diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1c7c0f20..9d1d41a9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ I'm happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and any oth
And since I'm not a native English speaker, if you find any grammar mistakes in the documentation, please also let me know. :)
# Contributors
 luin |  dguo |  shaharmor |  doublesharp |  nakulgan |
 AVVS |  ramonsnir |  hayeah |  albin3 |  phlip9 |
 fracmak |  ddunkin |  ruimarinho |  suprememoocow |  jpallen |
 lpinca |  jeffjen |  headquarters |  devaos |  9point6 |
 darrachequesne |  horx |  ColmHally |  klinquist |  alsotang |
 zhuangya |  Gerhut |  jcperez |  pensierinmusica |  TeeAaTeeUu |
 bradvogel |  devoto13 |  tkalfigo |  stipsan |  ArtskydJ |
 joeledwards |  nswbmw |  pyros2097 |  henstock |  igrcic |
 mtlima |  pra85 |  i5ting |  VikramTiwari |
+ luin |  dguo |  shaharmor |  doublesharp |  nakulgan |
 AVVS |  ramonsnir |  hayeah |  albin3 |  phlip9 |
 fracmak |  ddunkin |  ruimarinho |  suprememoocow |  jpallen |
 lpinca |  reconbot |  jeffjen |  SamBergeron |  devaos |
 headquarters |  9point6 |  horx |  darrachequesne |  klinquist |
 ColmHally |  alsotang |  zhuangya |  jcperez |  Gerhut |
 pensierinmusica |  TeeAaTeeUu |  pra85 |  i5ting |  nswbmw |
 ArtskydJ |  henstock |  joeledwards |  devoto13 |  VikramTiwari |
 igrcic |  tkalfigo |  pyros2097 |  mtlima |  bradvogel |
 stipsan |
# License