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Step By Step information on how to submit a PR

Koustuv Sinha edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 3 revisions

Suppose you want to add/update your information in _data/students.yml file. You can do it directly from Github website.

Step 1

Head over to students.yml file in _data directory:

Step 2

Click the pencil Edit icon on the top right to begin editing Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 41 50 PM

  • You should see a notification like this. Github has automatically created a fork of the repository for you: Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 42 28 PM

Step 3

Make your edits. Here, I'm changing the supervised_by item in Joey's record to reflect Prakash as the supervisor. This field should have the exact name to list Joey in Prakash's landing page (also can have multiple supervisors separated by a comma): Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 44 46 PM

Step 4

Once you are done, save the changes (Proposing a new change). Add any commit message such as the following and click on "Propose changes" Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 45 41 PM

Step 5

Once you click "Propose Changes", you should see a Pull Request page like this: Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 46 01 PM

  • Add a note in the field (could be same as before) and click on "Create pull request" to submit your change for review Screen Shot 2021-11-21 at 2 46 27 PM

Step 6

After this step, we will receive the Pull Request in this page: . As soon as someone in the moderation team accepts the PR, it will be reflected in the website.

By this way, you can submit any number of changes!

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