These are patterns that a spec is expected to follow by default to be included in this repository. Following these patterns lets us generate usable SDKs and CLIs and lets us provide a consistent experience for users across all services, languages and tools. These patterns change over time as we support more functionality in generated code or try to improve the experience for users of the SDKs. Please make sure to check this documentation every time you submit a PR, as it likely has changed since your last spec change.
Note that a large number of existing specs do not currently follow all of these patterns. If you are submitting a small change that will not address these issues, please contact our team and we will work with you to come up with a timeframe for updating your spec.
Type property as an enum
If a Model Property has the name "type" in it or the name or description indicates that it is "some kind/type of" an artifact, then make sure at least one of the following criterion is satisfied
- Create an enum with set of allowed values if possible
- If enum creating is not possible, document the values in description. If the number of allowed values is huge, add a link to MSDN documentation in the description.
Client flattening
It is very easy to get confused about where the "x-ms-client-flatten" extension needs to be applied. Following tips can help
- Flattening can only happen on a Composite Model Type (in the SwaggerModeler language). It cannot be applied on any collection (Arrays, Dictionaries) as one does not know at compile time what needs to be flattened.
- Flattening will bring the properties of the referenced Composite Type one level up, as a result the referenced property dies and gives way to the inner properties that it was composed of. The best example can be found here.
ClientName & DiscriminatorValue should not be same as the PropertyName
The value of "x-ms-client-flatten" and "x-ms-discriminator-value" should not be the same as the name of the ModelProperty or the Model it is being applied on. Otherwise, the purpose is defeated.
Checks on the Resource Model
- Every "Resource" Model should have "location" as a "required" property as per the mandate from ARM team; no exceptions are allowed over here.
- Every "Resource" Model should be tagged with "x-ms-azure-resource". This will cause the Resource to inherit from the Resource definition in the client runtime.
- GET/PUT/PATCH for a resource should return the same "Resource" Model, also PUT should accept the same body (there can be readonly, optional, required properties).
- For PATCH model every property should be optional and they should not provide any default values.
Consistency in the naming of list methods
- Operations that provide resources in a resource group should be named as "OperationGroup_ListByResourceGroup"
- Operations that provide resources in a subscription should be named as "OperationGroup_List"
- If the ListByResourceGroup is overloaded "i.e. if the resourcegroup is null then the operation lists all resources in the subscription" then, such operations should not be allowed.
- If the list operation is on a child resource type then please follow the convention of
. For example "Databases" is a child resource type of "SqlServer". So for listing all the databases the operationId should beDatabases_ListBySqlServer
. This will ensure consistency in the naming pattern across all the RPs in Azure and it will be easy for customers onbaording to Azure (reduces their learning curve).
Consistency of the Names of the APIs, parameters and models
- Resource Model name should be same as singular form of the resource type. Like for virtualMachines resource type it should be VirtualMachine.
- Parameter names in the apis should be name of the resource like virtualMachines{virtualMachine} or virtualMachines{virtualMachineName} both are good example but virtualMachines{vm} is bad example.
- Any action name should be same as what is defined in the Rest APIs, like regenerateAdminKeys should be regenerateAdminKeys in the Swagger as well, where as regenerateKeys is bad example.
Check for Completeness
- Get information about all the operations from a RP, which usually can be obtained by making a GET http request where the uri is of the following pattern:{serviceName}/operations?api-version={apiVersion}
. There should be matching swagger management apis for all the operations returned from operations api for resource provider.
- Get information about all the operations from a RP, which usually can be obtained by making a GET http request where the uri is of the following pattern:
Global Parameters
- SubscriptionId & ApiVersion should always be defined in the global parameters section, for them to be properties on the client.
- ResourceGroupName can also be defined in the global parameters section with the extension "x-ms-parameter-location": "method". This will not make it a client property and it reduces repetition.
Terminal SuccessStatusCodes in responses for a LongRunning Operation
A longrunning operation should have a terminal success status code. At least 200 for PUT/POST/PATCH and "204 or 200 or both" for delete. This will tell us how should we deserialize the final success response after the polling is done.
- Single page pageable operations: Operations that return a single page and have the response schema
{"value": [Array of items] }
, should apply the paging extension with it's nextLinkName property explicitly set to "null". This will ensure that value property get's unwrapped into an IEnumerable. - If the nextLinkName property of the "x-ms-pageable" extension is defined with a value, then the Model definition should also have a property named with the same value for nextLink.
- If a swagger spec has a fully pageable operation and a single page pageable operation then the generated code in C# will generate Page1.cs and Page.cs. They will differ on nextLink. To avoid this it is best advised that all the operations are defined as fully pageable in the spec.
- Single page pageable operations: Operations that return a single page and have the response schema
Define Default
- Define "Default" if the error response has more properties than code and message
API Version match
- Make sure version in Swagger Spec matches Api-version folder in path
Swagger folder
- Make sure Swagger folder is present in path
Inherit from Resource
- All resource like models should inherit from Resource
- It is a good practice to explain the behavior difference between CreateOrUpdate and Update in Description
Specify units in Description
- It is a good practice to specify units in description for properties like size
Add a link to MSDN Rest Api Docs whenever possible.