Represent Boundaries is a web API to geographic areas, like electoral districts. It allows you to easily find the areas that cover your users' locations to display location-based information, like profiles of electoral candidates.
It's a Django app that's easy to integrate into an existing project or to deploy on its own. It uses a simple file format to control how data is loaded into the API, and it provides a command-line tool to easily manage data.
Notable uses include:
- Represent helps people find the elected officials and electoral districts for any Canadian address or postal code, at any level of government.
- allows anyone to discover more about lawmaking in their state and uses Represent Boundaries to help them find their state legislators.
- helps track the activities of the United States Congress and uses Represent Boundaries to help people find their members of Congress.
- helps Washington, DC residents discover and participate in their Advisory Neighborhood Commissions.
Public instances include:
- for Canada: source code and data files
- for the US: source code
Represent Boundaries is one of many Poplus Components: independent pieces of software developed to solve a range of common problems encountered when building civic and democratic websites. Check out the other components.
createdb travis_ci_test psql travis_ci_test -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' migrate --settings settings --noinput python
Represent Boundaries is based on the Chicago Tribune's django-boundaryservice.
Released under the MIT license