This project is a backend for DeckDeckGo.
It acts as the signaling server to let DeckDeckGo's peers establish a real-time communication channel using WebRTC for the remote control.
It also transmits the information for the live voting when you are interacting with your audience.
This project is use to connect a presentation with the DeckDeckGo's Progressive Web App respectively the remote control.
The projects where the peers are implemented are the following:
The remote control "receiver" which should be included in the presentation:
Source |
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The remote control "emitter", the Progressive Web App, which lets you present and interact with your presentation:
Application | Source |
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This project also act as a middle point for the live voting when you are interacting with your audience.
The voting ("where your audience are recording their votes") is implemented in DeckDeckGo.
The question and the display of the live results is implemented with a template in your presentation.
If you would like to install and run locally this backend, proceed as following:
git clone
cd backend
npm install
npm run start
MIT © David Dal Busco and Nicolas Mattia