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Development Guide


Setup should be easy, as all our packages are isolated in their own .venv maintained by Poetry. To control such venvs, including the meta venv (which is the venv associated to the project bringing in all the packages together), an invocations set of helpers are used with the inv[oke] command, based on the supported tasks. (file found in every project)

So the first thing to run is inv -l to see a list of available commands, and if you see just one, it means that you need to run inv install-invocations once, right in the root directory of the repository. (the meta project)

Explore our helper commands with inv <cmd> --help in order to learn more about each one of them.

Virtual environment(s)

In case invoke isn't installed yet on your system, you have to do so by either your package manager or pip install invoke if you're fine with relying on system's Python interpreter. Keep in mind that we recommend developing with version 3.9.x as that's what we recommend in our robots. So is better to develop with the same version that is expected to be at the core of our robots. (pinned in their conda.yaml)

For obtaining an env with such specific version, you can either use virtualenv or pyenv, but that's totally up to you.

Using pyenv on any platform to manage interpreters

With pyenv, I would do the following (in the repo root):

% pyenv install 3.9.13
% pyenv local 3.9.13

and pyenv versions would display a nice confirmation given the locally set interpreter:

* 3.9.13 (set by /Users/cmin/Repos/rpaframework/.python-version)

and pyenv which python:

/Users/cmin/.pyenv/versions/3.9.13/bin/python  # C:\Users\cmin\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.9.13\python.exe

Using system's interpreter on Windows (alternative to pyenv)

  1. Uninstall any Python 3.9 version you might have on your system. Careful! This might break apps dependent on your system interpreter if this was previously taken into use.
  2. Download the latest Python 3.9 and make sure it will be available in PATH as well during installation.
  3. Do NOT install nor create any virtualenv for this project, as Poetry manages its own virtual environments in separate .venv directories for each package. Check the installed system-available interpreter version with:
    > py -V
    Python 3.9.13

Installing requirements

Now I'm good to go with running these installation commands once from the root dir:

% python -m pip install -Ur invocations/requirements.txt
% inv install-invocations

Building the Poetry venv for the first time in the main package:

% cd packages/main
% inv install

and poetry env info would return me something like below:

On Mac
Python:         3.9.13
Implementation: CPython
Path:           /Users/cmin/Repos/rpaframework/packages/main/.venv
Executable:     /Users/cmin/Repos/rpaframework/packages/main/.venv/bin/python
Valid:          True

Platform:   darwin
OS:         posix
Python:     3.9.13
Path:       /Users/cmin/.pyenv/versions/3.9.13
Executable: /Users/cmin/.pyenv/versions/3.9.13/bin/python3.9
On Windows
Python:         3.9.13
Implementation: CPython
Path:           Z:\Repos\rpaframework\packages\main\.venv
Executable:     Z:\Repos\rpaframework\packages\main\.venv\Scripts\python.exe
Valid:          True

Platform:   win32
OS:         nt
Python:     3.9.13
Path:       C:\Users\cmin\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.9.13
Executable: C:\Users\cmin\.pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.9.13\python.exe

Meaning that my .venv virtualenv dir managed by Poetry is in place and based on the expected previously installed interpreter version.

PyPI & DevPI

Before running any Poetry related invoke command, is desirable to configure it first with the inv install.setup-poetry command, place where you can provide credentials for configuring as well the servers into which you'll be publishing packages:

  • PyPI: inv install.setup-poetry -t <token>
  • DevPI: inv install.setup-poetry -d -u <usr> -p <pwd>

Note that these secrets can be found in our shared 1Password store.


I'm personally faster with PyCharm, but VSCode should be enough as well as long as you can configure the following with ease:

  • Switching between the Poetry .venvs based on the project you're developing. (so you use code completion and navigation from the env you're expecting to be active)
  • Take advantage of black, pylint, isort, and even mypy, so you get your code auto-formatted. (an alias like blackify='poetry run black src/RPA tests/python' is sufficient for me)
  • Run and debug examples right from the IDE's Terminal, Python Console and action buttons.


Here's what you need to know before adding or improving an existing library. But first, let's see how they are usually intended to be used in order to understand how to approach them.


from RPA.DocumentAI import DocumentAI

document_ai = DocumentAI()

def init_base64():
    document_ai.init_engine("base64ai", secret="<api-key>")

Robot Framework

*** Settings ***
Library     RPA.DocumentAI

*** Tasks ***
Init Base64
    Init Engine    base64ai    secret=<api-key>

As you can see in the examples above, the Robot Framework keyword Init Engine is actually the init_engine() method of the instance of DocumentAI library class, which goes under the same name as the module it comes from, src/RPA/DocumentAI/

Library class

Most of the libraries (if not all) we added in our rpaframework package follow the structure you've seen above, where the library itself is either a Python package or module beginning with a capital letter, exposing a class having the same name & case.

  • Every such class define methods which will be exposed as keywords in Robot Framework robots.
  • A docstring should be present, explaining overall what the library does, and such documentation will be rendered and made visible on Robocorp's docs page. (e.g. RPA.DocumentAI)
  • And some RF specific settings are usually added as class constants:
  • The __init__ method definition is optional, but usually used to preserve the state of the library, like setting up a logger object and storing into variable attributes other instantiated dependency objects or stateful common data structures managed by the upcoming exposed methods as keywords.

Library keywords (methods)

Now that you created your library class, start defining the methods that will bring the library alive.

All the public methods (not prefixed with underscore _) are automatically exposed as visible keywords intended to be used by the user taking advantage of RPA. They are meant to simplify logic, abstract complexities and wrap other dependencies into simple to use instructions making automation easier to grasp.

Imagine these as instructions you give to your robot in order to automate a task. They should describe actions (with their name) which commands the robot. You configure them and alter the default behavior with passed parameters where only the main inputs (e.g. a path to a file to process) should be mandatory, then the rest of the "options" should pose a standard default behavior.

  • Follow the Pythonic snake_case naming convention when you define methods.
  • Ensure each such public method is type annotated and is well documented with a docstring following the standard format:
    • Summary describing what the keyword does.
    • Parameters description.
    • Python and Robot Framework usage examples.
  • Ensure each method is low-coupled with the others and contains high-cohesive code blocks. (learn more)
  • Keep these principles in mind: DRY, KISS, YAGNI
  • While not necessary, you can make these stand out by using the @keyword decorator ( imported with from robot.api.deco import keyword), place where you can configure a custom name for the expected keyword name (if the default is not satisfactory) and additional settings like tags and types.
    def get_result(self, extended: bool = False) -> ResultType:
  • Hiding keywords' logging due to security/privacy reasons can be achieved easily with the RPA.Robocorp.utils.protect_keywords utility.
    protect_keywords("RPA.DocumentAI", ["init_engine"])

Library structure

Usually all these methods go into this single library class, but sometimes you get to write a lot of them and is not desirable to manage thousands of lines of code in a single module. So you'd normally split the initial module into multiple such modules which treat different topics, then groups closely related methods into individual keyword classes. Then you'd take all these "library parts" and unite them together into the initial library class.

You may choose from two design principles:

Separate package (if needed)

Some libraries are too heavy on dependencies and the number of keywords to be implemented directly into main, therefore we create a new package in this "monolith" repo, and we place them inside this one by following the same structure. Afterwards this becomes self-contained and gets released as a separate package into PyPI.

For internal developers

Based on the usage frequency (and reasonable set of dependencies it brings), such package can be included in the main one by pinning it into the pyproject.toml file. If not, then for sure this has to be pinned in the meta's pyproject.toml in order to get the documentation built and test how all our packages will go along together.

Required changes

Is not easy to know by heart all the changes that need to be done when improving or adding a new library, so here's a list with all the areas of interest:

  • The library module/package itself discussed above.
  • Updates into pyproject.toml:
    • Its newly required dependencies should be added with poetry add <package> command. (use the -G dev option if is a development one; e.g.: poetry add requests@^2.28.1)
      • The new packages will be visible in the project's pyproject.toml file and a command like inv install.update will ensure a fresh poetry.lock file after which the current .venv is updated to.
      • Use poetry update -vvv if you want to see the output during the long runs that meta building has.
    • Bump the <major>.<minor>.<hotfix> version number appropriately to reflect the type of change you introduced. (make sure you follow semantic versioning)
      • The inv build.version can help you here with the bumping and a unique pre-release version management to avoid collision during testing. (learn more)
    • Update the meta package as well to get a fresh poetry.lock file if you're planning to release soon, right after the merge.
  • The changes you've done should be summarized in a human-friendly way in the release notes. (read more in the Release section).
  • Adding a new library (additional requirements):
    • Ensure the new RPA.<Library> is now visible in the README as well. (under Libraries)
    • There's a documentation entry under libraries as well. (follow the existing pattern)
    • Add exclusion rule in invocations' docs EXCLUDE list, so docs and libdocs get build correctly and only for what we intend to see. This is required when a library is split into multiple modules, therefore the docs generation process will include only the resources collated in the central package, so you won't run into duplicates given such a split.
    • Finally, a library entry should be added under our private documentation repo config file.

Linting & documentation

We mainly enforce flake8 and pylint as automatically run linters when publishing to production (PyPI), thing which you can independently run and check with inv code.lint.

Use inline code comments like # pylint: disable=<error> or # noqa: <code> to ignore those lines you want excluded from linting.

Docs should be built and displayed with the following commands from the meta project:

% inv install.update
% inv
% inv

Surf them on http://localhost:8000/. If they look right, you're ensured they'll be displayed the same after merge.


It's very important to cover your work with tests, at least the sweet scenario that hits the core functionality, otherwise how can you be so confident that what you change won't break already working stuff?

The risk of introducing regressions is high, and unexpectedly appears even when you do a simple package upgrade, not even talking about our own code/behaviour change. And tests will be your friend here, the more covered you are with real-life scenarios, the faster you'll deliver value by exchanging debugging and support time with tests development effort. (as you write them once, but you're covered forever, on all platforms)

Unit tests

These are inserted into the python dir.

We write pytest tests and usually run all of them with inv code.test-python.

During development, for running a single test file, a command like below should suffice:

% poetry run pytest -vv -s -o log_cli=true -o log_cli_level=DEBUG tests/python/

But what if you want to run a single suite or just a single test from that suite?

% poetry run pytest -vv -s -o log_cli=true -o log_cli_level=DEBUG tests/python/

Robot tests

These are placed in the robot dir and are meant to act like integration end-to-end tests. Therefore, we'll add test tasks testing the affected keywords under a real scenario, even with a context built using other keywords if necessary.

Imagine our customer using that affected keyword, how would he/she be calling it? Sometimes, a quick win is to copy-paste the docstring's RF example, and this way, you double-check that as well.

Robot tests are run with inv code.test-robot (excludes skip and manual tests), this meaning collecting and running all of them from the package in focus.

Run all the tests in a robot test file (runs skip, excludes manual):

% inv code.test-robot -r documentai

Run a single test in a robot test file (runs skip & manual as well):

% inv code.test-robot -r documentai -t "Predict With Multiple Engines"
Skip tags
  • skip: Tests that are usually skipped from CI, but they are still run on one's machine for extra coverage. (e.g. tests requiring a visible UI of the OS or tests accessing real external services requiring additional secrets setup and configuration)
  • manual: Tests that are even harder to set up, because they require a scenario manually created by the developer, since the required dependencies can't be automated nor easily available to all developers. (e.g. testing Windows app automation over private or limited apps or under Windows 11 ARM emulated on a Mac M1 machine through Parallels)

Resources & results

These tests may require resources (like input files) and produce git-ignored results, which are commonly used by both Python and Robot Framework tests.

Development robot

Before implementing the tests, usually you want to quickly test/debug the library through a test robot that maybe you don't want to commit. This robot already has the context built through previously added boilerplate, thing which saves you time. (e.g. some random robots)

Or maybe you want to test the in-development behaviour through an existing Portal example.

The test robot can be either in Python or Robot Framework, it doesn't matter, as it will use the very same logic from the library.

Therefore, you have two options:

  1. Use a pre-release wheel built and pushed in our own test DevPI.
    • Use inv build.publish --ci to build and publish the package into such DevPI URL.
    • Go to the URL above and copy the wheel direct link, then prefix it with our public read-only <usr>:<pwd>@ credentials so the wheel is accessible for download now.
    • Paste such link into the conda.yaml of the test robot, so the next time you rebuild the holotree env, it will use the code you just pushed, and you'll be able to test the new behaviour in a production-like scenario.
    • Such final test is important before hitting the "Merge" button, as you'll know for sure if the library will work as expected. (and that's the purpose of testing, to do it before merging the code)
  2. Run the test robot with the package's virtual environment.
    • cd into the package you develop the changes into.
    • poetry shell to get a shell within the afferent Poetry .venv.
    • Now cd into the test robot directory and run it with:
      • python -m robot -L TRACE -d ./output --task "<Task Name>" tasks.robot if is a RF robot.
      • python for a Python robot.
    • Getting such a shell will save you time from running commands with poetry run python ..., which would require to deal with longer paths.
    • Every new change brought in the project belonging to the active venv, will be immediately reflected in the next run of the testing robot. So you won't waste time with building and pushing test wheels on every change.

In order to include more cross-dependent in-development packages under the same venv, you have to use the inv install.local & inv install.reset helpers. (e.g. introducing changes into core, which affects windows, which is included in main, and you want to test how all these 3 work together)

Manual breakpoints

If you want even more speed and variable/context inspection at the same time with the development itself, you can either traditionally debug the project by running the debugger or you can use hardcoded breakpoints. They will stop the execution and spawn a Python shell for you to continue/inspect the code onwards. This shell can be exited (and execution resumes) with Ctrl+D/Ctrl+Z.

You can place such "breakpoint" in either the library code itself, a Python unit-test or a Python robot:

from RPA.core.helpers import interact
interact(local={**globals(), **locals()})

Release (internal developers only)

Once your PR passed the CI and all your manual tests, including a pre-release wheel sample run either locally or through Control Room with a custom/default Worker, you should be confident enough to hit the "Merge" button.

Post-merge, you'd normally switch back to the master branch, pull in all the just merged changes (optionally remove your local merged branch as you don't need it anymore) and finally publish the package with inv build.publish. Note that this will publish in the official PyPI (and not DevPI as happening with the --ci flag).


A few things to take care first, right before publishing the package for real:

  • Previously released sub-package (e.g. rpaframework-windows) got bumped as well under the main's pyproject.toml pin. (if you intend to set this as a minimum version)
    • If the released package is not part of main then maybe it is included in meta, therefore make sure you update the version there as well, so it makes it to the docs.
  • You run inv install.update for both main and meta.
  • There's a release note summarizing the change(s) about to be released.
    • The Upcoming release notes (if any) are moved under the Released section altogether. (since you're releasing everything that was pushed so far)
    • Independent packages from main can be announced the same, but without a version number since there's no rpaframework package holding them. (only meta & docs)
  • Your Poetry setup is configured accordingly for PyPI push. (see Setup)
Release notes formatting

While we don't have automatic linting for release notes yet, here is some common sense to follow:

  • Restructured Text format requires one blank line before any bullet-point block, otherwise the rendering won't happen as expected.
  • Libraries are bold (so version numbers), while Key Words are code-like (so library package names). Parameters, arguments and file_names.ext are usually italic.
  • 88 chars limit per line. (we can increase it ofc, but for now this aligns with our linters) -- rule can be broken with longer URLs
  • Specifying :issue:`<nr>` and :pr:`<nr>` where possible.
  • One blank line for normal spacing, two blank lines for top-level titles: Upcoming and Released.
  • DD MMM YYYY date format, prefixed by the library version if it includes a release of rpaframework as well. (as independent packages aren't included by default in the main library)
  • Breaking changes go under the ⚠️ .. warning:: directive block.
  • Two spaces (no tabs) for indentation. (don’t mix 4s with 2s, keep it consistent)
  • Sentences usually start with a capital letter and end with punctuation.
  • Try to correct your English with Grammarly.


Now that your package was published successfully and visible in PyPI, the work isn't done. There's docs and announcements.

  1. Our docs site should be reflecting the latest built and pushed documentation (that's why we updated the meta package). They are visible in our legacy site first (which you can check initially for problems). But for making them visible in the official docs site as well, you should trigger the following documentation workflow.
  2. Release notes can be copy-pasted from the freshly built page into a new release managed by
    1. The same message goes into our Slack announcement channels: #rpaframework (internal) & #announcements (community).
    2. Make sure to hyperlink the version number of the announcement message with the release URL obtained at Robocorp updates after officially publishing it.

🙏 Don't get intimidated by the extensive details presented here, as they will come naturally after your first contribution to the library. Wishing you an amazing time committing and promoting your value through our library!