The content of the editor can be retrieved by one of the following methods:
- Ritzy.getContents
Returns the contents of the editor as an array of Char objects. The Char object is from the underlying CRDT data store.
- Ritzy.getContentsRich
Returns the contents of the editor in a rich text JSON format representing the rich text chunks and the associated attributes.
- Ritzy.getContentsHtml
Returns the contents of the editor as HTML.
- Ritzy.getContentsText
Returns the contents of the editor as plain text.
The current selection can be retrieved by one of the following methods:
- Ritzy.getSelection
Returns the contents of the current selection as an array of Char objects. The Char object is from the underlying CRDT data store. Returns the contents of the current selection in the underlying CRDT data storage format.
- Ritzy.getSelectionRich
Returns the contents of the current selection in a rich text JSON format representing the rich text chunks and the associated attributes.
- Ritzy.getSelectionHtml
Returns the contents of the current selection as HTML.
- Ritzy.getSelectionText
Returns the contents of the current selection as plain text.
Information about local and remote cursors is available:
- Ritzy.getPosition
Returns the current position of the local cursor. The position is a character at which the cursor is placed (the point just after the character), and an eolStart attribute. The eolStart attribute is when the position is at the character at the end of a line (will generally be space if it is a soft break, and a newline if it is a hard break), if eolStart is false the cursor is at the end of the line with that character, and if eolStart is true, the cursor is at the start of the next line. This is necessary because both cursor positions represent the same character position.
- Ritzy.getRemoteCursors
Gets all remote cursors currently active in the document. Each remote cursor has attributes such as name ('name'), the last update time ('ms'), and the remote position of the cursor.
The following methods can be used to register listeners for events:
- Ritzy.onPositionChange
Register a callback that executes when the cursor position changes.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'position-change'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
position - The new position.
- Ritzy.onSelectionChange
Register a callback that executes when the selection changes. This event will also be raised when an active selection is destroyed — the selection parameter in the callback will be null in this case.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'selection-change'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
selection - The new selection in native CRDT format. The left char of the selection is exclusive and the right char is inclusive.
- Ritzy.onFocusGained
Register a callback that executes when the editor gains focus.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'focus-gained'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with no parameters.
- Ritzy.onFocusLost
Register a callback that executes when the editor loses focus (blur).
The underlying event emitter event name is 'focus-lost'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with no parameters.
- Ritzy.onRemoteCursorAdd
Register a callback that executes when a remote cursor is added.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'remote-cursor-add'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
remoteCursor - The remote cursor that was added.
- Ritzy.onRemoteCursorRemove
Register a callback that executes when a remote cursor is removed.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'remote-cursor-remove'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
remoteCursor - The remote cursor that was removed.
- Ritzy.onRemoteCursorChangeName
Register a callback that executes when the name associated with a remote cursor has changed.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'remote-cursor-change-name'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
remoteCursor - The remote cursor with the changed name.
oldName - The old name.
newName - The new name.
- Ritzy.onTextInsert
Register a callback that executes when text is inserted into the editor.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'text-insert'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
atPosition - The char position at which the insert occurred.
value - The text string that was inserted.
attributes - The rich attributes associated with the inserted text.
newPosition - The new position of the cursor after the insert is done. An
event will also be raised separately.
- Ritzy.onTextDelete
Register a callback that executes when text is deleted from the editor.
The underlying event emitter event name is 'text-delete'.
- Parameters
cb Callback with the following parameters:
from - The char position from which text was deleted (exclusive).
to - The char position to which text was deleted (inclusive).
newPosition - The new position of the cursor after the insert is done. An
event will also be raised separately.
The following methods can be used to configure the editor after load time:
- Ritzy.setUserName
Sets the user name of the editor’s user, which will be associated with all remote cursors that represent the cursor in this editor. Updates remote cursors immediately.
- Parameters
userName The user name to set.
- Ritzy.setFontSize
Sets the editor font size, and update the editor contents immediately to reflect this.
- Parameters
fontSize The font size, in pixels, to set.
- Ritzy.setWidth
Sets the editor width in pixels, and update the editor immediately to reflect this.
- Parameters
width The width of the editor in pixels. This includes the internal margins.
- Ritzy.setMargin
Sets the editor internal margins, and update the editor contents immediately to reflect this. Margins provide a useful "click area" where the user can click to go to the beginning or end of a line (or first or last line) without being super-precise about the click.
- Parameters
horizontal The horizontal (left-right) margins.
vertical The vertical (top-bottom) margins.
- Ritzy.setMarginHorizontal
Sets the editor internal horizontal margin.
- Parameters
horizontal The horizontal (left-right) margins.
- Ritzy.setMarginVertical
Sets the editor internal vertical margin.
- Parameters
vertical The vertical (top-bottom) margins.