The Dockerfile in this directory creates an image with some additional tooling for use in Web Terminal.
#TODO: !
Configure the following environment variables to point to your username in your container registry:
export REGISTRY=<your container registry>
export USER=<your registry's username>
With podman:
podman build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling
podman push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling
With docker:
docker build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling
docker push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling
export REGISTRY=""
export USER="aobuchow"
podman build . -t "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling
podman push "${REGISTRY}"/${USER}/wto-tooling:extra-tooling