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Refact Starter Theme


Refact Starter Theme is a WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) theme designed for rapid development with modern tools and standards. This guide will help you set up and use the theme, including various configurations and scripts provided in the project.

Table of Contents


  • Modern Development Workflow: Utilizes Webpack for asset bundling, Babel for JavaScript transpilation, and Sass for CSS preprocessing.
  • Full Site Editing Support: Compatible with WordPress FSE, allowing block-based theme development.
  • Automated Code Quality Tools: Includes configurations for ESLint, Stylelint, and PHP CodeSniffer to maintain high code quality.
  • Versioning Script: Automatically updates version numbers in block JSON and PHP asset files when SCSS files are modified.
  • Customizable Configuration: Easily extend and override configurations for Webpack, ESLint, Stylelint, and PHP CodeSniffer.
  • Predefined Theme Settings: Pre-configured theme.json file with customizable global styles and settings for color palettes, typography, spacing, and more.

Getting Started

Run inside local WP install's theme folder E.g. /wp.local/wp-content/themes/your-theme directory.

Install dependencies:

 npm install
 composer install

Running the Project

To start the project use the following command:

npm run start


To lint JavaScript files:

npm run lint

To lint CSS/SASS files:

npm run lint:css

To check PHP code standards:

npm run phpcs

To automatically fix PHP code standard issues:

npm run phpcbf


The update-version.js script checks for modifications in SCSS files and updates version numbers in related JSON and PHP files. Run the script manually if needed:

npm run updateVersion

Additional Notes

  • The script uses a memory file (lastModifiedMemory.json) to store the last modification time. Ensure this file is writable.
  • Each block should have a block.json, index.scss, and index.asset.php file for the script to work correctly.

Gutenberg Blocks

We have another webpack configuration for building Gutenberg blocks, which is located in webpack.blocks.config.js. if you want to start developing or building blocks you can use the following commands.

To start developing blocks:

npm run start:blocks

To start buillding blocks:

npm run build:blocks

Performance Matters

We define a method to automate the enqueuing of stylesheets for specific Gutenberg blocks in WordPress. By using the render_block filter, we can conditionally enqueue styles based on the type of block being rendered. You can find the code in the /wp-content/themes/refact-starter/inc/style-hooks.php file.

function refact_custom_block_styles() {
  $theme_version = defined( 'THEME_VERSION' ) ? THEME_VERSION : '1.0.0';

  // Array of block names and corresponding CSS file names
  $block_styles = array(
    'core/button' => 'button.css',

    // Add more block styles here
    // 'block/name' => 'filename.css',

  foreach ( $block_styles as $block_name => $style_file ) {
    $args = array(
      'handle'  => 'refact-starter-' . str_replace( '/', '-', $block_name ),
      'src'     => get_theme_file_uri( "assets/styles/blocks/$style_file" ),
      'ver'     => $theme_version,
      'path'    => get_theme_file_path( "assets/styles/blocks/$style_file" ),
    wp_enqueue_block_style( $block_name, $args );
add_filter( 'after_setup_theme', 'refact_custom_block_styles' );

As illustrated in the code above, we check if the core/button block exists on the page and then enqueue the button.css file. You can add more conditions for different blocks by following the same pattern.

File Descriptions


Main Webpack configuration file for bundling JavaScript and CSS.

  • Defines entry points, output configuration, and module rules.
  • Uses plugins like MiniCssExtractPlugin, ESLintPlugin, and StylelintPlugin.


Extends the default Webpack configuration provided by @wordpress/scripts.

  • Used to add or override configuration options specific to your project.


Contains PHP dependencies and configuration for PHP CodeSniffer.

  • require-dev: Lists development dependencies such as PHP CodeSniffer and WordPress Coding Standards.
  • config: Allows specific plugins to be used.


Configuration for ESLint, specifying global variables and recommended rules.

  • languageOptions: Defines global variables for the browser.
  • jsConfigs.recommended: Includes recommended ESLint configurations.


Configuration for Stylelint, enforcing CSS/SASS coding standards.

  • Extends the recommended configuration.
  • Defines custom rules, such as BEM naming conventions and ignoring certain at-rules.


Defines PHP CodeSniffer rules and file exclusions.

  • Includes WordPress-specific rules.
  • Excludes non-PHP files and certain directories.


Lists Node.js dependencies and defines scripts for various tasks.

  • scripts: Contains commands for building, linting, and running the project.
  • devDependencies and dependencies: Lists required packages for development and production.


Script to automatically update version numbers in block JSON and PHP asset files when SCSS files are modified.

  • Checks modification times of files.
  • Updates version numbers in corresponding JSON and PHP files.


Defines global styles and settings for the WordPress theme.

  • Specifies color palettes, typography, spacing, and other settings.
  • Defines template parts and custom templates.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or issues, please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub.

To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Ensure your changes follow the coding standards and pass all tests.
  5. Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message.
  6. Push your branch to your forked repository.
  7. Open a pull request on the main repository.

Thank you for contributing to Refact Starter Theme!