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Student Loan Payments

This week's data is from the Department of Education courtesy of Alex Albright.

Data idea comes from Dignity and Debt who is running a contest around data viz for understanding and spreading awareness around Student Loan debt.

There are already some gorgeous plots in the style of DuBois.

I have uploaded the raw data and the clean data - definitely a nice dive into some data cleansing if you want to have a go at the raw Excel files.

Get the data!

loans <- readr::read_csv("")

# Or read in with tidytuesdayR package (
# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!
# Install via pak::pak("dslc-io/tidytuesdayR")

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load("2019-11-26")
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2019, week = 48)

loans <- tuesdata$loans

Data Dictionary


variable class description
agency_name character Name of loan agency
year integer two digits year
quarter integer Quarter (3 month period)
starting double Total value in dollars at start of quarter
added double Total value added during quarter
total double Total dollars repaid
consolidation double Consolidation reflects the dollar value of loans consolidated
rehabilitation double Rehabilitation reflects the dollar value of loans rehabilitated
voluntary_payments double Voluntary payments reflects the total amount of payments received from borrowers
wage_garnishments double Wage Garnishments reflect the total amount of wage garnishment payments



short_file_names <- list.files(here("2019", "2019-11-26")) %>%
  str_remove_all(".xls|.xlsx") %>%
  str_remove_all("PCA_Report_|pca-report-") %>%
  tolower() %>%
  str_replace("default_recoveries_pca", "fy15q4")

short_files <-  short_file_names %>% 
  str_detect("loans") %>%
  discard(short_file_names, .)

all_files <- list.files(here("2019", "2019-11-26")) %>%
  map_chr(~ paste0("2019/2019-11-26/", .x))

files <- all_files %>% 
  str_detect("loans") %>% 
  discard(all_files, .)

names_clean <- files[[2]] %>%
  read_excel(skip = 4) %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  names() %>% 
  str_replace("at_start_of_quarter", "starting")

list_df <- map(.x = files, .f = read_excel, skip = 4) %>%
  setNames(short_files) %>% 
  modify_at(.at = "fy15q4", .f = select, 
            `Agency Name`:Added, Total, everything())

all_df <- map(.x = files, .f = read_excel, skip = 4) %>%
  setNames(short_files) %>% 
  modify_at(.at = "fy15q4", .f = select, 
            `Agency Name`:Added, Total, everything()) %>% 
  map(set_names, nm = names_clean) %>%
  map(~ filter(.x, ! %>%
  map(~ filter(.x, starting != "At Start of Quarter"))  %>%
  map2(.x = ., .y = names(.), ~ mutate(.x, quarter = .y)) %>% 
  map(~ select(.x, agency_name, quarter, starting, added, total, consolidation, 
               rehabilitation, voluntary_payments, wage_garnishments)) %>%
  map(~ mutate_at(.x,
                  .vars = vars(starting:wage_garnishments),
                  .funs = as.double

clean_df <- all_df %>%
  reduce(.f = bind_rows) %>% 
  mutate(quarter = str_remove(quarter, "fy")) %>% 
  separate(col = quarter,
           into = c("year", "quarter"),
           sep = "q") %>% 
  mutate(quarter = str_remove(quarter, "x")) %>% 
  mutate(quarter = as.integer(quarter),
         year = as.integer(year)) %>%
  filter(agency_name != "Total") %>% 

clean_df %>% 

clean_df %>% 
  write_csv(here("2019", "2019-11-26", "loans.csv"))