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File metadata and controls

118 lines (68 loc) · 5.37 KB

User guide

LSP console

Although not directly useful to users in most cases, the Language Server console view is extremely valuable when we need to troubleshoot issues with the language servers.

The state of the servers is visible, stop and restart is available with a right-click, and you can enable different levels of tracing:

LSP console trace settings

The communication details between the IDE and the language servers are seen in the "LSP consoles" pane. In verbose mode, the messages can be expanded for more details:

LSP console Traces

If the language server logs messages via window/logMessage, you can see them in the Logs tab:

LSP console Logs

When a language server is started, several actions are available, like stopping the language server or copying the command starting the language server :

LSP console actions


Language Servers preferences

The preference page under Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | Language Servers allows power users to configure mappings, language servers debugging and tracing:

Language Server preferences

The Mappings tab shows the file associations with the language server:

Language Server preferences - Mappings

The Debug tab allows to configure language servers debugging and tracing:

Language Server preferences - Debug

LSP CodeLens

The standard preference page under Preferences | Inlay Hints allows to configure LSP Codelens:

LSP CodeLens settings

You can configure LSP CodeLens on the Top:

LSP CodeLens settings - Top

or configure LSP CodeLens on the Right:

LSP CodeLens settings - Right



The LSP formatting support can be done with the standard Reformat Code and Reformat File actions.

Find Usages

The following LSP features are integrated with the standard Find Usages menu (provided they're supported by the underlying language server):

Find Usages menu

Find Usages result


On file operation

If the language server can support workspace/willRenameFiles, when a file is renamed inside IntelliJ IDEA, LSP4IJ can consume it and applies the WorkspaceEdit to apply some refactoring.

Semantic Tokens support

LSP4IJ provides experimental support for LSP Semantic Tokens.

Language Server coloration

LSP4IJ provides default colors for semantic tokens, configurable in Editor / Color Scheme / Language Server:

Semantic tokens color settings

You can see the mapping between token types/modifiers and IntelliJ's TextAttributeKey on the color settings page (e.g., Class declaration) in DefaultSemanticTokensColorsProvider section.

Semantic Tokens Inspector

The Semantic Tokens Inspector allows you to understand semantic coloring via LSP semantic tokens support. You can open the inspector with the menu View / Tool Window / Semantic Tokens Inspector:

LSP Semantic Tokens Inspector Menu

Once the inspector is open, it tracks all calls to semantic tokens. If a file must be colored via semantic tokens, it appears in a tab of the inspector and must display information on the TextAttributeKeys to use and the token types / modifiers decoded that you can select in the left panel via the checkboxes:

LSP Semantic Tokens Inspector


If the Semantic Tokens doesn't show the expected result, please check that:

  • show in the LSP console that your language server reports LSP request textDocument/semanticTokens/full
  • uses the Semantic Tokens Inspector to understand more how the file content is tokenized. Problem could come if LSP4IJ doesn't support some token types / modifiers.