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NYC Squirrel Census

This week's data is from the NYC Squirrel Census - raw data at NY Data portal.

H/t to Sara Stoudt for sharing this data, and Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel for her squirrel data package using the same data.

CityLab's Linda Poon wrote an article using this data.

Get the data!

nyc_squirrels <- readr::read_csv("")

Data Dictionary


variable class description
long double Longitude
lat double Latitude
unique_squirrel_id character Identification tag for each squirrel sightings. The tag is comprised of "Hectare ID" + "Shift" + "Date" + "Hectare Squirrel Number."
hectare character ID tag, which is derived from the hectare grid used to divide and count the park area. One axis that runs predominantly north-to-south is numerical (1-42), and the axis that runs predominantly east-to-west is roman characters (A-I).
shift character Value is either "AM" or "PM," to communicate whether or not the sighting session occurred in the morning or late afternoon.
date double Concatenation of the sighting session day and month.
hectare_squirrel_number double Number within the chronological sequence of squirrel sightings for a discrete sighting session.
age character Value is either "Adult" or "Juvenile."
primary_fur_color character Value is either "Gray," "Cinnamon" or "Black."
highlight_fur_color character Discrete value or string values comprised of "Gray," "Cinnamon" or "Black."
combination_of_primary_and_highlight_color character A combination of the previous two columns; this column gives the total permutations of primary and highlight colors observed.
color_notes character Sighters occasionally added commentary on the squirrel fur conditions. These notes are provided here.
location character Value is either "Ground Plane" or "Above Ground." Sighters were instructed to indicate the location of where the squirrel was when first sighted.
above_ground_sighter_measurement character For squirrel sightings on the ground plane, fields were populated with a value of "FALSE."
specific_location character Sighters occasionally added commentary on the squirrel location. These notes are provided here.
running logical Squirrel was seen running.
chasing logical Squirrel was seen chasing.
climbing logical Squirrel was seen climbing.
eating logical Squirrel was seen eating.
foraging logical Squirrel was seen foraging.
other_activities character Other activities
kuks logical Squirrel was heard kukking, a chirpy vocal communication used for a variety of reasons.
quaas logical Squirrel was heard quaaing, an elongated vocal communication which can indicate the presence of a ground predator such as a dog.
moans logical Squirrel was heard moaning, a high-pitched vocal communication which can indicate the presence of an air predator such as a hawk.
tail_flags logical Squirrel was seen flagging its tail. Flagging is a whipping motion used to exaggerate squirrel's size and confuse rivals or predators. Looks as if the squirrel is scribbling with tail into the air.
tail_twitches logical Squirrel was seen flagging its tail. Flagging is a whipping motion used to exaggerate squirrel's size and confuse rivals or predators. Looks as if the squirrel is scribbling with tail into the air.
approaches logical Squirrel was seen approaching human, seeking food.
indifferent logical Squirrel was indifferent to human presence.
runs_from logical .Squirrel was seen running from humans, seeing them as a threat.
other_interactions character Sighter notes on other types of interactions between squirrels and humans.
lat_long character Combined lat long
zip_codes double zip codes
community_districts double Community districts
borough_boundaries double Borough boundaries
city_council_districts double City council districts
police_precincts double Police precincts