manageArm(data["right"]);
+ if (useLeftArm)
+ {
+ manageArm(data["left"]);
+ }
+ if (useRightArm)
+ {
+ manageArm(data["right"]);
+ }
return true;
@@ -324,40 +391,48 @@ class Avoidance: public RFModule,
bool close()
- dataPort.close();
+ yInfo("[demoAvoidance] Closing module..");
- if (driverCartL.isValid())
- {
- data["left"].iarm->stopControl();
- data["left"].iarm->restoreContext(contextL);
- driverCartL.close();
- }
+ dataPort.close();
- if (driverCartR.isValid())
+ if (useLeftArm)
- data["right"].iarm->stopControl();
- data["right"].iarm->restoreContext(contextR);
- driverCartR.close();
- }
+ if (driverCartL.isValid())
+ {
+ data["left"].iarm->stopControl();
+ data["left"].iarm->restoreContext(contextL);
+ driverCartL.close();
+ }
- if (driverJointL.isValid())
- {
- IInteractionMode *imode;
- driverJointL.view(imode);
- for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
- imode->setInteractionMode(j,VOCAB_IM_STIFF);
+ if (driverJointL.isValid())
+ {
+ IInteractionMode *imode;
+ driverJointL.view(imode);
+ for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
+ imode->setInteractionMode(j,VOCAB_IM_STIFF);
- driverJointL.close();
+ driverJointL.close();
+ }
- if (driverJointR.isValid())
+ if (useRightArm)
- IInteractionMode *imode;
- driverJointR.view(imode);
- for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
- imode->setInteractionMode(j,VOCAB_IM_STIFF);
+ if (driverCartR.isValid())
+ {
+ data["right"].iarm->stopControl();
+ data["right"].iarm->restoreContext(contextR);
+ driverCartR.close();
+ }
+ if (driverJointR.isValid())
+ {
+ IInteractionMode *imode;
+ driverJointR.view(imode);
+ for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
+ imode->setInteractionMode(j,VOCAB_IM_STIFF);
- driverJointR.close();
+ driverJointR.close();
+ }
return true;
@@ -386,6 +461,8 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
yInfo(" --autoConnect flag: if to auto connect the ports or not. Default no.");
yInfo(" --catching flag: if enabled, the robot will catch the target instead of avoiding it.");
yInfo(" --stiff flag: if enabled, the robot will perform movements in stiff mode instead of compliant.");
+ yInfo(" --noLeftArm flag: if enabled, the robot will perform movements without the left arm.");
+ yInfo(" --noRightArm flag: if enabled, the robot will perform movements without the rihgt arm.");
return 0;
diff --git a/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDblTchThrd.cpp b/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDblTchThrd.cpp
index 42bc9d8..8b1a6d2 100644
--- a/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDblTchThrd.cpp
+++ b/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDblTchThrd.cpp
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ bool doubleTouchThread::detectContact(skinContactList *_sCL)
if( it -> getPressure() > 25 &&
norm(it-> getNormalDir()) != 0.0)
- for (int i = 0; i < skinParts.size(); i++)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < skinParts.size(); i++)
if (skinParts[i] == it -> getSkinPart())
diff --git a/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDoubleTouch.cpp b/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDoubleTouch.cpp
index a31af50..10b6c5c 100644
--- a/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDoubleTouch.cpp
+++ b/modules/doubleTouch/iCubDoubleTouch.cpp
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class doubleTouch: public RFModule
name = "doubleTouch";
type = "LtoR";
filename = ".txt";
- color = "";
+ color = " ";
verbosity = 0; // verbosity
rate = 100; // rate of the doubleTouchThread
@@ -496,9 +496,9 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (rf.check("help"))
- yInfo("");
+ yInfo(" ");
- yInfo("");
+ yInfo(" ");
yInfo(" --context path: where to find the called resource");
yInfo(" --from from: the name of the .ini file.");
yInfo(" --name name: the name of the module (default doubleTouch).");
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
yInfo(" --autoconnect flag: if or not to autoconnect to the skinManager");
yInfo(" --jnt_vels double: specify the joint level speed during the double touch. Default 4[deg/s].");
yInfo(" --alignEyes flag: if or not to use the rpc-thing and sync with alignEyes module.");
- yInfo("");
+ yInfo(" ");
return 0;
diff --git a/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.cpp b/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.cpp
index 4e01bf8..9b80c17 100644
--- a/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.cpp
+++ b/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#include "fgtThread.h"
fgtThread::fgtThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot, int _v,
@@ -139,16 +140,16 @@ bool fgtThread::processImages(ImageOf &_oL, ImageOf &_oR)
ImageOf imageOL=*imageInL;
ImageOf imageOR=*imageInR;
- cv::Mat imgL((IplImage*)imageOL.getIplImage());
- cv::Mat imgR((IplImage*)imageOR.getIplImage());
- cv::Mat mskL((IplImage*)maskL.getIplImage());
- cv::Mat mskR((IplImage*)maskR.getIplImage());
+ cv::Mat imgL=cv::cvarrToMat(imageOL.getIplImage());
+ cv::Mat imgR=cv::cvarrToMat(imageOR.getIplImage());
+ cv::Mat mskL=cv::cvarrToMat(maskL.getIplImage());
+ cv::Mat mskR=cv::cvarrToMat(maskR.getIplImage());
cv::Mat imgLHSV;
cv::Mat imgRHSV;
yTrace("I'm converting the images to in HSV");
- cvtColor(imgL,imgLHSV,CV_RGB2HSV);
- cvtColor(imgR,imgRHSV,CV_BGR2HSV);
+ cv::cvtColor(imgL,imgLHSV,CV_RGB2HSV);
+ cv::cvtColor(imgR,imgRHSV,CV_RGB2HSV);
yTrace("I'm filtering according to the HSV");
cv::inRange(imgLHSV, cv::Scalar(HSVmin[0],HSVmin[1],HSVmin[2]), cv::Scalar(HSVmax[0],HSVmax[1],HSVmax[2]),mskL);
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ bool fgtThread::processImages(ImageOf &_oL, ImageOf &_oR)
if (area>largestArea)
- largestArea=area;
+ largestArea=(int)area;
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ bool fgtThread::processImages(ImageOf &_oL, ImageOf &_oR)
if (area>largestArea)
- largestArea=area;
+ largestArea=(int)area;
diff --git a/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.h b/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.h
index 9c79494..c92a392 100644
--- a/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.h
+++ b/modules/fingertipTracker/fgtThread.h
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
diff --git a/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ca785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright: (C) 2015 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+# Author: Matej Hoffmann
+# CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+file(GLOB source *.cpp)
+file(GLOB header *.h)
+source_group("Source Files" FILES ${source})
+source_group("Header Files" FILES ${header})
+add_executable(ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui ${source} ${header} )
+target_link_libraries(ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui periPersonalSpace ${YARP_LIBRARIES})
+install(TARGETS ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.cpp b/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62db1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui/ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+ * Author: Matej Hoffmann
+ * email: matej.hoffmann@iit.it
+ * Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this program
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any
+ * later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * A copy of the license can be found at
+ * http://www.robotcub.org/icub/license/gpl.txt
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details
+\defgroup ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui
+Transforms aggregated tactile/peripersonal space events, as generated by skinEventsAggegator or visuoTactileRF, into a dynContact output that can be sent to/iCubGui/forces and visualized.
+\section intro_sec Description
+Transforms aggregated tactile/peripersonal space events, as generated by skinEventsAggegator or visuoTactileRF, into a dynContact output that can be sent to/iCubGui/forces and visualized.
+The input has the following format: aggregated output per skin part with average location, normal and magnitude as extracted from the skin positions files.
+Maximum 1 vector per skin part; format: (SkinPart_enum x y z o1 o2 o3 magnitude SkinPart_string) (...) - for a maximum of the number of skin parts active.
+\section lib_sec Libraries
+- YARP.
+- skinDynLib
+\section parameters_sec Parameters
+--context \e path
+- Where to find the called resource.
+--from \e from
+- The name of the .ini file with the configuration parameters.
+--name \e name
+- The name of the module.
+--verbosity \e verb
+- Verbosity level (default 0). The higher is the verbosity, the more
+ information is printed out.
+--autoconnect \e aut
+- If to connect automatically to ports. Default not.
+--tactile \e tac
+- if enabled, the tactile aggreg events will be prepared for iCubGui visualization.
+--pps \e pps
+- if enabled, the peripersonal space aggreg events will be prepared for iCubGui visualization.
+--gain \e gain
+- the multiplication vector for the visualization of normalized event magnitude.
+\section portsc_sec Ports Created
+- //skin_events_aggreg:i gets the aggregated skin events as produced by the skinEventsAggegator
+- //pps_events_aggreg:i gets the aggregated pps events as produced by the visuoTactileRF
+- //contacts:o prepares a dynContact that can be visualized using /iCubGui/forces
+\section tested_os_sec Tested OS
+Linux (Ubuntu 12.04)
+\author Matej Hoffmann
+using namespace std;
+using namespace yarp::os;
+using namespace yarp::sig;
+using namespace yarp::math;
+using namespace iCub::skinDynLib;
+* \ingroup ppsAggregEventsForiCubGuiModule
+* The module that transforms aggregated tactile/peripersonal space events,
+* as generated by skinEventsAggegator/visuoTactileRF, into a skinContactList
+* output that can be sent to/iCubGui/forces and visualized.
+class ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui: public RFModule
+ string context;
+ string from;
+ string name;
+ int verbosity;
+ bool autoconnect; // on | off
+ bool tactile; // on | off
+ bool pps; // on | off
+ double gain;
+ BufferedPort aggregSkinEventsInPort; //coming from /skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o
+ BufferedPort aggregPPSeventsInPort; //coming from visuoTactileRF/pps_activations_aggreg:o
+ //expected format for both: (skinPart_s x y z o1 o2 o3 magnitude), with position x,y,z and normal o1 o2 o3 in link FoR
+ BufferedPort aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort;
+ yarp::os::Stamp ts;
+ skinContactList mySkinContactList;
+ // reading modified from react-control reactCtrlThread::getCollisionPointsFromPort
+ // writing adapted from iCub_Sim.cpp OdeSdlSimulation::inspectWholeBodyContactsAndSendTouch()
+ bool fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(BufferedPort &inPort, const double amplification, skinContactList &sCL)
+ {
+ SkinPart sp = SKIN_PART_UNKNOWN;
+ //all in the link FoR
+ Vector geocenter(3,0.0); //geocenter from skin / average activation locus from the pps
+ Vector normal(3,0.0);
+ Vector force(3,0.0);
+ Vector moment(3,0.0); //will remain zero
+ double normalized_activation = 0.0;
+ std::vector taxel_list;
+ taxel_list.clear(); //we will be always passing empty list
+ Bottle* collPointsMultiBottle = inPort.read(false);
+ if(collPointsMultiBottle != NULL)
+ {
+ //printf("fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(): There were %d bottles on the port.\n",collPointsMultiBottle->size());
+ for(int i=0; i< collPointsMultiBottle->size();i++)
+ {
+ geocenter.zero(); normal.zero(); normalized_activation = 0.0;
+ Bottle* collPointBottle = collPointsMultiBottle->get(i).asList();
+ //printf("Bottle %d contains %s \n", i,collPointBottle->toString().c_str());
+ sp = (SkinPart)(collPointBottle->get(0).asInt());
+ geocenter(0) = collPointBottle->get(1).asDouble();
+ geocenter(1) = collPointBottle->get(2).asDouble();
+ geocenter(2) = collPointBottle->get(3).asDouble();
+ normal(0) = collPointBottle->get(4).asDouble();
+ normal(1) = collPointBottle->get(5).asDouble();
+ normal(2) = collPointBottle->get(6).asDouble();
+ normalized_activation = collPointBottle->get(13).asDouble();
+ //hack - in current iCubGui version, in bvhnode.h, ForceArrow,
+ //there is an atan that gives a wrong direction for force vectors of the form (0 0 1)
+ force(0)=0.000001; force(1)=0.000001;
+ force(2) = -1.0*amplification*normalized_activation*normal(2);
+ //see iCubGui/src/objectsthread.h ObjectsManager::manage(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList &forces)
+ //printf("fillDynContactFromAggregPort: setting dynContact: Body part: %s Linknum: %d CoP: %s F: %s M: %s\n",
+ //BodyPart_s[SkinPart_2_BodyPart[sp].body].c_str(),getLinkNum(sp),geoCenter.toString(3,3).c_str(),
+ // (-1.0*normal).toString(3,3).c_str(),moment.toString(3,3).c_str());
+ skinContact sc(SkinPart_2_BodyPart[sp].body,sp,getLinkNum(sp),geocenter,geocenter,taxel_list,
+ amplification*normalized_activation,normal,force,moment);
+ // In skinManager/src/compensator.cpp, Compensator::getContacts():
+ // set an estimate of the force that is with normal direction and intensity equal to the pressure
+ // d.setForceModule(-0.05*activeTaxels*pressure*normal);
+ sCL.push_back(sc);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else{
+ //printf("fillDynContactFromAggregPort(): no tactile/pps vectors on the port.\n") ;
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ void sendContacts(BufferedPort &outPort, const skinContactList &sCL)
+ {
+ ts.update();
+ skinContactList &sCLout = outPort.prepare();
+ sCLout.clear();
+ sCLout = sCL;
+ outPort.setEnvelope(ts);
+ outPort.write();
+ }
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui()
+ {
+ }
+ bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf)
+ {
+ context=rf.check("context",Value("periPersonalSpace")).asString();
+ from=rf.check("from",Value("ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.ini")).asString();
+ name=rf.check("name",Value("ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui")).asString();
+ verbosity = rf.check("verbosity",Value(0)).asInt();
+ autoconnect=rf.check("autoconnect",Value("off")).asString()=="on"?true:false; // on | off
+ tactile=rf.check("tactile",Value("on")).asString()=="on"?true:false; // on | off
+ pps=rf.check("pps",Value("on")).asString()=="on"?true:false; // on | off
+ gain=rf.check("gain",Value(50.0)).asDouble();
+ yInfo("[ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui] Initial Parameters:");
+ yInfo("Context: %s \t From: %s \t Name: %s \t Verbosity: %d",
+ context.c_str(),from.c_str(),name.c_str(),verbosity);
+ yInfo("Autoconnect : %d \n tactile: %d \n pps: %d \n gain: %f \n",
+ autoconnect,tactile,pps,gain);
+ //open ports
+ if(tactile)
+ {
+ aggregSkinEventsInPort.open("/"+name+"/skin_events_aggreg:i");
+ }
+ if(pps)
+ {
+ aggregPPSeventsInPort.open("/"+name+"/pps_events_aggreg:i");
+ }
+ aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort.open("/"+name+"/contacts:o");
+ if (autoconnect)
+ {
+ Network::connect("/skinEventsAggregator/skin_events_aggreg:o",("/"+name+"/skin_events_aggreg:i").c_str());
+ Network::connect("/visuoTactileRF/pps_events_aggreg:o",("/"+name+"/pps_events_aggreg:i").c_str());
+ Network::connect(("/"+name+"/contacts:o").c_str(),"/iCubGui/forces");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool close()
+ {
+ yInfo("Stopping ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui module..");
+ mySkinContactList.clear();
+ yInfo("Closing ports..\n");
+ if (tactile)
+ {
+ aggregSkinEventsInPort.interrupt();
+ aggregSkinEventsInPort.close();
+ yInfo("aggregSkinEventsInPort successfully closed");
+ }
+ if (pps)
+ {
+ aggregPPSeventsInPort.interrupt();
+ aggregPPSeventsInPort.close();
+ yInfo("aggregPPSeventsInPort successfully closed");
+ }
+ //if (aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort.isOpen())
+ //{
+ aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort.interrupt();
+ aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort.close();
+ yInfo("aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort successfully closed");
+ //}
+ return true;
+ }
+ double getPeriod()
+ {
+ return 0.03;
+ }
+ bool updateModule()
+ {
+ mySkinContactList.clear();
+ if(tactile)
+ fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(aggregSkinEventsInPort,gain,mySkinContactList);
+ if(pps)
+ fillSkinContactFromAggregPort(aggregPPSeventsInPort,gain,mySkinContactList);
+ // if (! (mySkinContactList.))
+ sendContacts(aggregEventsForiCubGuiPort,mySkinContactList);
+ return true;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+ Network yarp;
+ ResourceFinder rf;
+ rf.setVerbose(false);
+ rf.setDefaultContext("periPersonalSpace");
+ rf.setDefaultConfigFile("ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.ini");
+ rf.configure(argc,argv);
+ if (rf.check("help"))
+ {
+ yInfo(" ");
+ yInfo("Options:");
+ yInfo(" --context path: where to find the called resource (default periPersonalSpace).");
+ yInfo(" --from from: the name of the .ini file (default ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui.ini).");
+ yInfo(" --name name: the name of the module (default ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui).");
+ yInfo(" --verbosity verbosity: verbosity level.");
+ yInfo(" --autoConnect flag: if to auto connect the ports or not. Default no.");
+ yInfo(" --tactile flag: if enabled, the tactile aggreg events will be prepared for iCubGui visualization.");
+ yInfo(" --pps flag: if enabled, the peripersonal space aggreg events will be prepared for iCubGui visualization.");
+ yInfo(" --gain gain: the multiplication vector for the visualization of normalized event magnitude.");
+ yInfo(" ");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!yarp.checkNetwork())
+ {
+ yError("No Network!!!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ppsAggregEventsForiCubGui module;
+ return module.runModule(rf);
diff --git a/modules/skinEventsAggregator/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cdea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright: (C) 2015 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+# Author: Matej Hoffmann
+# CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+file(GLOB source *.cpp)
+file(GLOB header *.h)
+source_group("Source Files" FILES ${source})
+source_group("Header Files" FILES ${header})
+add_executable(skinEventsAggregator ${source} ${header} )
+target_link_libraries(skinEventsAggregator periPersonalSpace ${YARP_LIBRARIES})
+install(TARGETS skinEventsAggregator DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.cpp b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e6fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include "skinEventsAggregThread.h"
+#define MIN_NUMBER_OF_TAXELS_ACTIVATED 3 //to filter out phantoms
+using namespace yarp;
+using namespace yarp::os;
+using namespace yarp::sig;
+using namespace iCub::skinDynLib;
+/*************** public methods section ********************************************/
+skinEventsAggregThread::skinEventsAggregThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot, int _v) :
+ RateThread(_rate),name(_name), robot(_robot), verbosity(_v)
+bool skinEventsAggregThread::threadInit()
+ ts.update();
+ skinEventsPortIn.open(("/"+name+"/skin_events:i").c_str());
+ skinEvAggregPortOut.open(("/"+name+"/skin_events_aggreg:o").c_str());
+ if (robot == "icub")
+ else if (robot == "icubSim")
+ else
+ yError("skinEventsAggregThread::threadInit(): unknown robot type");
+ return true;
+void skinEventsAggregThread::run()
+ int indexOfBiggestContact = -1;
+ skinContact biggestContactInSkinPart;
+ Vector geoCenter(3,0.0), normalDir(3,0.0);
+ double activation = 0.0;
+ Bottle & out = skinEvAggregPortOut.prepare(); out.clear();
+ Bottle b;
+ b.clear();
+ ts.update();
+ skinContactList *scl = skinEventsPortIn.read(false);
+ if(scl)
+ {
+ if(!(scl->empty()))
+ {
+ //Probably source of crazy inefficiencies, here just to reach a working state as soon as possible \todo TODO
+ map contactsPerSkinPart = scl->splitPerSkinPart();
+ for(map::iterator it=contactsPerSkinPart.begin(); it!=contactsPerSkinPart.end(); it++)
+ {
+ indexOfBiggestContact = getIndexOfBiggestContactInList(it->second);
+ if (indexOfBiggestContact != -1)
+ {
+ b.clear();
+ biggestContactInSkinPart = (it->second)[indexOfBiggestContact];
+ //the output prepared should have identical format to the one prepared in void vtRFThread::manageSkinEvents()
+ b.addInt(biggestContactInSkinPart.getSkinPart());
+ vectorIntoBottle(biggestContactInSkinPart.getGeoCenter(),b);
+ vectorIntoBottle(biggestContactInSkinPart.getNormalDir(),b);
+ //we add dummy geoCenter and normalDir in Root frame to keep same format as vtRFThread manageSkinEvents
+ b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0);
+ b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0); b.addDouble(0.0);
+ b.addDouble(std::max(1.0,(biggestContactInSkinPart.getPressure()/SKIN_ACTIVATION_MAX))); // % pressure "normalized" with ad hoc constant
+ b.addString(biggestContactInSkinPart.getSkinPartName()); //this one just for readability
+ out.addList().read(b);
+ }
+ }
+ skinEvAggregPortOut.setEnvelope(ts);
+ skinEvAggregPortOut.write(); // send something anyway (if there is no contact the bottle is empty)
+ }
+ }
+void skinEventsAggregThread::threadRelease()
+ printMessage(0,"Closing ports..\n");
+ skinEventsPortIn.interrupt();
+ skinEventsPortIn.close();
+ printMessage(1,"skinEventPortIn successfully closed!\n");
+ skinEvAggregPortOut.interrupt();
+ skinEvAggregPortOut.close();
+ printMessage(1,"skinEvAggregPortOut successfully closed!\n");
+int skinEventsAggregThread::getIndexOfBiggestContactInList(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList &sCL)
+ int index = -1;
+ unsigned int maxActivatedTaxels = MIN_NUMBER_OF_TAXELS_ACTIVATED;
+ if (! sCL.empty())
+ {
+ for(skinContactList::iterator c=sCL.begin(); c!=sCL.end(); c++)
+ {
+ if( c->getActiveTaxels() >= maxActivatedTaxels)
+ {
+ maxActivatedTaxels = c->getActiveTaxels();
+ index = std::distance( sCL.begin(), c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if (index == -1)
+ // yError("skinEventsAggregThread::getIndexOfBiggestContactInList: returning index -1");
+ return index;
+int skinEventsAggregThread::printMessage(const int l, const char *f, ...) const
+ if (verbosity>=l)
+ {
+ fprintf(stdout,"[%s] ",name.c_str());
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,f);
+ int ret=vfprintf(stdout,f,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ return -1;
diff --git a/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.h b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4605dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregThread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * Copyright: (C) 2014 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+ * Author: Matej Hoffmann
+ * email: matej.hoffmann@iit.it
+ * Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this program
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any
+ * later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * A copy of the license can be found at
+ * http://www.robotcub.org/icub/license/gpl.txt
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details
+#include /* srand, rand */
+#include /* time */
+using namespace std;
+class skinEventsAggregThread: public yarp::os::RateThread
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ // EXTERNAL VARIABLES: change them from command line or through .ini file
+ // Flag that manages verbosity (v=1 -> more text printed out; v=2 -> even more text):
+ int verbosity;
+ // Name of the module (to change port names accordingly):
+ string name;
+ // Name of the robot (to address the module toward icub or icubSim):
+ string robot;
+ // Resource finder used to find for files and configurations:
+ yarp::os::ResourceFinder* rf;
+ //the period used by the thread.
+ int threadPeriod;
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ // Stamp for the setEnvelope for the ports
+ yarp::os::Stamp ts;
+ yarp::os::BufferedPort skinEventsPortIn; // input from the skinManager - skin_events port
+ yarp::os::BufferedPort skinEvAggregPortOut; // output for the transformed skin events
+ int getIndexOfBiggestContactInList(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList &sCL);
+ /**
+ * Prints a message according to the verbosity level:
+ * @param l will be checked against the global var verbosity: if verbosity >= l, something is printed
+ * @param f is the text. Please use c standard (like printf)
+ */
+ int printMessage(const int l, const char *f, ...) const;
+ skinEventsAggregThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot, int _v);
+ // INIT
+ virtual bool threadInit();
+ // RUN
+ virtual void run();
+ virtual void threadRelease();
diff --git a/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregator.cpp b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7181dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/skinEventsAggregator/skinEventsAggregator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * Copyright: (C) 2014 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+ * Author: Matej Hoffmann
+ * email: matej.hoffmann@iit.it
+ * Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this program
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any
+ * later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * A copy of the license can be found at
+ * http://www.robotcub.org/icub/license/gpl.txt
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Public License for more details
+\defgroup skinEventsAggregationModule skinEventsAggregationModule
+@ingroup periPersonalSpace
+Aggregates skinContact events (aka skin_events) - into one aggregated output per skin part with average location, normal and magnitude.
+Date first release: 01/02/2016
+CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+\section intro_sec Description
+Aggregates skinContact events (aka skin_events) - into one aggregated output per skin part with average location, normal and magnitude as extracted from the skin positions files. Maximum 1 vector per skin part; format: (SkinPart_enum x y z n1 n2 n3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 magnitude SkinPart_string) (...) - for a maximum of the number of skin parts active. We add dummy geoCenter and normalDir in Root frame to keep same format as vtRFThread manageSkinEvents().
+\section lib_sec Libraries
+YARP, ICUB libraries
+\section parameters_sec Parameters
+--context \e path
+- Where to find the called resource.
+--from \e from
+- The name of the .ini file with the configuration parameters.
+--name \e name
+- The name of the module (default skinEventsAggregation).
+--robot \e rob
+- The name of the robot (either "icub" or "icub"). Default icubSim.
+--rate \e rate
+- The period used by the thread. Default 100ms, i.e. 10 Hz.
+--verbosity \e verb
+- Verbosity level (default 0). The higher is the verbosity, the more
+ information is printed out.
+--type \e type
+- Type of selection of contacts - e.g. random.
+\section portsc_sec Ports Created
+- //skin_events:i gets the skin events either from icub or icubSim
+- //skin_events:o it sends out the aggegated skin events.
+\section in_files_sec Input Data Files
+\section out_data_sec Output Data Files
+\section tested_os_sec Tested OS
+Linux (Ubuntu 12.04).
+\author: Matej Hoffmann
+#include "skinEventsAggregThread.h"
+using namespace yarp;
+using namespace yarp::os;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace iCub::skinDynLib;
+* \ingroup skinEventsAggregationModule
+* The module that achieves the skin events aggregation.
+class skinEventsAggregator: public RFModule
+ skinEventsAggregThread *skinEvAggThrd;
+ string robot;
+ string name;
+ int verbosity;
+ int threadPeriod;
+ string type;
+ vector activeSkinPartsNamesVector;
+ map skinPartsPositionsFilePaths;
+ skinEventsAggregator()
+ {
+ skinEvAggThrd = 0;
+ }
+ bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf)
+ {
+ name = "skinEventsAggregator";
+ robot = "icubSim";
+ threadPeriod = 20; //period of the virtContactGenThread in ms
+ verbosity = 0;
+ //******************************************************
+ //********************** CONFIGS ***********************
+ //******************* GENERAL GROUP ******************
+ Bottle &bGeneral=rf.findGroup("general");
+ bGeneral.setMonitor(rf.getMonitor());
+ //******************* NAME ******************
+ if (bGeneral.check("name"))
+ {
+ name = bGeneral.find("name").asString();
+ yInfo("Module name set to %s", name.c_str());
+ }
+ else yInfo("Module name set to default, i.e. %s", name.c_str());
+ setName(name.c_str());
+ //******************* ROBOT ******************
+ if (bGeneral.check("robot"))
+ {
+ robot = bGeneral.find("robot").asString();
+ yInfo("Robot is: %s", robot.c_str());
+ }
+ else yInfo("Could not find robot option in the config file; using %s as default",robot.c_str());
+ //****************** rate ******************
+ if (bGeneral.check("rate"))
+ {
+ threadPeriod = bGeneral.find("rate").asInt();
+ yInfo("skinEventsAggregThread rateThread working at %i ms.",threadPeriod);
+ }
+ else yInfo("Could not find rate in the config file; using %i ms as default period",threadPeriod);
+ //******************* VERBOSE ******************
+ if (bGeneral.check("verbosity"))
+ {
+ verbosity = bGeneral.find("verbosity").asInt();
+ yInfo("verbosity set to %i", verbosity);
+ }
+ else yInfo("Could not find verbosity option in the config file; using %i as default",verbosity);
+ //******************************************************
+ //*********************** THREAD **********************
+ skinEvAggThrd = new skinEventsAggregThread(threadPeriod,name,robot,verbosity);
+ if (!skinEvAggThrd -> start())
+ {
+ delete skinEvAggThrd;
+ skinEvAggThrd = 0;
+ yError("skinEventsAggregThread wasn't instantiated!!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ yInfo("skinEventsAggregThread instantiated...");
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool close()
+ {
+ yInfo("skinEventsAggregation: Stopping thread..");
+ if (skinEvAggThrd)
+ {
+ skinEvAggThrd -> stop();
+ delete skinEvAggThrd;
+ skinEvAggThrd = 0;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ double getPeriod()
+ {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ bool updateModule()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+* Main function.
+int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+ Network yarp;
+ ResourceFinder rf;
+ rf.setVerbose(true);
+ rf.setDefaultContext("periPersonalSpace");
+ rf.setDefaultConfigFile("skinEventsAggregation.ini");
+ rf.configure(argc,argv);
+ if (rf.check("help"))
+ {
+ yInfo(" ");
+ yInfo("Options:");
+ yInfo(" ");
+ yInfo(" --context path: where to find the called resource");
+ yInfo(" --from from: the name of the .ini file.");
+ yInfo(" --general::name name: the name of the module (default virtualContactGeneration).");
+ yInfo(" --general::robot robot: the name of the robot. Default icubSim.");
+ yInfo(" --general::rate rate: the period used by the thread. Default 100ms.");
+ yInfo(" --general::verbosity int: verbosity level (default 0).");
+ yInfo(" ");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!yarp.checkNetwork())
+ {
+ printf("No Network!!!\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ skinEventsAggregator sEA;
+ return sEA.runModule(rf);
+// empty line to make gcc happy
diff --git a/modules/testModule/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/testModule/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..185de72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/testModule/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright: (C) 2013 iCub Facility - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+# Author: Alessandro Roncone
+# CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+set(sources testModule.cpp)
+source_group("Source Files" FILES ${sources})
+add_executable(testModule ${sources})
+target_link_libraries(testModule ${YARP_LIBRARIES} ctrlLib)
+install(TARGETS testModule DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/modules/testModule/testModule.cpp b/modules/testModule/testModule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48235f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/testModule/testModule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:4; c-basic-offset:4; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*-
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Department of Robotics Brain and Cognitive Sciences - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
+ * Authors: Paul Fitzpatrick
+ * CopyPolicy: Released under the terms of the LGPLv2.1 or later, see LGPL.TXT
+ *
+ */
+// #include
+using namespace yarp::os;
+using namespace yarp::sig;
+using namespace yarp::mjpeg;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ Network yarp;
+ Property options;
+ options.fromCommand(argc,argv);
+ ConstString inName = options.check("in",Value("/mjpeg/in")).asString();
+ ConstString outName = options.check("out",Value("/mjpeg/out")).asString();
+ BufferedPort in;
+ // BufferedPort would also work fine, but less efficient
+ BufferedPort > out;
+ if (!in.open(inName)) return 1;
+ if (!out.open(outName)) return 1;
+ MjpegDecompression decompression;
+ if (decompression.isAutomatic()) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"For this test, turn MJPEG_AUTOCOMPRESS off\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ ManagedBytes *data = in.read();
+ if (!data) continue;
+ if (!decompression.decompress(data->bytes(),out.prepare())) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Decompression failed!\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ out.write();
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/modules/ultimateTracker/kalmanThread.cpp b/modules/ultimateTracker/kalmanThread.cpp
index ff4eab0..eb3ae62 100644
--- a/modules/ultimateTracker/kalmanThread.cpp
+++ b/modules/ultimateTracker/kalmanThread.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ bool kalmanThread::generateMatrices()
for (size_t i = 0; i < kalOrder; i++)
int k = 0;
- for (int j = i+1; j < kalOrder; j++)
+ for (size_t j = i+1; j < kalOrder; j++)
kalA(i,j) = el(0,k);
k += 1;
diff --git a/modules/ultimateTracker/ultimateTracker.cpp b/modules/ultimateTracker/ultimateTracker.cpp
index f4adaef..0774333 100644
--- a/modules/ultimateTracker/ultimateTracker.cpp
+++ b/modules/ultimateTracker/ultimateTracker.cpp
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class ultimateTracker: public RFModule
//******************* VERBOSE ******************
if (rf.check("useNearBlobber"))
- useNearBlobber = rf.find("useNearBlobber").asInt();
+ useNearBlobber = rf.find("useNearBlobber").asInt()!=0;
cout << "utManagerThread useNearBlobber set to " << useNearBlobber << endl;
else cout << "Could not find useNearBlobber option in " <<
diff --git a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.cpp b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.cpp
index bea215c..3bd1508 100644
--- a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.cpp
+++ b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
int virtContactGenerationThread::initSkinParts()
SkinPart skin_part_name;
+ int OFFSET = 4; //the taxel pos files have as of May 2015 first 4 lines with metainfo
string line;
ifstream posFile;
@@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ int virtContactGenerationThread::initSkinParts()
string filename;
//go through skin parts and initialize them
- for (std::vector::const_iterator it = activeSkinPartsNames.begin() ; it != activeSkinPartsNames.end(); ++it){
+ for (std::vector::const_iterator it = activeSkinPartsNames.begin() ; it != activeSkinPartsNames.end(); ++it)
+ {
skin_part_name = *it;
iCub::skinDynLib::skinPart skinPartWithTaxels;
@@ -25,17 +27,19 @@ int virtContactGenerationThread::initSkinParts()
yWarning("[virtContactGenerationThread] File %s has not been opened!",skinPartPosFilePaths[skin_part_name].c_str());
return false;
- printMessage(4,"Initializing %s from %s.\n",SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartPosFilePaths[skin_part_name].c_str());
+ printMessage(4,"[virtContactGenerationThread] Initializing %s from %s.\n",
+ SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartPosFilePaths[skin_part_name].c_str());
posFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);//rewind iterator
- switch(skin_part_name){
+ switch(skin_part_name)
+ {
- for(unsigned int i= 0; getline(posFile,line); i++)
+ for(int i= 0; getline(posFile,line); i++)
line.erase(line.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t")+1);
- if(line.empty())
+ if((line.empty()) || (i=96) && (i<=143) && (i!=107) && (i!=119) && (i!=131) && (i!=139)) //all palm taxels, without thermal pads
+ //all palm taxels, without thermal pads
+ if((i>=96+OFFSET) && (i<=143+OFFSET) && (i!=107+OFFSET) && (i!=119+OFFSET) && (i!=131+OFFSET) && (i!=139+OFFSET))
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread] Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- if(skinPartWithTaxels.getSize() != 192){
- yWarning("[virtContactGenerationThread]::initSkinParts():initalizing %s from file, 192 positions expected, but %d present.\n",SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartWithTaxels.getSize());
+ if(skinPartWithTaxels.getSize() != 192)
+ {
+ yWarning("[virtContactGenerationThread]::initSkinParts():initalizing %s from file, 192 positions expected, but %d present.\n",
+ SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartWithTaxels.getSize());
skinPartWithTaxels.name = skin_part_name;
- if (skin_part_name == SKIN_LEFT_HAND){
+ if (skin_part_name == SKIN_LEFT_HAND)
+ {
activeSkinParts[SKIN_LEFT_HAND] = skinPartWithTaxels;
- printMessage(4,"Adding SKIN_LEFT_HAND to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
+ printMessage(4,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Adding SKIN_LEFT_HAND to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
- else{ // skin_part_name == SKIN_RIGHT_HAND
+ else // skin_part_name == SKIN_RIGHT_HAND
+ {
activeSkinParts[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND] = skinPartWithTaxels;
- printMessage(4,"Adding SKIN_RIGHT_HAND to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
+ printMessage(4,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Adding SKIN_RIGHT_HAND to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
- for(unsigned int i= 0; getline(posFile,line); i++)
+ for(int i= 0; getline(posFile,line); i++)
line.erase(line.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t")+1);
- if(line.empty())
+ if(line.empty() || (i=0) && (i<=191)) //first patch - full one, 16 triangles, lower part of forearm (though in Marco's files, it is called upper)
+ if((i>=0+OFFSET) && (i<=191+OFFSET)) //first patch - full one, 16 triangles, lower part of forearm (though in Marco's files, it is called upper)
- if( ((i % 12) != 6) && ((i % 12) != 10)){ //every 7th and 11th taxel of a triangle are thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ if( (((i-OFFSET) % 12) != 6) && (((i-OFFSET) % 12) != 10))
+ { //every 7th and 11th taxel of a triangle are thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if((i>=192) && (i<=383)){ //second patch - 7 triangles in skin V1, upper part of forearm (though in Marco's files, it is called lower)
- if( ((i>=204) && (i<=215)) && (i!=204+6) && (i!=204+10)){ //first triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if((i>=192+OFFSET) && (i<=383+OFFSET))
+ { //second patch - 7 triangles in skin V1, upper part of forearm (though in Marco's files, it is called lower)
+ if( ((i>=204+OFFSET) && (i<=215+OFFSET)) && (i!=204+6+OFFSET) && (i!=204+10+OFFSET))
+ { //first triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=252) && (i<=263)) && (i!=252+6) && (i!=252+10)){ //2nd triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=252+OFFSET) && (i<=263+OFFSET)) && (i!=252+6+OFFSET) && (i!=252+10+OFFSET))
+ { //2nd triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=288) && (i<=299)) && (i!=288+6) && (i!=288+10)){ //3rd triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=288+OFFSET) && (i<=299+OFFSET)) && (i!=288+6+OFFSET) && (i!=288+10+OFFSET))
+ { //3rd triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=300) && (i<=311)) && (i!=300+6) && (i!=300+10)){ //4th triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=300+OFFSET) && (i<=311+OFFSET)) && (i!=300+6+OFFSET) && (i!=300+10+OFFSET))
+ { //4th triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=312) && (i<=323)) && (i!=312+6) && (i!=312+10)){ //5th triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=312+OFFSET) && (i<=323+OFFSET)) && (i!=312+6+OFFSET) && (i!=312+10+OFFSET))
+ { //5th triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=336) && (i<=347)) && (i!=336+6) && (i!=336+10)){ //6th triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=336+OFFSET) && (i<=347+OFFSET)) && (i!=336+6+OFFSET) && (i!=336+10+OFFSET))
+ { //6th triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- else if( ((i>=348) && (i<=359)) && (i!=348+6) && (i!=348+10)){ //7th triangle without thermal pads
- skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i));
- printMessage(10,"Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",i,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
+ else if( ((i>=348+OFFSET) && (i<=359+OFFSET)) && (i!=348+6+OFFSET) && (i!=348+10+OFFSET))
+ { //7th triangle without thermal pads
+ skinPartWithTaxels.taxels.push_back(new Taxel(taxelPos,taxelNorm,i-OFFSET));
+ printMessage(10,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Pushing taxel ID:%d, pos:%f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ i-OFFSET,taxelPos[0],taxelPos[1],taxelPos[2],taxelNorm[0],taxelNorm[1],taxelNorm[2]);
- if(skinPartWithTaxels.getSize() != 384){
- yWarning("[virtContactGenerationThread]::initSkinParts():initalizing %s from file, 384 positions expected, but %d present.\n",SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartWithTaxels.getSize());
+ if(skinPartWithTaxels.getSize() != 384)
+ {
+ yWarning("[virtContactGenerationThread]::initSkinParts():initalizing %s from file, 384 positions expected, but %d present.\n",
+ SkinPart_s[skin_part_name].c_str(),skinPartWithTaxels.getSize());
skinPartWithTaxels.name = skin_part_name;
- if (skin_part_name == SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM){
+ if (skin_part_name == SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM)
+ {
activeSkinParts[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM] = skinPartWithTaxels;
- printMessage(4,"Adding SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
+ printMessage(4,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Adding SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",
+ activeSkinParts.size());
- else{ // skin_part_name == SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM
+ else
+ { // skin_part_name == SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM
activeSkinParts[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM] = skinPartWithTaxels;
- printMessage(4,"Adding SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",activeSkinParts.size());
+ printMessage(4,"[virtContactGenerationThread]Adding SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM to activeSkinParts, it now has %d members.\n",
+ activeSkinParts.size());
- yError("[virtContactGenerationThread] Asked to initialize skinDynLib::SkinPart:: %d, but that skin part is not implemented yet.\n",skin_part_name);
+ yError("[virtContactGenerationThread] Asked to initialize skinDynLib::SkinPart:: %d, but it is not implemented yet.\n",
+ skin_part_name);
return -1;
return 0;
@@ -155,10 +190,12 @@ int virtContactGenerationThread::initSkinParts()
void virtContactGenerationThread::printInitializedSkinParts()
- for (std::map::const_iterator it = activeSkinParts.begin() ; it != activeSkinParts.end(); ++it){
+ for (std::map::const_iterator it = activeSkinParts.begin() ; it != activeSkinParts.end(); ++it)
+ {
iCub::skinDynLib::skinPart locSkinPartTaxel = it->second;
vector taxels = locSkinPartTaxel.taxels;
- printMessage(6,"Iterating through activeSkinParts (%d members), now: it->first: %d, locSkinPartTaxel.name: %s.\n",activeSkinParts.size(),it->first,locSkinPartTaxel.name.c_str());
+ printMessage(6,"Iterating through activeSkinParts (%d members), now: it->first: %d, locSkinPartTaxel.name: %s.\n",
+ activeSkinParts.size(),it->first,locSkinPartTaxel.name.c_str());
ofstream outFile;
if (outFile.fail()) // Check for file creation and return error.
@@ -166,8 +203,13 @@ void virtContactGenerationThread::printInitializedSkinParts()
printMessage(6,"Error opening %s for output.\n",it->second.name.c_str());
- for (vector::const_iterator it_taxel = taxels.begin(); it_taxel!= taxels.end(); ++it_taxel){
- outFile << (**it_taxel).getPosition()[0] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getPosition()[1] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getPosition()[2] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[0] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[1] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[2] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getID() <::const_iterator it_taxel = taxels.begin(); it_taxel!= taxels.end(); ++it_taxel)
+ {
+ outFile << (**it_taxel).getPosition()[0] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getPosition()[1]
+ << " " <<(**it_taxel).getPosition()[2] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[0]
+ << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[1] << " " <<(**it_taxel).getNormal()[2]
+ << " " <<(**it_taxel).getID() < &_activeSkinPartsNames, const map &_skinPartPosFilePaths):
-RateThread(_rate),name(_name), robot(_robot), verbosity(_v), type(_type), activeSkinPartsNames(_activeSkinPartsNames), skinPartPosFilePaths(_skinPartPosFilePaths)
+virtContactGenerationThread::virtContactGenerationThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot, int _v,
+ const string &_type, const vector &_activeSkinPartsNames,
+ const map &_skinPartPosFilePaths) :
+ RateThread(_rate),name(_name), robot(_robot), verbosity(_v), type(_type),
+ activeSkinPartsNames(_activeSkinPartsNames), skinPartPosFilePaths(_skinPartPosFilePaths)
skinEventsOutPort = new BufferedPort;
@@ -186,57 +231,77 @@ RateThread(_rate),name(_name), robot(_robot), verbosity(_v), type(_type), active
bool virtContactGenerationThread::threadInit()
/* initialize random seed: */
- srand (time(NULL));
+ srand ((unsigned int)time(NULL));
int returnValue = initSkinParts();
- if(returnValue == -1){
+ if(returnValue == -1)
+ {
yError("[virtContactGenerationThread] Could not initialize skin parts.\n");
return false;
- if(verbosity > 5){
+ if(verbosity > 5)
+ {
- if (activeSkinPartsNames.size() != activeSkinParts.size()){
- yError("[virtContactGenerationThread] activeSkinPartsNames and activeSkinParts have different size (%lu vs. %lu).\n",activeSkinPartsNames.size(),activeSkinParts.size());
+ if (activeSkinPartsNames.size() != activeSkinParts.size())
+ {
+ yError("[virtContactGenerationThread] activeSkinPartsNames and activeSkinParts have different size (%lu vs. %lu).\n",
+ activeSkinPartsNames.size(),activeSkinParts.size());
return false;
+ taxelIDinList.clear();
+ skinPartIndexInVector = rand() % activeSkinPartsNames.size(); //so e.g. for size 3, this should give 0, 1, or 2, which is right
+ skinPartPickedName = activeSkinPartsNames[skinPartIndexInVector];
+ skinPartPicked = activeSkinParts[skinPartPickedName];
+ taxelPickedIndex = rand() % skinPartPicked.taxels.size();
+ taxelPicked = *(skinPartPicked.taxels[taxelPickedIndex]);
+ taxelIDinList.push_back(taxelPicked.getID()); //there will be only a single taxel in the list, but we want to keep the information which taxel it was
+ printMessage(3,"Randomly selecting taxel ID: %d, from %s. Pose in local FoR (pos,norm): %f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ taxelPicked.getID(),SkinPart_s[skinPartPickedName].c_str(),taxelPicked.getPosition()[0],taxelPicked.getPosition()[1],
+ taxelPicked.getPosition()[2],taxelPicked.getNormal()[0],taxelPicked.getNormal()[1],taxelPicked.getNormal()[2]);
return true;
void virtContactGenerationThread::run()
- taxelIDinList.clear();
- if (type == "random"){
+ if (type == "random")
+ {
+ taxelIDinList.clear();
skinPartIndexInVector = rand() % activeSkinPartsNames.size(); //so e.g. for size 3, this should give 0, 1, or 2, which is right
skinPartPickedName = activeSkinPartsNames[skinPartIndexInVector];
skinPartPicked = activeSkinParts[skinPartPickedName];
taxelPickedIndex = rand() % skinPartPicked.taxels.size();
taxelPicked = *(skinPartPicked.taxels[taxelPickedIndex]);
taxelIDinList.push_back(taxelPicked.getID()); //there will be only a single taxel in the list, but we want to keep the information which taxel it was
- printMessage(3,"Randomly selecting taxel ID: %d, from %s. Pose in local FoR (pos,norm): %f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",taxelPicked.getID(),SkinPart_s[skinPartPickedName].c_str(),taxelPicked.getPosition()[0],taxelPicked.getPosition()[1],taxelPicked.getPosition()[2],taxelPicked.getNormal()[0],taxelPicked.getNormal()[1],taxelPicked.getNormal()[2]);
- skinContact c(getBodyPart(skinPartPickedName), skinPartPickedName, getLinkNum(skinPartPickedName), taxelPicked.getPosition(), taxelPicked.getPosition(),taxelIDinList,VIRT_CONTACT_PRESSURE,taxelPicked.getNormal());
- // skinContact(const BodyPart &_bodyPart, const SkinPart &_skinPart, unsigned int _linkNumber, const yarp::sig::Vector &_CoP,
- // const yarp::sig::Vector &_geoCenter, std::vector _taxelList, double _pressure, const yarp::sig::Vector &_normalDir);
- printMessage(3,"Creating skin contact as follows: %s.\n",c.toString().c_str());
- //see also void SimulatorModule::sendSkinEvents(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList& skinContactListReport)
- //and compensationThread.cpp void CompensationThread::sendSkinEvents()
- skinContactList &listWithPickedSkinContact = skinEventsOutPort->prepare();
- listWithPickedSkinContact.clear();;
- listWithPickedSkinContact.push_back(c);
- skinEventsOutPort->setEnvelope(ts);
- skinEventsOutPort->write();
+ printMessage(3,"Randomly selecting taxel ID: %d, from %s. Pose in local FoR (pos,norm): %f %f %f; norm:%f %f %f.\n",
+ taxelPicked.getID(),SkinPart_s[skinPartPickedName].c_str(),taxelPicked.getPosition()[0],
+ taxelPicked.getPosition()[1],taxelPicked.getPosition()[2],taxelPicked.getNormal()[0],
+ taxelPicked.getNormal()[1],taxelPicked.getNormal()[2]);
+ skinContact c(getBodyPart(skinPartPickedName), skinPartPickedName, getLinkNum(skinPartPickedName), taxelPicked.getPosition(),
+ taxelPicked.getPosition(),taxelIDinList,VIRT_CONTACT_PRESSURE,taxelPicked.getNormal());
+ // skinContact(const BodyPart &_bodyPart, const SkinPart &_skinPart, unsigned int _linkNumber, const yarp::sig::Vector &_CoP,
+ // const yarp::sig::Vector &_geoCenter, std::vector _taxelList, double _pressure, const yarp::sig::Vector &_normalDir);
+ printMessage(3,"Creating skin contact as follows: %s.\n",c.toString().c_str());
+ //see also void SimulatorModule::sendSkinEvents(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList& skinContactListReport)
+ //and compensationThread.cpp void CompensationThread::sendSkinEvents()
+ skinContactList &listWithPickedSkinContact = skinEventsOutPort->prepare();
+ listWithPickedSkinContact.clear();;
+ listWithPickedSkinContact.push_back(c);
+ skinEventsOutPort->setEnvelope(ts);
+ skinEventsOutPort->write();
int virtContactGenerationThread::printMessage(const int l, const char *f, ...) const
@@ -257,6 +322,11 @@ int virtContactGenerationThread::printMessage(const int l, const char *f, ...) c
void virtContactGenerationThread::threadRelease()
+ activeSkinPartsNames.clear();
+ skinPartPosFilePaths.clear();
+ activeSkinParts.clear();
+ taxelIDinList.clear();
printMessage(0,"Closing ports..\n");
printMessage(1,"skinEventsOutPort successfully closed!\n");
diff --git a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.h b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.h
index 3c6d392..7aabd66 100644
--- a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.h
+++ b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtContactGenThread.h
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class virtContactGenerationThread: public RateThread
* Prints a message according to the verbosity level:
- * @param l is the level of verbosity: if level > verbosity, something is printed
+ * @param l will be checked against the global var verbosity: if verbosity >= l, something is printed
* @param f is the text. Please use c standard (like printf)
int printMessage(const int l, const char *f, ...) const;
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class virtContactGenerationThread: public RateThread
virtContactGenerationThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot,
- int _v, const string &_type, const vector &_activeSkinPartsNames, const map &_skinPartPosFilePaths);
+ int _v, const string &_type, const vector &_activeSkinPartsNames,
+ const map &_skinPartPosFilePaths);
virtual bool threadInit();
// RUN
diff --git a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtualContactGeneration.cpp b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtualContactGeneration.cpp
index f66ac71..177aa1a 100644
--- a/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtualContactGeneration.cpp
+++ b/modules/virtualContactGeneration/virtualContactGeneration.cpp
@@ -173,12 +173,14 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
//*************** ACTIVE SKIN PARTS GROUP ****************
Bottle &bSkinParts=rf.findGroup("skin_parts");
- if (!bSkinParts.isNull()){
+ if (!bSkinParts.isNull())
+ {
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_LEFT_HAND"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_HAND").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_HAND").asString()=="on")
+ {
partOfSkin = SKIN_LEFT_HAND;
yInfo("Adding SKIN_LEFT_HAND to active skin parts.");
@@ -189,7 +191,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM").asString()=="on")
+ {
yInfo("Adding SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM to active skin parts.");
@@ -199,7 +202,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_LEFT_UPPER_ARM"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_UPPER_ARM").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_LEFT_UPPER_ARM").asString()=="on")
+ {
yInfo("Adding SKIN_LEFT_UPPER_ARM to active skin parts.");
@@ -209,7 +213,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_RIGHT_HAND"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_HAND").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_HAND").asString()=="on")
+ {
yInfo("Adding SKIN_RIGHT_HAND to active skin parts.");
@@ -220,7 +225,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM").asString()=="on")
+ {
yInfo("Adding SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM to active skin parts.");
@@ -231,7 +237,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
if (bSkinParts.check("SKIN_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM"))
- if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM").asString()=="on"){
+ if(bSkinParts.find("SKIN_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM").asString()=="on")
+ {
yInfo("Adding SKIN_RIGHT_UPPER_ARM to active skin parts.");
@@ -251,8 +258,9 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
skinRF.setDefaultContext("skinGui"); //overridden by --context parameter
skinRF.setDefaultConfigFile("skinManAll.ini"); //overridden by --from parameter
+ skinRF.setVerbose(true);
Bottle &skinEventsConf = skinRF.findGroup("SKIN_EVENTS");
@@ -317,6 +325,8 @@ class virtualContactGeneration: public RFModule
delete virtContactGenThrd;
virtContactGenThrd = 0;
+ activeSkinPartsNamesVector.clear();
+ skinPartsPositionsFilePaths.clear();
return true;
diff --git a/modules/visuoTactileRF/visuoTactileRF.cpp b/modules/visuoTactileRF/visuoTactileRF.cpp
index d738494..65cb777 100644
--- a/modules/visuoTactileRF/visuoTactileRF.cpp
+++ b/modules/visuoTactileRF/visuoTactileRF.cpp
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
modality = "1D";
verbosity = 0; // verbosity
- rate = 50; // rate of the vtRFThread
+ rate = 20; // rate of the vtRFThread
//********************** CONFIGS ***********************
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
string filePath(skinRF.findFile(taxelPosFile.c_str()));
if (filePath!="")
- yInfo("[skin_event] filePath [%i] %s\n",0,filePath.c_str());
+ yInfo("[visuoTactileRF] filePath [%i] %s\n",0,filePath.c_str());
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
string filePath(skinRF.findFile(taxelPosFile.c_str()));
if (filePath!="")
- yInfo("[skin_event] filePath [%i] %s\n",1,filePath.c_str());
+ yInfo("[visuoTactileRF] filePath [%i] %s\n",1,filePath.c_str());
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
string filePath(skinRF.findFile(taxelPosFile.c_str()));
if (filePath!="")
- yInfo("[skin_event] filePath [%i] %s\n",2,filePath.c_str());
+ yInfo("[visuoTactileRF] filePath [%i] %s\n",2,filePath.c_str());
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
string filePath(skinRF.findFile(taxelPosFile.c_str()));
if (filePath!="")
- yInfo("[skin_event] filePath [%i] %s\n",3,filePath.c_str());
+ yInfo("[visuoTactileRF] filePath [%i] %s\n",3,filePath.c_str());
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
string filePath(skinRF.findFile(taxelPosFile.c_str()));
if (filePath!="")
- yInfo("[skin_event] filePath [%i] %s\n",i,filePath.c_str());
+ yInfo("[visuoTactileRF] filePath [%i] %s\n",i,filePath.c_str());
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
//*************** eyes' Resource finder ****************
ResourceFinder gazeRF;
- gazeRF.setVerbose(bool(verbosity));
+ gazeRF.setVerbose(verbosity!=0);
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class visuoTactileRF: public RFModule
- eyeAlignRF.setVerbose(bool(verbosity));
+ eyeAlignRF.setVerbose(verbosity!=0);
diff --git a/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.cpp b/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.cpp
index 0169009..1b35f3d 100644
--- a/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.cpp
+++ b/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.cpp
@@ -70,41 +70,41 @@ bool vtRFThread::threadInit()
skinPortIn -> open(("/"+name+"/skin_events:i").c_str());
- skinPortOut.open(("/"+name+"/skin_events:o").c_str());
+ ppsEventsPortOut.open(("/"+name+"/pps_events_aggreg:o").c_str());
* It is not recommended but it is fast practice as well
- if (robot=="icub")
- {
- Network::connect("/icub/camcalib/left/out",("/"+name+"/imageL:i").c_str());
- Network::connect("/icub/camcalib/right/out",("/"+name+"/imageR:i").c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- Network::connect("/icubSim/cam/left",("/"+name+"/imageL:i").c_str());
- Network::connect("/icubSim/cam/right",("/"+name+"/imageR:i").c_str());
- }
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/imageL:o").c_str(),"/vtRF/left");
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/imageR:o").c_str(),"/vtRF/right");
- Network::connect("/doubleTouch/status:o",("/"+name+"/input:i").c_str());
- Network::connect("/visuoTactileWrapper/events:o",("/"+name+"/events:i").c_str());
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiForearmL:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i");
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiForearmR:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i");
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiHandL:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i");
- Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiHandR:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i");
+ // if (robot=="icub")
+ // {
+ // Network::connect("/icub/camcalib/left/out",("/"+name+"/imageL:i").c_str());
+ // Network::connect("/icub/camcalib/right/out",("/"+name+"/imageR:i").c_str());
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // Network::connect("/icubSim/cam/left",("/"+name+"/imageL:i").c_str());
+ // Network::connect("/icubSim/cam/right",("/"+name+"/imageR:i").c_str());
+ // }
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/imageL:o").c_str(),"/vtRF/left");
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/imageR:o").c_str(),"/vtRF/right");
+ // Network::connect("/doubleTouch/status:o",("/"+name+"/input:i").c_str());
+ // Network::connect("/visuoTactileWrapper/events:o",("/"+name+"/events:i").c_str());
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiForearmL:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/left_forearm_virtual:i");
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiForearmR:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/right_forearm_virtual:i");
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiHandL:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/left_hand_virtual:i");
+ // Network::connect(("/"+name+"/skinGuiHandR:o").c_str(),"/skinGui/right_hand_virtual:i");
- Network::connect("/skinManager/skin_events:o",("/"+name+"/skin_events:i").c_str());
- ts.update();
+ // Network::connect("/skinManager/skin_events:o",("/"+name+"/skin_events:i").c_str());
+ ts.update();
if (rf->check("rightHand") || rf->check("rightForeArm") ||
- (!rf->check("rightHand") && !rf->check("rightForeArm") && !rf->check("leftHand") && !rf->check("leftForeArm")))
+ (!rf->check("rightHand") && !rf->check("rightForeArm") && !rf->check("leftHand") && !rf->check("leftForeArm")))
Property OptR;
OptR.put("robot", robot.c_str());
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ bool vtRFThread::threadInit()
if (rf->check("leftHand") || rf->check("leftForeArm") ||
- (!rf->check("rightHand") && !rf->check("rightForeArm") && !rf->check("leftHand") && !rf->check("leftForeArm")))
+ (!rf->check("rightHand") && !rf->check("rightForeArm") && !rf->check("leftHand") && !rf->check("leftForeArm")))
Property OptL;
OptL.put("robot", robot.c_str());
@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ void vtRFThread::run()
if (inputEvents.size() != 0)
// read the events
- for (size_t i = 0; i < inputEvents.size(); i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputEvents.size(); i++)
- printMessage(3,"[EVENT] %s", incomingEvents.back().toString().c_str());
+ printMessage(3,"[EVENT] %s\n", incomingEvents.back().toString().c_str());
// manage the buffer
@@ -415,76 +415,87 @@ void vtRFThread::manageSkinEvents()
int iCubSkinID=-1;
bool isThereAnEvent = false;
+ Bottle & out = ppsEventsPortOut.prepare(); out.clear();
+ Bottle b; b.clear();
if (incomingEvents.size()>0) // if there's an event
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++) // cycle through the skinparts
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++) // cycle through the skinparts
- if (!isThereAnEvent) // process only one contact at a time
+ b.clear(); //so there will be one bottle per skin part (if there was a significant event)
+ taxelsIDs.clear();
+ isThereAnEvent = false;
+ //take only highly activated "taxels"
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++) // cycle through the taxels
- for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++) // cycle through the taxels
- {
- if (dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Resp > 50)
- {
- taxelsIDs.push_back(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getID());
- isThereAnEvent = true;
- }
- }
- if (isThereAnEvent)
+ if (dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Resp > 50)
- part = iCubSkin[i].name;
- iCubSkinID = i;
+ taxelsIDs.push_back(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getID());
+ isThereAnEvent = true;
- else
- taxelsIDs.clear();
- }
- }
- if (isThereAnEvent && taxelsIDs.size()>0)
- {
- Vector geoCenter(3,0.0), normalDir(3,0.0);
- int w = 0, w_sum = 0;
- Bottle b;
- b.clear();
- if (part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM] || part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND])
- {
- b.addString("left");
- }
- else if (part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM] || part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND])
- {
- b.addString("right");
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < taxelsIDs.size(); ++i)
- {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[iCubSkinID].taxels.size(); j++)
+ if (isThereAnEvent && taxelsIDs.size()>0)
- if (iCubSkin[iCubSkinID].taxels[j]->getID() == taxelsIDs[i])
+ Vector geoCenter(3,0.0), normalDir(3,0.0);
+ Vector geoCenterWRF(3,0.0), normalDirWRF(3,0.0); //in world reference frame
+ int w = 0;
+ int w_max = 0;
+ int w_sum = 0;
+ part = iCubSkin[i].name;
+ //the output format on the port will be:
+ //(SkinPart_enum x_linkFoR y_linkFoR z_linkFoR n1_linkFoR n2_linkFoR n3_linkFoR x_RootFoR y_RootFoR z_RootFoR n1_RootFoR n2_RootFoR n3_RootFoR magnitude SkinPart_string)
+ //paralleling the one produced in skinEventsAggregator skinEventsAggregThread::run()
+ b.addInt(getSkinPartFromString(iCubSkin[i].name));
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < taxelsIDs.size(); k++)
- w = dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[iCubSkinID].taxels[j])->Resp;
- geoCenter += iCubSkin[iCubSkinID].taxels[j]->getWRFPosition()*w;
- normalDir += locateTaxel(iCubSkin[iCubSkinID].taxels[j]->getNormal(),part)*w;
- w_sum += w;
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); p++) //these two loops are not an efficient implementation
+ {
+ if (iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getID() == taxelsIDs[k])
+ {
+ w = dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[p])->Resp;
+ printMessage(4,"part %s: pps taxel ID %d, pos (%s), activation: %d\n",part.c_str(),taxelsIDs[k],iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getPosition().toString().c_str(),w);
+ //The final geoCenter and normalDir will be a weighted average of the activations
+ geoCenter += iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getPosition()*w; //Matej, 24.2., changing convention - link not Root FoR
+ normalDir += iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getNormal()*w;
+ geoCenterWRF += iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getWRFPosition()*w; //original code
+ normalDirWRF += locateTaxel(iCubSkin[i].taxels[p]->getNormal(),part)*w;
+ w_sum += w;
+ if (w>w_max)
+ w_max = w;
+ }
+ }
+ geoCenter /= w_sum;
+ normalDir /= w_sum;
+ geoCenterWRF /= w_sum;
+ normalDirWRF /= w_sum;
+ vectorIntoBottle(geoCenter,b);
+ vectorIntoBottle(normalDir,b);
+ vectorIntoBottle(geoCenterWRF,b);
+ vectorIntoBottle(normalDirWRF,b);
+ b.addDouble(w_max/255.0); //scaling - will be normalized in the end
+ b.addString(part);
+ out.addList().read(b);
- geoCenter /= w_sum;
- normalDir /= w_sum;
- vectorIntoBottle(geoCenter,b);
- vectorIntoBottle(normalDir,b);
- skinPortOut.setEnvelope(ts);
- skinPortOut.write(b); // send something anyway (if there is no contact the bottle is empty)
- }
+ ppsEventsPortOut.setEnvelope(ts);
+ ppsEventsPortOut.write(); // let's send only if there was en event
+ }
void vtRFThread::sendContactsToSkinGui()
Vector respToSkin;
- for(size_t i=0; igetID());
+ yWarning("skinPart %d Taxel %d : no list of represented taxels is available, even if repr2TaxelList is not empty",i,iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getID());
respToSkin[iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getID()] = dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Resp;
@@ -571,7 +582,7 @@ bool vtRFThread::detectContact(iCub::skinDynLib::skinContactList *_sCL, int &idx
if( it -> getPressure() > SKIN_THRES && (it -> getTaxelList()).size() > 2 )
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
if (SkinPart_s[it -> getSkinPart()] == iCubSkin[i].name)
@@ -624,7 +635,7 @@ string vtRFThread::load()
Bottle b; b.read(data);
yDebug("[vtRF::load] iCubSkinSize %i",iCubSkinSize);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
Bottle bb = b.findGroup(iCubSkin[i].name.c_str());
@@ -660,7 +671,7 @@ string vtRFThread::load()
yDebug("[vtRF::load][%s] size %i\tnTaxels %i\text %s\tbinsNum %i %i",iCubSkin[i].name.c_str(),size,
- for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (verbosity>=3)
@@ -671,13 +682,13 @@ string vtRFThread::load()
if (verbosity>=3) printf("\n");
iCubSkin[i].taxel2Repr = mapp;
- for (size_t j = 0; j < nTaxels; j++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < nTaxels; j++)
// 7 are the number of lines in the skinpart group that are not taxels
bbb = bb.get(j+7).asList();
printMessage(3,"Reading taxel %s\n",bbb->toString().c_str());
- for (int k = 0; k < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); k++)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); k++)
if (iCubSkin[i].taxels[k]->getID() == bbb->get(0).asInt())
@@ -707,7 +718,7 @@ string vtRFThread::save()
if (myfile.is_open())
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
Bottle data;
@@ -805,38 +816,40 @@ bool vtRFThread::trainTaxels(const std::vector IDv, const int IDx)
bool vtRFThread::projectIncomingEvent()
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < incomingEvents.size(); k++)
- Matrix T_a = eye(4); // transform matrix relative to the arm
- if ((iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM]) || (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND]))
- {
- iencsL->getEncoders(encsL->data());
- yarp::sig::Vector qL=encsL->subVector(0,6);
- armL -> setAng(qL*CTRL_DEG2RAD);
- if (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM])
- T_a = armL -> getH(3+4, true);
- else //(iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND])
- T_a = armL -> getH(3+6, true);
- }
- else if ((iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM]) || (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND]))
- {
- iencsR->getEncoders(encsR->data());
- yarp::sig::Vector qR=encsR->subVector(0,6);
- armR -> setAng(qR*CTRL_DEG2RAD);
- if (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM])
- T_a = armR -> getH(3+4, true);
- else //(iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND])
- T_a = armR -> getH(3+6, true);
- }
- else
- yError("[vtRFThread] in projectIncomingEvent!\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ {
+ Matrix T_a = eye(4); // transform matrix relative to the arm
+ if ((iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM]) || (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND]))
+ {
+ iencsL->getEncoders(encsL->data());
+ yarp::sig::Vector qL=encsL->subVector(0,6);
+ armL -> setAng(qL*CTRL_DEG2RAD);
+ if (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM])
+ T_a = armL -> getH(3+4, true);
+ else //(iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND])
+ T_a = armL -> getH(3+6, true);
+ }
+ else if ((iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM]) || (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND]))
+ {
+ iencsR->getEncoders(encsR->data());
+ yarp::sig::Vector qR=encsR->subVector(0,6);
+ armR -> setAng(qR*CTRL_DEG2RAD);
+ if (iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM])
+ T_a = armR -> getH(3+4, true);
+ else //(iCubSkin[i].name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND])
+ T_a = armR -> getH(3+6, true);
+ }
+ else
+ yError("[vtRFThread] in projectIncomingEvent!\n");
- // yInfo("T_A:\n%s",T_a.toString().c_str());
+ // yInfo("T_A:\n%s",T_a.toString().c_str());
- for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++)
- {
- dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Evnt=projectIntoTaxelRF(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getFoR(),T_a,
- incomingEvents[incomingEvents.size()-1]);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++)
+ {
+ dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Evnt=projectIntoTaxelRF(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j]->getFoR(),T_a,
+ incomingEvents[k]);
// There's a reason behind this choice
@@ -844,6 +857,7 @@ bool vtRFThread::projectIncomingEvent()
printMessage(5,"Projection -> i: %i\tID %i\tEvent: %s\n",i,j,dynamic_cast(iCubSkin[i].taxels[j])->Evnt.toString().c_str());
+ }
return true;
@@ -873,7 +887,7 @@ IncomingEvent4TaxelPWE vtRFThread::projectIntoTaxelRF(const Matrix &RF,const Mat
void vtRFThread::resetParzenWindows()
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++)
@@ -884,7 +898,7 @@ void vtRFThread::resetParzenWindows()
bool vtRFThread::computeResponse()
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++)
@@ -944,7 +958,7 @@ void vtRFThread::drawTaxels(string _eye)
- for (size_t i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < iCubSkinSize; i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < iCubSkin[i].taxels.size(); j++)
@@ -969,9 +983,9 @@ void vtRFThread::drawTaxel(ImageOf &Im, const yarp::sig::Vector &px,
if ((u >= r) && (u <= 320 - r) && (v >= r) && (v <= 240 - r))
- for (size_t x=0; x<2*r; x++)
+ for (int x=0; x<2*r; x++)
- for (size_t y=0; y<2*r; y++)
+ for (int y=0; y<2*r; y++)
if (part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM] || part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM] ||
part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_HAND] || part == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_HAND])
@@ -1148,9 +1162,10 @@ bool vtRFThread::setTaxelPosesFromFile(const string filePath, skinPartPWE &sP)
yarp::os::Bottle &calibration = rf.findGroup("calibration");
if (calibration.isNull())
- yError("[skinPart::setTaxelPosesFromFile] No calibration group found!");
+ yError("[vtRFThread::setTaxelPosesFromFile] No calibration group found!");
return false;
+ printMessage(6,"[vtRFThread::setTaxelPosesFromFile] found %i taxels (not all of them are valid taxels).\n", calibration.size()-1);
// First item of the bottle is "calibration", so we should not use it
for (int i = 1; i < calibration.size()-1; i++)
@@ -1247,6 +1262,7 @@ bool vtRFThread::setTaxelPosesFromFile(const string filePath, skinPartPWE &sP)
void vtRFThread::initRepresentativeTaxels(skinPart &sP)
+ printMessage(6,"[vtRFThread::initRepresentativeTaxels] Initializing representative taxels for %s\n",sP.name.c_str());
int i=0;
list taxels_list;
if (sP.name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_LEFT_FOREARM] || sP.name == SkinPart_s[SKIN_RIGHT_FOREARM])
@@ -1780,6 +1796,10 @@ void vtRFThread::threadRelease()
yDebug(" skinPortIn successfully closed!\n");
+ ppsEventsPortOut.interrupt();
+ ppsEventsPortOut.close();
+ yDebug("ppsEventsPortOut successfully closed!\n");
// closePort(skinGuiPortForearmL);
diff --git a/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.h b/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.h
index 4814af4..22a12d8 100644
--- a/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.h
+++ b/modules/visuoTactileRF/vtRFThread.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class vtRFThread: public RateThread
BufferedPort skinGuiPortHandR;
BufferedPort *skinPortIn; // input from the skinManager
- Port skinPortOut; // output for the events
+ BufferedPort ppsEventsPortOut; // output for the events
Port dataDumperPortOut; // output for the dataDumper (quick thing
yarp::sig::Vector dumpedVector;
diff --git a/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.cpp b/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.cpp
index 5087073..c7a0602 100644
--- a/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.cpp
+++ b/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.cpp
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ vtWThread::vtWThread(int _rate, const string &_name, const string &_robot, int _
RateThread(_rate), name(_name), robot(_robot), verbosity(_v)
- optFlowVelEstimate.resize(3,0.0);
+ optFlowVel.resize(3,0.0);
- pf3dTrackerVelEstimate.resize(3,0.0);
+ pf3dTrackerVel.resize(3,0.0);
- doubleTouchVelEstimate.resize(3,0.0);
+ doubleTouchVel.resize(3,0.0);
- fgtTrackerVelEstimate.resize(3,0.0);
+ fgtTrackerVel.resize(3,0.0);
armR = new iCubArm("right");
armL = new iCubArm("left");
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ bool vtWThread::threadInit()
+ genericObjectsPort.open(("/"+name+"/genericObjects:i").c_str());
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ bool vtWThread::threadInit()
+ Network::connect("/objectGeneratorSim/obstacles:o",("/"+name+"/genericObjects:i").c_str());
@@ -128,7 +130,6 @@ bool vtWThread::threadInit()
void vtWThread::run()
@@ -137,6 +138,28 @@ void vtWThread::run()
bool isTarget = false;
+ // process the generiObject port
+ if (genericObjectsBottle = genericObjectsPort.read(false))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < genericObjectsBottle->size(); i++)
+ {
+ Bottle b = *(genericObjectsBottle->get(i).asList());
+ if (b.size()>=4)
+ {
+ Vector p(3,0.0);
+ double r=0;
+ p[0] = b.get(0).asDouble();
+ p[1] = b.get(1).asDouble();
+ p[2] = b.get(2).asDouble();
+ r = b.get(3).asDouble();
+ events.push_back(IncomingEvent(p,Vector(3,0.0),r,"genericObjects"));
+ isTarget=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// process the optFlow
if (optFlowBottle = optFlowPort.read(false))
@@ -150,9 +173,9 @@ void vtWThread::run()
AWPolyElement el(optFlowPos,Time::now());
- optFlowVelEstimate=linEst_optFlow->estimate(el);
+ optFlowVel=linEst_optFlow->estimate(el);
- events.push_back(IncomingEvent(optFlowPos,optFlowVelEstimate,0.05,"optFlow"));
+ events.push_back(IncomingEvent(optFlowPos,optFlowVel,0.05,"optFlow"));
@@ -185,9 +208,9 @@ void vtWThread::run()
AWPolyElement el(pf3dTrackerPos,Time::now());
- pf3dTrackerVelEstimate=linEst_pf3dTracker->estimate(el);
+ pf3dTrackerVel=linEst_pf3dTracker->estimate(el);
- events.push_back(IncomingEvent(pf3dTrackerPos,pf3dTrackerVelEstimate,0.05,"pf3dTracker"));
+ events.push_back(IncomingEvent(pf3dTrackerPos,pf3dTrackerVel,0.05,"pf3dTracker"));
@@ -211,7 +234,7 @@ void vtWThread::run()
fgtTrackerPos[1] = fgtTrackerBottle->get(2).asDouble();
fgtTrackerPos[2] = fgtTrackerBottle->get(3).asDouble();
AWPolyElement el2(fgtTrackerPos,Time::now());
- fgtTrackerVelEstimate=linEst_fgtTracker->estimate(el2);
+ fgtTrackerVel=linEst_fgtTracker->estimate(el2);
@@ -221,7 +244,7 @@ void vtWThread::run()
else if(doubleTouchStep>1 && doubleTouchStep<8)
- events.push_back(IncomingEvent(fgtTrackerPos,fgtTrackerVelEstimate,-1.0,"fingertipTracker"));
+ events.push_back(IncomingEvent(fgtTrackerPos,fgtTrackerVel,-1.0,"fingertipTracker"));
@@ -281,8 +304,8 @@ void vtWThread::run()
yDebug("Computing data from the doubleTouch %g\n",getEstUsed());
AWPolyElement el2(doubleTouchPos,Time::now());
- doubleTouchVelEstimate=linEst_doubleTouch->estimate(el2);
- events.push_back(IncomingEvent(doubleTouchPos,doubleTouchVelEstimate,-1.0,"doubleTouch"));
+ doubleTouchVel=linEst_doubleTouch->estimate(el2);
+ events.push_back(IncomingEvent(doubleTouchPos,doubleTouchVel,-1.0,"doubleTouch"));
@@ -328,7 +351,7 @@ void vtWThread::sendGuiTarget()
Bottle obj;
- obj.addString("Target");
+ obj.addString("obstacle");
// size
@@ -347,8 +370,8 @@ void vtWThread::sendGuiTarget()
// color
- obj.addInt(125);
- obj.addInt(125);
+ obj.addInt(0);
+ obj.addInt(0);
// transparency
diff --git a/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.h b/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.h
index 372fec3..7a52660 100644
--- a/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.h
+++ b/modules/visuoTactileWrapper/vtWThread.h
@@ -92,17 +92,17 @@ class vtWThread: public RateThread
BufferedPort pf3dTrackerPort;
Bottle *pf3dTrackerBottle;
Vector pf3dTrackerPos;
- Vector pf3dTrackerVelEstimate;
+ Vector pf3dTrackerVel;
BufferedPort optFlowPort;
Bottle *optFlowBottle;
Vector optFlowPos;
- Vector optFlowVelEstimate;
+ Vector optFlowVel;
BufferedPort doubleTouchPort;
Bottle *doubleTouchBottle;
Vector doubleTouchPos;
- Vector doubleTouchVelEstimate;
+ Vector doubleTouchVel;
int doubleTouchStep; // the step the doubleTouch is in
string currentTask;
@@ -110,7 +110,10 @@ class vtWThread: public RateThread
BufferedPort fgtTrackerPort;
Bottle *fgtTrackerBottle;
Vector fgtTrackerPos;
- Vector fgtTrackerVelEstimate;
+ Vector fgtTrackerVel;
+ BufferedPort genericObjectsPort;
+ Bottle *genericObjectsBottle;
// Velocity Estimators (using adaptive window linear fitting)
AWLinEstimator *linEst_optFlow;