All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v8.3.6 - 2024-07-22
- fix methods from parent controllers (#369)
- remove double caret, it is already added from datatable pacakge (#372)
- check if the button is enabled (#371)
- fix route with ModelNotFoundException (#365)
- use morph instead of class basename (#364)
- add blades for 405 error (#368)
- fix managerarea and tenantarea errors blades (#367)
v8.3.5 - 2023-08-31
- Fix model morph class when dealing with overridden classes and checking permissions
v8.3.4 - 2023-08-18
- Simplify datatable authorized buttons logic
- Utilize nullsafe operator to simplify code
- Fix datatable buttons array naming conventions
v8.3.3 - 2023-08-17
- Seed the new 'view' ability
- Add abilities & owned_only support to datatables
- Fix the lang:js artisan command generation to the new translation namespaces multi-dimensional structure
- Add missing parent::__contruct call
- enable FrameGuard middleware (#345)
v8.3.2 - 2023-07-25
- Move unique_with validation rule to rinvex/laravel-support from cortex/foundation
- Fix exception handler and errors returned json
- Move intend() method docs to cortex/foundation
- Remove useless translation path
v8.3.1 - 2023-07-13
- Fix enables extensions issue
v8.3.0 - 2023-07-12
- Drop using DFS
- Drop using turbolinks
- Drop using Livewire
- Allows authorizeResource method to receive arrays of models and parameters
- Add support for extension menus auto discovery
- display placeholder for datatable search input and buttons (#344)
v8.2.7 - 2023-07-04
- Tweak and improve core module artisan commands
v8.2.6 - 2023-07-03
- Add geoip2/geoip2 missing composer dependency
v8.2.5 - 2023-07-03
- Update composer dependencies
v8.2.4 - 2023-07-03
- Fix migration paths
- Fix webpack asset paths
- Fix core artisan commands
- Temporary disable self-diagnosis command since package is outdated
- Force storage:link creation to avoid installation exception when exists
v8.2.3 - 2023-07-02
- Add mergeRules method to FormRequest
v8.2.2 - 2023-06-30
- Catch empty modules & extensions array use-case
v8.2.1 - 2023-06-29
- Update overridden classes to match Laravel v10 logic
- Refactor module/extension resource auto discovery
- Simplify rinvex/composer namespaces
v8.2.0 - 2023-06-23
- Remove useless ,DS_Store
- Rename modules manifest service names
- Move tenant features to cortex/tenants module from cortex/foundation
- Override translation FileLoader to support multiple hints per namespace
- Add module extensions support to resource loading and publishing
- Check if IoC service container has
registered first before using - Decoupling: Move global helpers, route patterns and middleware from cortex/tenants module
v8.1.1 - 2023-05-02
- Laravel v10: The deprecated Redirect::home method has been removed. Instead, your application should redirect to an explicitly named route
- Laravel v10: fix update ShowModelCommand console command namespace
- Fix changelog format
v8.1.0 - 2023-05-02
- Add support for Laravel v11, and drop support for Laravel v9
- Since Laravel 9.2, this Middleware is included in laravel/framework. You can use the provided middleware, which should be compatible with the Middleware and config provided in this package. See for the changes.
- Upgrade vinkla/hashids to v11.0 from v10.0
- Upgrade spatie/laravel-sitemap to v6.3 from v6.1
- Normalize maatwebsite/excel to v3.1.0 from v3.1.40
- Upgrade mcamara/laravel-localization to v1.8 from v1.7
- Upgrade mariuzzo/laravel-js-localization to v1.10 from v1.0
- Upgrade yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle to v10.4 from v10.0
- Upgrade yajra/laravel-datatables-html to v10.0 from v9.0
- Upgrade yajra/laravel-datatables-buttons to v10.0 from v9.0
- Upgrade proengsoft/laravel-jsvalidation to v4.8 from v4.7
- Upgrade spatie/laravel-activitylog to v4.7 from v4.4
- Update yajra/laravel-datatables-fractal to v10.0 from v9.0
- Update watson/validating to v8.0 from v7.0
- Update phpunit to v10.1 from v9.5
- Fix robot follow
- Disable DFS by default
- add morph map for activitylog model (#323)
v8.0.1 - 2023-01-09
- Revert how Diglactic/Breadcrumbs handles route parameters diglactic/laravel-breadcrumbs#52
v8.0.0 - 2023-01-09
- Drop PHP v8.0 support and update composer dependencies
- Add missing model:show artisan command
- Check first if accessareas IoC service exists before using, this fix issues happens with exception handler when there's no access area detected!
- Update and tweak DFS implementation & exception handling
- Require relation morphMap
- Drop PHP v8.0 support and enforce consistency
- Update composer dependencies
- Utilize PHP 8.1 attributes feature for artisan commands
- Fix app namespace issues by overriding the default behavior
- Add support for environment variable DFS_ENABLED
v7.3.23 - 2023-01-05
- Return explicit HTML field instead of using FormBuilder to avoid populating the field with old field value after redirects. We need a freshly generated value everytime.
- Skip DFS on AJAX requests at the moment
- Add support for DFS enable/disable
v7.3.22 - 2023-01-02
- fix dfsToken function type hint (#304)
v7.3.21 - 2022-12-30
- Fix yajra/laravel-datatables-fractal compatibility #297
v7.3.20 - 2022-12-30
- Whitelist datatable columns to avoid invalid columns sent from client-side which might be a security issue in some scenarios
- EloquentPresenceVerifier compatibility: Add support for model path instead of table name
- Add support for unique_with Validator Rule natively in Cortex, no third-party packages required
- Prevent Duplicate Form Submission (DFS)
- Update livewire assets
- use slug instead of name when call firstOrCreate for accessarea since name is not unique and translatable and could have a different value (#298)
- use route_domains helper to get current tenant domains (#295)
- add datatable blades at tenantarea (#287)
v7.3.19 - 2022-10-03
- Override session.cookie dynamically for tenants
- Improve HTTP Kernel global middleware enable/disable
- Move middleware registration from HTTP Kernel to module bootstrap
- Move SetAuthDefaults middleware to cortex/auth from cortex/foundation
- Remove useless EncryptCookies middleware override
- Reorder composer dependencies
- Lock psr/simple-cache package to v2.x since maatwebsite/excel is not compatible with v3.x
- refactor: register commands in artisan service #44257
- Fix validator when a table name is provided instead of a model
v7.3.18 - 2022-09-02
- Add support for per model enable/disable scoped validation
v7.3.17 - 2022-08-30
- Add a new adminarea.header.system menu
- Tweak form timestamps
- Refactor EloquentPresenceVerifier and override the default Validator service
- Update exists and unique validation rules to use models instead of tables
- Revert "Swap the
model fromCortex\Foundation\Models\AbstractModel
," - Enable trailing slash by default and change middleware order to be executed earlier
- Add a new middleware to trim www. host prefix
- Override TrustProxies middleware to make it configurable, and allow any proxy by default
- Update docblock
- Revert "Add support for app settings cache path"
- Fix exception handler redirect on ModelNotFoundException
- Revert "Apply tenantable global scope on Eloquent Presence Verifier (i.e. used in validation rules like unique & exists)"
- Swap the
model fromCortex\Foundation\Models\AbstractModel
, to the actual model. This is used by the validator instance, for validation rules (exists/unique), used by FormRequests, and also useful for "Tenantable" models to enforce the relevant query constraints. - Sync with parent \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest
- Clean the breadcrumbs definition and utilize parent features
- Improve "exists" validation with array values
- Apply tenantable global scope on Eloquent Presence Verifier (i.e. used in validation rules like unique & exists)
- Fix infinite redirects issue with intended URLs
v7.3.16 - 2022-08-06
- FIx datatables authorization to check if there's authenticated user
v7.3.15 - 2022-08-06
- Fix datatables authorized actions
v7.3.14 - 2022-08-06
- Tweak model IDs hashing to support configurable hashed keys
v7.3.13 - 2022-07-24
- Fix datatables checkbox select-row options
- Fix audit ability check for import logs
- Refactor datatables bulk actions and check if action is enabled and authorized (closes #275)
- fix buildColumnByCollection method signature (#280)
- use session pull function to delete the item after retrieve it (#281)
- use full function instead of current to get query string parameters (#282)
v7.3.12 - 2022-07-02
- Fix Livewire wrong AbstractComponent class name
v7.3.11 - 2022-06-22
- Fix datatables ajax method signature
- Fix datatables method signature compatibility
- This override no longer needed, as it's been implemented in the core package
- Purpose: Override default DataTables DataProcessor to avoid escaping non-string values
- Ref:
v7.3.10 - 2022-06-20
- Composer require maatwebsite/excel
v7.3.9 - 2022-06-20
- Update composer dependencies
- league/fractal to ^0.20.0 from ^0.19.0
- yajra/laravel-datatables-html to ^9.0.0 from ^4.41.0
- yajra/laravel-datatables-fractal to ^9.0.0 from ^1.6.0
- yajra/laravel-datatables-buttons to ^9.0.0 from ^4.13.0
- yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle to ^10.0.0 from ^9.19.0
- fruitcake/laravel-cors to ^3.0.0 from ^2.0.0",
- symfony/console to ^6.1.0" from ^6.0.0"
- symfony/finder to ^6.1.0" from ^6.0.0"
- symfony/http-kernel to ^6.1.0" from ^6.0.0"
v7.3.8 - 2022-05-17
- Add support for menu list item attributes
- Add support for dynamic scheduled tasks discovery
- Override Spatie Media model to support Hashids
- Fix media deletion issues and media model implicit binding
- Revert "Fix validation error redirections"
v7.3.7 - 2022-05-01
- Fix validation error redirections
- Add support for app settings cache path
v7.3.6 - 2022-03-12
- Fix GenericController routes to be per accessarea
- Reason: we can not use POST requests between accessareas since each accessarea has it's own session, thus CSRF will always fail because it's different
- return empty string if accessarea doesn't have any domains
- Fix datatable import extensions to be dynamic/configurable
- WIP Refactor & Simplify datatables import functionality
- Update composer dependency codedungeon/phpunit-result-printer
- Enforce form actions routePrefix consistency
- Update JS global variables & add routeDomains support
- Add datatables routePrefix support
- Fix datatables export to export all columns if no visible columns requested
- Fix route domain parameter binding
- If route exists, bound, and has the accessarea parameter:
- If route does not exist, but accessed through a registered domain name
- If route does not exist, and accessed via non-registered domain or IP address
- Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
- ImgBot: Optimize images (#266)
- Refactor and simplify datatable import functionality and upgrade maatwebsite/excel to v3
v7.3.5 - 2022-02-20
- Override Datatables DataArrayTransformer to export columns with their db names instead of their localized titles
- Fix dropzone accepted file extensions and make it configurable
v7.3.4 - 2022-02-17
- Bind missing db:seed artisan command
v7.3.3 - 2022-02-16
- Filter module paths if doesn't exist
v7.3.2 - 2022-02-14
- Add todo note for future improvement of artisan autoloading
- L9: Fix compatibility issue with Laroute
- L9: Update Artisan & Migration service providers
- Add cache migrations
v7.3.1 - 2022-02-14
- L9: drop fideloper/proxy dependency
- L9: update Application::handle signature compatobol;compatibility
v7.3.0 - 2022-02-14
- Apply Laravel v9 updates
- Apply PHP v8 nullsafe operator
- Update composer dependencies to Laravel v9
v7.2.9 - 2022-02-13
- Require Livewire composer dependency
v7.2.8 - 2022-02-13
- Clean migrations
- ExceptionHandler > ModelNotFound: Fix issue when route pattern doesn't exist
- Update reuqest()->guard() logic to support dynamic accessarea URL prefixes
- Request guard: add support for url prefix & accessarea-specific domain check
- Move Relation::morphMap to module bootstrap
- Add Livewire component example
- Sanitize request route parameter on ModelNotFoundException
- Update routes to use class based definitions
- Enfoce consistency
- Add artisan command shortcut
- Add Livewire support
- Add getResourcePath & getModulePath methods to artisan commands
- Separate AuthorizesRequests into it's own trait
- Update broadcasting channels discovery
- Add support for model HasFactory
v7.2.7 - 2022-01-02
- Add support for centralarea & absentarea
- Throw an exception in case of potentially infinite redirects
- Fix saveStateUntilAuthentication logic to handle POST requests correctly
- Fix saveStateUntilAuthentication logic to persist data between requests
- Rename afterAuthentication to saveStateUntilAuthentication
v7.2.6 - 2021-12-20
- Fix route missing accessarea parameter issue
v7.2.5 - 2021-11-18
- Check if existing APP_KEY is a valid key before creating a new one
v7.2.4 - 2021-11-18
- Override KeyGenerateCommand to add ifnot option that checks if key exists before making any changes
v7.2.3 - 2021-10-25
- Update TrustHosts middleware to support multiple domains and fix untrusted host issues on production
- Simplify code formate and remove unnecessary quotes and braces!
v7.2.2 - 2021-10-22
- Update .styleci.yml fixers
- Rearrange middleware priorities
- Cache guard locally for future usage
- Refactor request()->guard() and request()->accessarea()
- Refactor route domain variables to be accessarea specific
- Swap first and second use cases to retrieve guard earlier if possible
v7.2.1 - 2021-10-11
- Rename route parameter 'central_domain' to 'routeDomain'
- Rename central_domain to routeDomain and remove tenant_domain route parameters
- Rename route pattern central_domain to routeDomain and move to cortex/tenants module
- Fix session input old data issues
- Check before detaching accessareas if deleted entity was soft deleted
v7.2.0 - 2021-08-22
- Drop PHP v7 support, and upgrade rinvex package dependencies to next major version
v7.1.0 - 2021-08-21
- Major changes breaking changes (session isolation per guard), supposed to come in v7.0.0 but got delayed
- Override core RoutingServiceProvider instead of extending Redirector & UrlGenerator instances
- Override SessionServiceProvider to use custom SessionGuard (requires config/app.php change)
- Override SessionManager to use custom Session Store & Encrypted Store that supports session isolation per guard
- Add EncryptCookies middleware on top of priority list
- Fix exception handler issues with accessarea when it's not available (very early exception)
v7.0.0 - 2021-08-18
- Breaking Changes and updates
- Update composer dependency cortex/foundation to v7
- Refactor webpack module config
- Drop using nohttpcache middleware for tenantarea routes
- Remove no longer used domain() global helper - This is now the responsibility of rinvex/laravel-tenants
- Handle AbstractTenantException
- Use relative css paths for node modules
- Remove useless css and image assets
- Bind and unbind central & tenant domain route params
- Fix minor typo
- Fix wrong accessarea
- Disable is_scope for adminarea & managerarea
- Register central and tenant domain route patterns
- Register routes to either central or tenant domains
- Move route binding, patterns, and middleware to module bootstrap
v6.0.43 - 2021-08-08
- Remove useless methods for now
v6.0.42 - 2021-08-08
- fix accessareas migration (#238)
v6.0.41 - 2021-08-07
- Check database connection before accessing accessareas
v6.0.40 - 2021-08-07
- Upgrade spatie/laravel-activitylog to v4
v6.0.39 - 2021-08-06
- Refactor accessareas and make it dynamically controlled through adminarea
- Move route prefixes to accessareas db table responsibility
- Simplify route prefixes
- Add route_prefix module helper
- Move application layer helpers to from rinvex/laravel-support
- Refactor accessarea obscure and indexable config options
- Refactor module resources loading, base on active modules and accessareas
- Register accessareas into service container, early before booting any module service providers!
- Fix canonical URLs and meta tag SEO issues
- Rename areas to accessareas
- Update composer dependencies
- Fix redirect->saveStateUntilAuthentication() execution condition (#231)
v6.0.38 - 2021-05-28
- Rename ExceptionHandler and stop reporting generic exceptions
v6.0.37 - 2021-05-27
- Rollback AccountException to GenericException and move to cortex/foundation
v6.0.36 - 2021-05-25
- Fix compatibility issue with v7 of diglactic/laravel-breadcrumbs
v6.0.35 - 2021-05-25
- Update composer dependencies diglactic/laravel-breadcrumbs to v7
v6.0.34 - 2021-05-25
- Fix wrong overriden trait
- Replace deprecated
v6.0.33 - 2021-05-24
- Merge rules instead of resetting, to allow adequate model override
- Drop common blade views in favor for accessarea specific views
- Check if request is an API, which expectsJson
- Refactor returned HTTP status codes on the Exception Handler
- Catch LanguageLoaderException
- Report AccountException like others, no reason to ignore
- Refactor GenericException to AccountException and move to cortex/auth and return more accurate HTTP status code
v6.0.32 - 2021-05-11
- Fix constructor initialization order (fill attributes should come next after merging fillables & rules)
v6.0.31 - 2021-05-11
- Uninstall spatie/laravel-settings composer packaage
v6.0.30 - 2021-05-08
- Install spatie/laravel-settings composer packaage
- Set validation rules in constructor for consistency & flexibility
- Remove duplicate button options, it's already merged from default config
v6.0.29 - 2021-05-07
- Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (#221)
- Rename migrations to always run after rinvex core packages
v6.0.28 - 2021-05-04
- Fix container service check issue
- Use container check instead of make app()->has('request.tenant') c73daa0 Abdelrahman Omran [email protected] May 2, 2021 at 2:30 PM
- Fix app('request.tenant') check
- Save state, and redirect, or resubmit form after authentication
- Override Diglactic\Breadcrumbs\Manager
- Improve readability and simplify the code using PHP v7.4 arrow functions
- Prioritize loading all module resources, not only service providers
v6.0.27 - 2021-04-27
- Rollback to original felixkiss/uniquewith-validator package
- ability to override one option only without need to override all options (#217)
v6.0.26 - 2021-04-07
- fix updatedBy timestamps relation name (#216)
v6.0.25 - 2021-03-15
- Fix accessarea for tenantarea
v6.0.24 - 2021-03-15
- check if route exists before using it (#215)
v6.0.23 - 2021-03-02
- Override
, andTestMakeCommand
artisan commands - Autoload artisan commands
- Utilize
interface for deferrable service providers - Add missing job_batches migration
v6.0.22 - 2021-03-02
- Delete useless
relation class - Reverse commit "Tweak middleware abilities authorized resource model name"
v6.0.21 - 2021-03-02
- Tweak middleware abilities authorized resource model name
- Rename
and set default value for config option - Fix setting
config option - Enhance
performance - Guess guard from: request segments (very early before routes are registered!)
- Move
from global middleware toweb
route middleware group - Drop
middleware override
v6.0.20 - 2021-03-01
- Override
class for console - Add support for consolearea to accessarea
v6.0.19 - 2021-02-28
- Fix wrong createdBy attribute in form timestamps
- Refactor Request::guard() and Request::accessarea() methods - Support API requests - Fix multiple issues
- Add
middleware to set Auth defaults globally - Override
handler - Add
to route prefixes and obscured areas - Improve
trait method performance - Drop
middleware override - Add
base controller for guest controller actions - Override
container binding - Change
middleware priority order to change execution to the end of the stack, so session, request, and everything else are already loaded, bound, and ready to go! - Simplify and utilize request()->user() and request()->guard()
- Simplify and utilize request()->accessarea() - Remove useless
event listener, and userequest
methods directly instead - Remove useless middleware parameters
- Use overridden
instead of native class - Simplify and utilize request()->accessarea()
- Override
class - Change
class namespace - Add
, andpasswordResetBroker
methods to the Request class - Cache accessacrea value for current request
- Remove useless method override
- Override Authorize middleware
- Tweak exception handler to always pass errors instead of warnings
- Add support for accessarea and api detection to core request class
- Move collection
macro to rinvex/laravel-support package responsibility
v6.0.18 - 2021-02-15
- Fix wrong artisan GenerateIdeHelperCommand name
v6.0.17 - 2021-02-15
- Update core artisan commands - autoload - unload - activate - deactivate - generate ide helper
- Use
instead ofrequest->get()
v6.0.16 - 2021-02-11
- Simplify
listener and access area retrieval - Utilize
global helper to get access area - This also fixes some issues with unmatched & unnamed routes - Refactor form timestamps and auditable field features - created_by - updated_by
- fix bulk action function call (#209)
v6.0.15 - 2021-02-07
- Replace silber/bouncer package with custom modified tmp version
v6.0.14 - 2021-02-06
- Simplify service provider model registration into IoC
- handle CountryLoaderException and UniversityLoaderException (#206)
- Refactor stubs for resource generation and make commands
- Add missing ObserverMake command
- Tweak authorization layer to support configurable model name (resource) to fix model override issues, and always bind to runtime model, instead of hardcoding
- Add missing phpdoc
- Add missing ObserverMake command
- Move ide-helper generation to artisan command to conditionally run on dev environments only (when dev-package is installed)
- Pass 'module' command option when calling sub-commands
- Fix make command namespaces & paths for different entities
- Conditionally register Debug bar service provider on dev environments
- Skip publishing module resources unless explicitly specified, for simplicity
v6.0.13 - 2021-01-16
- Fix module migration autoloader issue
v6.0.12 - 2021-01-15
- Add model replication feature
- Upgrade medialibrary db to v9
v6.0.11 - 2021-01-02
- Fix XSS security issue with redirect messages
v6.0.10 - 2021-01-02
- Move cortex:autoload & cortex:activate commands to cortex/foundation module responsibility
v6.0.9 - 2021-01-02
- Move cortex:autoload & cortex:activate commands to cortex/foundation module responsibility
v6.0.8 - 2021-01-02
- Refactor Package and Module manifest classes and commands
v6.0.7 - 2021-01-01
- Move cortex:autoload & cortex:activate commands to cortex/foundation module responsibility
- This is because :autoload & :activate commands are registered only if the module already autoloaded, so there is no way we can execute commands of unloaded modules
- cortex/foundation module is always autoloaded, so it's the logical and reasonable place to register these :autoload & :activate module commands and control other modules from outside
v6.0.6 - 2021-01-01
- Run self diagnosis before installation
- Generate application key, and link storage directory before installation
- Publish assets only if explicitly required, otherwise skip for clean installation
- Override artisan StorageLinkCommand to change alert level from error to warn
- Add 'force' option to core autoload & activate artisan command calls
v6.0.5 - 2021-01-01
- Run self diagnosis before installation
- Generate application key, and link storage directory before installation
- Publish assets only if explicitly required, otherwise skip for clean installation
- Override artisan StorageLinkCommand to change alert level from error to warn
- Add 'force' option to core autoload & activate artisan command calls
v6.0.5 - 2020-12-31
- Skip modules that are not installed via composer
- Rename seeders directory
- Fix debugbar config file path
- Update Clockwork middleware
- Rename core_modules to always_active
- Refactor service provider loading priorities
- Add core activate, deactivate, autoload, unload artisan commands
- Utilize rinvex.composer.always_active config option
- Fix Google font API links
- Override DataTable Builder generateScripts to drop using sprintf - sprintf used to cause issues when using % symbols in attributes
v6.0.4 - 2020-12-27
- Tweak and optimize module and custom composer installer
v6.0.3 - 2020-12-25
- Fix wrong composer dependency version constraints
v6.0.2 - 2020-12-25
- Switch outdated composer dependencies to temporary compatible forks until it's updated
v6.0.1 - 2020-12-25
- Add support for PHP v8
v6.0.0 - 2020-12-22
- Upgrade to Laravel v8
v5.1.14 - 2020-12-16
- Fix merge config in auto discovery
v5.1.13 - 2020-12-14
- Fix module config files auto discovery
v5.1.12 - 2020-12-12
- Fix OpcacheServiceProvider config file include, and drop route registration
v5.1.11 - 2020-12-11
- Add stateSave, responsive, scrollX options to datatables and fix some datatable options
- Import AdminLTE base styles in frontarea theme to inherit needed styles
- Cast $user->getAuthIdentifier() to string to avoid sha1 datatype issues
- Override datatables HTML builder, template method and add pusher support
- Override DebugbarServiceProvider & OpcacheServiceProvider
- Rename routes, channels, menus, breadcrumbs, datatable & form IDs to follow same modular naming conventions
- Tweak and simplify datatables method call and realtime
- Refactor and tweak Eloquent Events
- Ad support for query scopes
- Move EloquentDataTable class to correct overrides namespace
- Refactor and simplify datatables bulk actions
- Add support for datatables bulkRevoke
- Enforce consistent datatables request object usage
- Move datatables options and buttons to config files and support class based override as well
- Refactor frontarea datatables views and add missing partial
- Automatically add query scopes to datatables if exists
- Enforce consistent database table index definition
- Add support for bulkRevoke
- Drop useless datatables ajax method override
- Reset default custom order column: 'name' in ajax method
v5.1.10 - 2020-10-05
- Setup Bouncer users model on route matched event
- Whitelist enabled modules instead of blacklisting disabled modules
v5.1.9 - 2020-09-22
- Don't report GenericException
v5.1.8 - 2020-09-22
- Check if route exists first before redirection on exception handler
v5.1.7 - 2020-09-19
- Add create_popup support for datatable buttons
v5.1.6 - 2020-09-08
- Check for app()->bound('request.accessarea') && app()->bound('request.guard') first before using in controller constructors
v5.1.5 - 2020-08-29
- Fix EventCacheCommand, CastMake, ComponentMake, StubPublish artisan commands
v5.1.4 - 2020-08-28
- Refactor request params setup
v5.1.3 - 2020-08-27
- Don't crawl page if page is not found a.k.a app('request.accessarea') is not bound
v5.1.2 - 2020-08-26
- Tweak auto discovery disabled modules
v5.1.1 - 2020-08-25
- Add functionality to activate, deactivate, autoload, unload modules
- Activate module after installation
- Fix service container usage
v5.1.0 - 2020-07-16
- Utilize timezones
- Override artisan EventListCommand
- Tweak events discovery in DiscoveryServiceProvider
- fix wrong access for app helper (#147)
- Bind app('request.user') into service container
- Use app('request.tenant') instead of $currentTenant
- Add missing language phrases
- Allow override of meta author, generator, and site name attributes
- Update validation rules
- Enforce consistency
- Copy tinymce plugins
v5.0.2 - 2020-06-21
- Tweak subdomain route parameter binding
v5.0.1 - 2020-06-19
- Fix request.guard binding issue when running in console
v5.0.0 - 2020-06-19
- Update composer dependencies
- Introducing module early bootstrapping feature
- Override core Application foundation class and PackageManifest bootstrap cache builder
- Override LarouteCollection to fix issues with cached routes
- Refactor route parameters to container service binding
- Rename ForgetLocaleRouteParameter to UnbindRouteParameters and change execution order - Plus unbind {subdomain} route parameter
- Refactor route parameters to container service binding
- Rename SetAccessArea Middleware to DiscoverNavigationRoutes
- Merge event discovery into DiscoveryServiceProvider
- Stick to composer version constraints recommendations and ease minimum required version of modules
v4.2.0 - 2020-06-15
- Autoload config, views, language, menus, breadcrumbs, and migrations for all modules
- Add intl-tel-input images to webpack processing
- Drop using rinvex/laravel-cacheable from core packages for more flexibility
- Caching should be handled on the application layer, not enforced from the core packages
- Drop PHP 7.2 & 7.3 support from travis
- Tweak selected_ids collection filtration and check
v4.1.1 - 2020-05-30
- Update composer dependencies
v4.1.0 - 2020-05-30
- With the significance of recent updates, new minor release required
v4.0.9 - 2020-05-30
- Disable datatables button fade effect
- Update datatables query method
- Remove useless datatables checkbox config option
- Add datatables checkbox column for bulk actions
- Always use parent::query() when overriding datatables query() methods
- Drop using strip_tags on redirect identifiers as they will use ->getRouteKey() which is already safe
- Auto close bulk menu after child actions are clicked
- Move datatable buttons creation to separate method
- Add missing phrases for datatables bulk actions
- Add support for datatables to render bulk delete, activate, and deactivate actions implictly
- Reorder datatables buttons
- Add support for customizing pageLength and lengthMenu datatables options
- Convert datatables to work completely in POST ajax requests instead of GET requests for better security and to overcome long query strings / requests parameters and add support for datatable filter forms
- Add missing phrases for datatables bulk actions
- Add support for customizing pageLength and lengthMenu datatables options
- Rename selectedIds variables for consistency
- Refactor model CRUD dispatched events
- Refactor datatables default options and serverside buttons and support selected rows
- Move broadcasting authentication route to cortex/auth module
- Fire custom model events from CRUD actions
- Explicitly specify relationship attributes
- Load module routes automatically
- Revert back breadcrumbs escaping, this is handled individually as we may pass HTML intentionally
- Strip tags of language phrase parameters with potential user inputs
- Escape breadcrumb titles
- Escape language phrases
- Update model validation rules
- Add strip_tags validation rule to string fields
- Remove default indent size config
v4.0.8 - 2020-04-12
- Fix ServiceProvider registerCommands method compatibility
v4.0.7 - 2020-04-09
- Tweak artisan command registration
- Refactor publish command and allow multiple resource values
v4.0.6 - 2020-04-07
- Fix wrong module webpack config file name
v4.0.5 - 2020-04-04
- Enforce consistent artisan command tag namespacing
- Enforce consistent package namespace
- Drop laravel/helpers usage as it's no longer used
- Upgrade silber/bouncer composer package
v4.0.4 - 2020-03-20
- Add shortcut -f (force) for artisan publish commands
- Fix migrations path condition
- Convert database int fields into bigInteger
- Upgrade spatie/laravel-medialibrary to v8.x
- Fix couple issues and enforce consistency
v4.0.3 - 2020-03-16
- Update compatibility with Laravel v7.x
v4.0.2 - 2020-03-15
- Fix incompatible package version league/fractal
v4.0.1 - 2020-03-15
- Fix wrong package version laravelcollective/html
v4.0.0 - 2020-03-15
- Upgrade to Laravel v7.1.x & PHP v7.4.x
v3.1.4 - 2020-03-13
- Install felixkiss/uniquewith-validator composer package
v3.1.3 - 2020-03-13
- Tweak TravisCI config
- Fix production artisan commands registration 764d9ee Abdelrahman Omran [email protected] Jan 16, 2020 at 9:39 AM
- Add migrations autoload option to the package
- Tweak service provider
- Update composer dependencies
- Update tenant name in tenantarea
- Update meta tags for tenant in tenantarea
- Update StyleCI config
- Drop using global helpers
- Check if ability exists before seeding
v3.1.2 - 2019-12-18
- Fix
args as it doesn't accept --step - Fix Crawling Robots indexable access areas check (#97)
- fix should index checker by check if access area listed in
- Fix Crawling Robots indexable access areas check
- Auto discover events listeners and register events automatically
v3.1.1 - 2019-12-04
- Add ajax filters capabilities to datatables
- Tweak obscure feature
- Add id attribute to the main div content in body
- Fix file size validation rule
v3.1.0 - 2019-11-23
- Fix Crawling Robots indexable access areas feature
- Rename AccessArea Middleware to SetAccessArea
- Arrange SetAccessArea & Reauthenticate middleware priorities order
- Update error views
- Override ThrottleRequests middleware
- Handle ThrottleRequestsException
- Remember current URL for later redirect, when unauthenticated exception handled
v3.0.3 - 2019-10-14
- Update menus & breadcrumbs event listener to accessarea.ready
- Fix wrong dependencies letter case
- Fix & tweak event dispatcher for menus & breadcrumbs to use middleware instead of AbstractController
- Update middleware priority
- Remove unused overridden middleware to reduce confusion
- Fix guard names singular / plural
v3.0.2 - 2019-10-06
- Refactor menus and breadcrumb bindings to utilize event dispatcher
- Fix compatibility with Laravel v6
- Utilize config option correctly
- Refactor MigrationServiceProvider
- Enforce consistency
- Fix and optimize Laravel JS Localization binding
v3.0.1 - 2019-09-24
- Add missing laravel/helpers composer package
v3.0.0 - 2019-09-23
- Upgrade to Laravel v6 and update dependencies
v2.2.5 - 2019-09-03
- Fix size validation rule
v2.2.4 - 2019-09-03
- Fix issue with: Update HttpKernel to use Authenticate middleware under App namespace
v2.2.3 - 2019-09-03
- Conditionally inject Clockwork middleware to web group if not on production environment
v2.2.2 - 2019-09-03
- Enforce profile_picture and cover_photo image validation rules & update media config
- Update media config options
- use set function instead of header as BinaryFileResponse doesn't have header funcation (#90)
- Use $_SERVER instead of $_ENV for PHPUnit
- Move TrustProxies to highest priority - fixes maintenance mode ip whitelist if behind proxy e.g. Cloudflare (laravel/laravel#5055)
- Update HttpKernel to use Authenticate middleware under App namespace
v2.2.1 - 2019-08-03
- Tweak menus & breadcrumbs performance
v2.2.0 - 2019-08-03
- Upgrade composer dependencies
- Rename datatable views
- Disable default AuthenticateSession middleware
- Use singular guard name instead of plural
- Enforce latest composer package versions
v2.1.2 - 2019-06-03
- Update publish commands to support both packages and modules natively
v2.1.1 - 2019-06-02
- Fix yajra/laravel-datatables-fractal and league/fractal compatibility
v2.1.0 - 2019-06-02
- Update composer deps
- Drop PHP 7.1 travis test
- Override Laroute & JSLocalization artisan commands
- Update edvinaskrucas/notification to dev-master to fix Laravel 5.8 compatibility issues (not tagged yet)
- Refactor migrations and artisan commands, and tweak service provider publishes functionality
v2.0.3 - 2019-03-04
- Fix exception handler method signature compatibility issue
v2.0.2 - 2019-03-04
- Revert "Move lord/laroute composer dependency to project level"
v2.0.1 - 2019-03-04
- Move lord/laroute composer dependency to project level
v2.0.0 - 2019-03-03
- Require PHP 7.2 & Laravel 5.8
- Activate AuthenticateSession middleware
- Utilize support helpers
- Fix json/array casting type
- Refactor abilities seeding
- Refactor managed roles/abilities retrieval
- Drop duplicate useless overridden method
v1.0.4 - 2019-01-03
- Fix MySQL / PostgreSQL json column compatibility
- Update spatie/laravel-activitylog functionality
- Rename environment variable QUEUE_DRIVER to QUEUE_CONNECTION
v1.0.3 - 2018-12-22
- Update composer dependencies
- Add PHP 7.3 support to travis
- Add signed and verified middleware
- Simplify and flatten resources/public directories
- Simplify $route->getAction() usage
- Simplify controller actions
- Move area roles & abilities retrieval to global helper
- Fix favicon paths
- Remove useless AuthenticateWithBasicAuth override (Laravel v5.7)
v1.0.2 - 2018-10-25
- Correct commit "Stop ignoring file on export, we need it in new module generation"
v1.0.1 - 2018-10-25
- Stop ignoring file on export, we need it in new module generation
v1.0.0 - 2018-10-01
- Support Laravel v5.7, bump versions and enforce consistency
v0.0.2 - 2018-09-22
- Too much changes to list here!!
- Tag first release