A plugin that can be used to embed Youtube videos.
npm i -S embed-js embed-plugin-youtube
This embeds youtube videos in the page. This plugin supports two mode controlled by the option details
import EmbedJS from 'embed-js'
import { youtube } from 'embed-js/src/plugins'
const x = new EmbedJS({
input: document.getElementById('element'),
plugins: [
regex: /youtubeVideoRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex,
// If set to false, it doesn't make API calls to Youtube for video details. Instead it just embeds the video.
details: true,
// This is a mandatory field.
gAuthKey: ''
// height of video iframe
height: 300,
// This is the class on clicking which the details view changes to embedded video.
// This is only required if you providing a custom template for the details view.
clickClass: "ejs-video-thumb",
template(args, options, pluginOptions, dataFromApi) {
// dataFromApi is undefined if details is set to false
// executes when element is rendered
onLoad(options, pluginOptions) {}
MIT @ Ritesh Kumar