- IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System.
- Democratizing Content Publication with Coral
- Escaping the Evils of Centralized Control with self-certifying pathnames
- IPFS - 可快速索引的版本化的点对点文件系统
- Filecoin: A Decentralized Storage Network
- Filecoin: Power Fault Tolerance
- Filecoin: Rational Proofs of Space-Time
- Filecoin: Proof of Replication
- Filecoin: Tight Proofs of Space and Replication
- HotStuff: BFT Consensus in the Lens of Blockchain
- State Machine Replication in the Libra Blockchain
- Paxos Made Moderately Complex
- Byzantine Quorum Systems
- Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach
- Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric
- S/Kademlia: A Practicable Approach Towards Secure Key-Based Routing
- Verifiable Delay Functions 可验证的延迟函数
- Efficient Verifiable Delay Functions 高效的可验证的延迟函数
- Simple Verifiable Delay Functions 简单可验证的延迟函数
- A Survey of Two Verifiable Delay Functions 对两种可验证延迟函数的研究
- Continuous Verifiable Delay Functions 连续可验证延迟函数
- Verifiable delay functions from supersingular isogenies and pairings
- Tight Verifiable Delay Functions
- A Note on the (Im)possibility of Verifiable Delay Functions in the Random Oracle Model
- Quadratic Span Programs and Succinct NIZKs without PCPs
- zk-SNARK explained: Basic Principles
- [译] zkSNARKs(零知识证明)简述
- zkSNARKs in a Nutshell
- Zk-SNARKs: Under the Hood
- Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More
- STARKs, Part I: Proofs with Polynomials
- On Σ-protocols
- Examples of Sigma Protocols
- Σ-Protocols Continued & Introduction to Zero Knowledge
- Provable Data Possession at Untrusted Stores
- Scalable and Efficient Provable Data Possession
- Proofs of Data Possession and Retrievability Based on MRD Codes
- Proofs of Retrievability:Theory and Implementation
- Proofs of Retrievability:Theory and Implementation
- Compact Proofs of Retrievability
- Proofs of Retrievability with Public Verifiability and Constant Communication Cost in Cloud
- Outsourced Proofs of Retrievability
- MR-PDP: Multiple-Replica Provable Data Possession
- Dynamic Provable Data Possession
- 数据可恢复性的零知识证明
- 云数据完整性验证的关键技术研究
- 云数据完整性与可用性研究
- 云存储中的数据完整性证明研究及进展