- NOTE: This fork don't have the video funcionality, and runs in the main thread, if you app don't have an intense use of the camera inside of a navigationGroup, use the original module by mikefogg, this update I made was only to work correctly in a project I'm working on.
An Appcelerator Titanium module that uses AVFoundation to allow for a much more customizable camera.
I have wanted (multiple times now) the option of being able to customize the camera size, shape, and functionality without just using the camera overlay. This lets you do that :)
- NOTE: The name can be misleading, the camera does not HAVE to be a square :)
- NOTE: I have not tested against iOS8 Beta yet but will be doing that in the coming months (but feel free to try it and let me know :) )
- Note: I am sure it works on many more versions than this, but these are just the one's I've used
Include the module in your tiapp.xml:
var SquareCamera = require('com.mfogg.squarecamera'); // Initialize the SquareCamera module
// open a single window
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({backgroundColor:"#eee"});
var camera_view = SquareCamera.createView({
top: 0,
height: 320,
width: 320,
backgroundColor: "#fff",
camera: "back" // Optional "back" or "front"
var image_preview = Ti.UI.createImageView({
right: 10,
bottom: 10,
width: 160,
height: 160,
backgroundColor: '#444'
camera_view.addEventListener("success", function(e){
image_preview.image = e.media;
- NOTE: The created view (ex. 'camera_view' above) can have other views added on top of it to act as a camera overlay (exactly how you would a standard Ti.UI.view)
Takes the photo (and fires the "success" event)
Turns the flash off (and fires the "onFlashOff" event)
Turns the flash on (and fires the "onFlashOn" event)
Takes the parameters "front" or "back" to change the position of the camera (and fires the "onCameraChange" event)
Pauses the camera feed (and fires the "onStateChange" event with the state param "paused")
Resumes the camera feed (and fires the "onStateChange" event with the state param "resumed")
Will fire when a picture is taken.
camera_view.addEventListener("success", function(e){
Ti.API.info(e.media); // The actual blob data
Ti.API.info(e.camera); // The "front" or "back" string for where the picture was taken
image_preview.image = e.media;
Will fire when the flash is turned on.
camera_view.addEventListener("onFlashOn", function(e){
Ti.API.info("Flash Turned On");
Will fire when the flash is turned off.
camera_view.addEventListener("onFlashOff", function(e){
Ti.API.info("Flash Turned Off");
Will fire when the camera is changed between front and back
camera_view.addEventListener("onCameraChange", function(e){
// e.camera returns one of:
// "front" : using the front camera
// "back" : using the back camera
Ti.API.info("Now using the "+e.camera+" camera"); // See what camera we're now using
Will fire when the camera itself changes states
// Event that listens for the camera to switch
camera_view.addEventListener("stateChange", function(e){
// Camera state change event:
// "started" : The camera has started running!
// "stopped" : The camera has been stopped (and is being torn down)
// "paused" : You've paused the camera
// "resumed" : You've resumed the camera after pausing
// e.state = The new state of the camera (one of the above options)
Ti.API.info("Camera state changed to "+e.state);
- Android support
... anything else :)
Do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. And if you find a problem on your way, let me know so I can fix it for my own apps too :) @Kosso @reymundolopez