Bug fix:
- #399 [Issue] Fixes timestamp param
Bug fix:
- #398 [Issue] Unhandled Exception: type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable' on Server Acknowledgement
Bug fix:
- Upgrade to use socket_io_common 3.0.0
Bug fix:
- #394 Incorrect argument matching in notifyOutgoingListeners
Bug fix:
- #393 Bug: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool'
Bug fix:
- #373 hot restart error - Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'bool'
Bug fix:
- #367 Error on dispose
New Feature:
- Update codebase for compatibility with Socket.IO v4.7.4 and migrate to Dart version 3
- #55 how to custom parser
- #322 added emitWithAckAsync
- #334 Socket.on... returns disposer function
- #343 Empty query map in OptionsBuilder throws RangeError
- #353 Add timeout on emit and emitWithAck
Bug fix:
- #360 Library is not compatible with latest version on socket.io 4.7.4
Fix dart analyzing issues
New Feature:
- #338 feat: implement connection state recovery
Bug fix:
- #330 Client throws error when buffer is received
New Feature:
- #310 Add setAuthFn for OptionBuilder
Bug fix:
- #287 reconnecting event is not triggered
New Feature:
- #237 Allow sending an ack with multiple data items (making it consistent with emit)
New Feature:
- #237 Allow sending an ack with multiple data items (making it consistent with emit)
Bug fix:
- #188 Fixbug for Backoff when many attempts: "UnsupportedError: Unsupported operation: Infinity or NaN toInt"
New Feature:
- #177 Send credentials with the auth option
Bug fix:
- #172 socket id's not synced
New Feature:
- #163 Null safety support for 2.0.0-beta
Bug fix:
- #150 Problem with setQuery in socket io version 3.0
Bug fix:
- #140 getting Error on emitWithAck() in v2 beta
New Feature:
- #172 socket id's not synced
New Feature:
- #163 Null safety support for 2.0.0-beta
Bug fix:
- #150 Problem with setQuery in socket io version 3.0
Bug fix:
- #140 getting Error on emitWithAck() in v2 beta
New Feature:
New Feature:
- #132 Migrating to null safety for Dart
New Feature:
- #46 Make this library more "Darty"
New Feature:
- #108 Need dispose method for clearing resources
- Fix dart analyzer warning for formatting issues.
- Fix dart analyzer warning.
Bug fix:
- #72 Can't send Iterable as one packet
Bug fix:
- #67 Retry connection backoff after 54 tries reconnections every 0 second
Bug fix:
- #33 socket.on('receiveMessage',(data)=>print("data")) called twice
New Feature:
- #48 add links to github repo in pubspec.yaml
New Feature:
- #38 Improve pub.dev score
Bug fix:
- #42 Error when using emitWithAck
New Feature:
- #34 Add support for extraHeaders
Bug fix:
- #39 The factor of Backoff with 54 retries causes an overflow