The intermediate type used by scala-json is the JValue. All intermediate JSON values extend JValue. JValue types can be serialized to a JSON string by just using JValue#toString. JValue.fromString is used to create a JValue from a JSON string.
- Import the json package
scala> import json._
import json._
scala> JValue fromString "[1,2,3,4,5]" //parse JSON
res0: json.JValue = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
scala> JArray(JNull, JTrue) //create JSON
res1: json.JArray = [null, true]
- Implicit conversion to JValue types using built-in accessors for base scala types
scala> "hello".js
res2: json.JString = "hello"
scala> true.js
res3: json.JBoolean = true
scala> 1.7.js
res4: json.JNumber = 1.7
scala> def testMap = Map("hey" -> "there")
testMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String]
scala> val testMapJs = testMap.js
testMapJs: json.JObject =
"hey": "there"
scala> Map("key" -> Seq.fill(3)(Set(Some(false), None))).js //even complex types
res5: json.JObject =
"key": [[false, null], [false, null], [false, null]]
scala> testMap.keySet.headOption.js
res6: json.JValue = "hey"
scala> testMap.get("nokey").js
res7: json.JValue = null
scala> testMap.js.toDenseString
res8: String = {"hey":"there"}
- JS-like select
scala> require(testMapJs("nokey") == JUndefined)
- JS-like boolean conditions
scala> if(testMapJs("nokey")) sys.error("unexpected")
- JArrays as scala collections
scala> JArray(1, 2, 3, 4).map(_.toJString)
res11: json.JArray = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
scala> JArray(1, 2, 3, 4).map(_.num) //drops down to Seq when working with non JValue types
res12: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Double] = Vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
scala> JArray(1, 2, 3, 4) ++ JArray(5)
res13: json.JArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
scala> JArray(1, 2, 3, 4) ++ Seq(JNumber(5)) //can append any Iterable[JValue]
res14: json.JArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
scala> JArray(JObject.empty, JArray.empty) ++ Seq("nonjval") //adding a non JValue results in a normal Seq
res15: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Object] = Vector({}, [], nonjval)
- JObjects as scala collections
scala> JObject("foo" -> 1.js, "a" -> false.js) ++ Map("bar" -> true).js - "a" //extends MapLike
res16: json.JObject =
"foo": 1,
"bar": true
- Compile-time case class marshalling
scala> case class TestClass(@name("FIELD_A") a: Int, b: Option[Int], c: String = "", d: Option[Int] = None) {
| @ephemeral def aString = a.toString //ephemeral fields get written but never read
| }
defined class TestClass
scala> implicit val acc = ObjectAccessor.create[TestClass] //macro expands here to create the accessor
acc: json.internal.CaseClassObjectAccessor[TestClass] = CaseClassObjectAccessor
scala> val testClassJs = TestClass(1, None).js //implicit accessor allows us to use '.js' here to produce a JValue
testClassJs: json.JObject =
"FIELD_A": 1,
"b": null,
"c": "",
"d": null,
"aString": "1"
scala> val testClassJsString = testClassJs.toDenseString
testClassJsString: String = {"FIELD_A":1,"b":null,"c":"","d":null,"aString":"1"}
scala> JValue.fromString(testClassJsString).toObject[TestClass] //go from JSON string directly to object
res17: TestClass = TestClass(1,None,,None)
- JSON field annotations
scala> require(testClassJs("aString") != JUndefined) //ephemeral field exists
scala> JObject("FIELD_A" -> 23.js).toObject[TestClass] //using FIELD_A as renamed via @name annotation
res19: TestClass = TestClass(23,None,,None)
- Streamlined compile-time case class marshalling (requires macro-paradise)
scala> @accessor case class SomeModel(a: String, other: Int)
defined object SomeModel
defined class SomeModel
scala> accessorOf[SomeModel] //accessor available in scope via hidden implicit
res20: json.JSONAccessor[SomeModel] = CaseClassObjectAccessor
scala> SomeModel("foo", 22).js
res21: json.JObject =
"a": "foo",
"other": 22
- Typed exceptions with field data
scala> import json.exceptions._
import json.exceptions._
scala> try {
| JObject("FIELD_A" -> "badint".js).toObject[TestClass]
| sys.error("should fail before")
| } catch {
| case e: InputFormatException =>
| //returns all field exceptions for a parse, not just the first one!
| {
| //detailed exception classes very useful for form validation
| case fieldEx: InputFieldException if fieldEx.fieldName == "FIELD_A" =>
| fieldEx.getMessage
| case x => sys.error("unexpected error " + x)
| }.mkString
| }
res22: String = numeric expected but found json.JString (of value "badint")
This allows 'dynamic member' access. Generally not needed but can be useful if doing lots of operations on the intermediary untyped JValues and provides a syntax very similar to JS.
scala> val seqJson = Seq(TestClass(1, None), TestClass(1, Some(10), c = "hihi")).js
seqJson: json.JArray =
"FIELD_A": 1,
"b": null,
"c": "",
"d": null,
"aString": "1"
}, {
"FIELD_A": 1,
"b": 10,
"c": "hihi",
"d": null,
"aString": "1"
scala> seqJson.dynamic(1).c.value
res23: json.JValue = "hihi"
scala> seqJson.dynamic.length
res24: json.JDynamic = 2
scala> require(seqJson.d == seqJson.dynamic)