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Contributor: Randy Jap

Simply put, WebSocket is a full-duplex (simultaneous two-way or bi-directional) communications protocol over a single TCP connection. This is especially great if we want an web application to update some information without having the user prompt for it. Applications to this are endless and typically include chat apps, stock tickers, news, and any type of live reports. But before we start to delve into how it works, let's contrast it to some alternatives.

What it is not (other communication strategies)


Polling sends regular HTTP requests which are met with immediate responses. The regular interval poses a problem at times when connections are needlessly opened or when connections aren't opened often enough.


Long-Polling sends a similar request to the server and keeps the request open for a set period of time. If the server has a response in time before the request is set to close, the message is included in the response, and the process is repeated.

If not, the server sends a request to terminate the request. While this may eliminate unneeded requests at set intervals, it could, at its erroneous worst, open too many requests in continuous loops.


Streaming sends a complete HTTP request that is kept open by the server for a set amount of time. Any response from the server is updated to include new messages the server has, but the server never terminates or signals to complete the response, keeping the connection open. As with the previous alternatives, this type of streaming is still encapsulated in HTTP and brings some of its baggage.

HTTP is often buffered when routed over the internet, increasing latency. Furthermore, HTTP requests and responses, contain additional header data (such as cookies) which provide too much overhead for this process to scale. Finally, coordination of two such alternatives are usually needed to provided true full-duplex communication (one up, one down).

HTML 5 WebSocket

The HTML5 WebSocket specification defines the standard for the web today. Currently, it is compatible with nearly 94% of web browsers in use today1.

WebSockets provide a persistent connection between a client and server that both parties can use to start sending data at any time.

The WebSocket connection starts with a familiar HTTP request, but includes an upgrade request to initiate the WebSocket connection, a process known as the WebSocket handshake.

GET /chat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

After the handshake is complete it uses a TCP connection over any specified port.

Much like http and https, WebSocket protocol specification defines ws and wss as its uniform resource identifier (URI) schemes.

If the server supports the WebSocket protocol, it agrees to the upgrade and communicates this through an Upgrade header in the response.

HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 10:07:34 GMT
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: WebSocket

Now that the handshake is complete the initial HTTP connection is replaced by a WebSocket connection that uses the same underlying TCP/IP connection. At this point either party can starting sending data.

With WebSockets you can transfer as much data as you like without incurring the overhead associated with traditional HTTP requests. Data is transferred through a WebSocket as messages, each of which consists of one or more frames containing the data you are sending (the payload). In order to ensure the message can be properly reconstructed when it reaches the client each frame is prefixed with 4-12 bytes of data about the payload. Using this frame-based messaging system helps to reduce the amount of non-payload data that is transferred, leading to significant reductions in latency.


There are a number of libraries that support the WebSocket specification to get you started.

Note that Rails 5 comes with Action Cable that integrates WebSocket!

For a simple example, using the popular Socket.IO library, try


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