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git clone cd pi0_gen_tools/ chmod +x run/* run/gen_processors/*

#To get help messages and see all avaliable flags: ./run/make_jsubs.exe -h ./run/submit_jsubs.exe -h

#Example of how make jsubmission text files for aao_norad generator: ./run/make_jsubs.exe -r -n 10 --q2min 0.99 --ebeam 10.6 --nmax 150000 -d /volatile/clas12/robertej/ This will generate 10 submissions scripts in a default directory named "sub_warehouse" to generate 150,000 events which will be filtered to have Q2>1 W2>4 and return files to /volatile/clas12/robertej

#Now submit the jobs to batch farm: ./run/submit_jsubs.exe #Since we did not include any flags, this will process all jsub submission scripts from the default directory

#Check here to see status of jobs on batch farm:

#How to transfer output files from GEMC to a different directory ./run/gemc_copier.exe --gemcdir=/volatile/clas12/osg/robertej/job_2408/output/ --outdir=/volatile/clas12/robertej/testpi0sim1K/ -l
As always, use ./run/gemc_copier.exe -h to see a full list of options

#How to submit filtering jobs to batch farm ./run/make_filter_jsubs.exe --hipo_dir For full list of options, use -h option