- ci: Use supported ansible-lint action; run ansible-lint against the collection (#210)
- ci: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (#211)
- ci: bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#212)
- ci: Use supported ansible-lint action; run ansible-lint against the collection (#213)
- ci: bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 (#207)
- refactor: get_ostree_data.sh use env shebang - remove from .sanity* (#208)
- refactor: improve support for ostree systems (#205)
- feat: support for ostree systems (#203)
- build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#194)
- ci: ensure dependabot git commit message conforms to commitlint (#198)
- ci: use dump_packages.py callback to get packages used by role (#200)
- ci: tox-lsr version 3.1.1 (#202)
ci: Add markdownlint, test_html_build, and build_docs workflows (#190)
- markdownlint runs against README.md to avoid any issues with converting it to HTML
- test_converting_readme converts README.md > HTML and uploads this test artifact to ensure that conversion works fine
- build_docs converts README.md > HTML and pushes the result to the docs branch to publish dosc to GitHub pages site.
- Fix markdown issues in README.md
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian [email protected]
docs: Make badges consistent, run markdownlint on all .md files (#191)
- Consistently generate badges for GH workflows in README RHELPLAN-146921
- Run markdownlint on all .md files
- Add custom-woke-action if not used already
- Rename woke action to Woke for a pretty badge
ci: Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML (#192)
- Remove thematic break after badges
- Remove badges from README.md prior to converting to HTML
Signed-off-by: Sergei Petrosian [email protected]
- fix: Re-issue certificate if key size changes (#188)
- fix: facts being gathered unnecessarily (#187)
- ci: ansible-lint - ignore var-naming[no-role-prefix] (#185)
- ci: ansible-test ignores file for ansible-core 2.15 (#186)
- feat: Allow setting certificate and key files mode (#175)
- ci: Use Ubuntu repository for Python 2.7 (#179)
- ci: Remove certreader dependency (#180)
- test: Update pre-commit hooks (#181)
- ci: Remove package installation through pip (#182)
- tests: Ensure ipaserver hostname is a FQDN (#183)
- ci: Add pull request template and run commitlint on PR title only (#174)
- ci: Rename commitlint to PR title Lint, echo PR titles from env var (#176)
- test: easily generate certs for tests for other roles (#177)
- docs: Consistent contributing.md for all roles - allow role specific contributing.md section
- docs: remove unused Dependencies section in README
- test: check generated files for ansible_managed, fingerprint (#165)
- ci: Add commitlint GitHub action to ensure conventional commits with feedback
- Add README-ansible.md to refer Ansible intro page on linux-system-roles.github.io (#162)
- Fingerprint RHEL System Role managed config files (#163)
- none
- none
- Fix assert in tests_run_hooks.yml (#157)
- none
- ansible-lint 6.x fixes
- Add check for non-inclusive language (#142)
- Cleanup non-inclusive words
- ignore files for ansible-test 2.13 and 2.14 (#149)
- none
- Move Debian to Python 3 packages
The python 2 packages don't exist any more in current stable Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Use the python3-* packages (vars/main.yml has the correct ones).
- changelog_to_tag action - github action ansible test improvements
- none
- none
- make all tests work with gather_facts: false (#121)
Ensure tests work when using ANSIBLE_GATHERING=explicit
- make min_ansible_version a string in meta/main.yml (#122)
The Ansible developers say that min_ansible_version
in meta/main.yml
must be a string
value like "2.9"
, not a float
value like 2.9
- Add CHANGELOG.md (#123)
- none
- none
- tag basic ipa test as a slow test
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.11.0; remove py37; add py310
- none
- none
- support setup-snapshot.yml; support set_vars.yml
- Let each test use a different certificate file name
- Remove the unnecessary code
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.10.1
- System Roles should consistently use ansible_managed in configuration files it manages
- fix python black errors
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.9.1
- none
- none
- change recursive role symlink to individual role dir symlinks
- bump tox-lsr version to 2.8.3
- Run the new tox test
- none
- Fix certificate permissions with "group" option
- Fix parser fail on certificate verification.
- update tox-lsr version to 2.7.1
- support python 39, ansible-core 2.12, ansible-plugin-scan
- support ansible-core 2.11 ansible-test and ansible-lint
- use tox-lsr version 2.5.1
- Drop support for Ansible 2.8 by bumping the Ansible version to 2.9
- none
- none
- Instead of the unarchive module, use "tar" command for backup.
- none
- none
- Instead of the archive module, use "tar" command for backup.
- none
- none
- none
- Fix some ansible-test errors; suppressing the rest
- Fix ansible-test errors
- Add a note to each module Doc to indicate it is private
- Remove python-26 environment from tox testing
- update to tox-lsr 2.4.0 - add support for ansible-test with docker
- CI: Add support for RHEL-9
- support jinja 2.7
- Fix centos6 repos; use standard centos images; add centos8
- Workaround for the module_utils path finding issue in ansible 2.9
- use tox-lsr 2.2.0
- use molecule v3, drop v2 - use tox-lsr 2.1.2
- Use latest pip.
- remove ansible 2.7 support from molecule
- use tox for ansible-lint instead of molecule
- use github actions instead of travis
- use new tox-lsr plugin
- meta/main.yml: CI add support for all Fedora images
- none
- Use module_utils/certificate_lsr/ to avoid naming conflicts
- Sync collections related changes from template to certificate role
- Fix python black formatting issues
- lock ansible-lint version at 4.3.5; suppress role name lint warning
- Update version of ansible-freeipa
- Lock ansible-lint on version 4.2.0