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Mikkel Roald-Arbøl edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the LaPreprint wiki!


This package provides the document class preprint.
The document class is called with:


The document class provides the following options:

  • Choose between biorxiv, medrxiv, arxiv and chemrxiv. Otherwise defaults to preprint.
  • Choose between blue and red colour scheme. Defaults to blue.
  • Use the onehalfspacing or doublespacing option for 1.5/2.0 line spacing.
  • Use the lineno option for line numbers.
  • Use the endfloat option to place floats after the bibliography.

There are certain editorial problems authors will likely often run into when writing papers. I've tried to find the best solutions to common features, and these should be fairly well supported:


  • fullwidth: For avoiding the margins (e.g. for large figures), use the \begin{fullwidth} environment.
  • subfigure: For figures with multiple panels, use the \subfigure command within the \begin{figure} environment.


  • sidenote: For notes, I really like sidenotes - and I've opted to use \sidenote{} for this purpose.


Provide information about how to customize biblatex.

\usepackage[			% use biblatex for bibliography
	backend=biber,		% - use biber backend (bibtex replacement) or bibtex
	style=authoryear,	% - choose style, see e.g.:
	natbib=true,		% - allow natbib commands
	% dashed=false,         % - ensures duplicate author mentions
	hyperref=true,	        % - activate hyperref support
	backref=false,	        % - activate backrefs
	alldates=year,          % Only show year (not month)
        urldate=long,		% - display type for dates
	uniquename=false,     % - remove first names
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