# File: HISTORY.txt # 5-Nov-2019 - V0.11 Created module with preliminary dependency cache management 18-Jan-2020 - V0.12 Preliminary APIs for OpenEye TK, RDKIT, OpenBabel/Pybel, and CACTVS. 25-Jan-2020 - V0.13 Add CactvsMoleculeFactory() and test methods. 7-Mar-2020 - V0.14 Add OeSearchMoleculeProvider(), ChemCompSearchIndexProvider() 10-Mar-2020 - V0.15 Add CI pipeline configuration. 11-Mar-2020 - V0.16 Update documentation and path defaults for concatenated component dictionaries 12-Mar-2020 - V0.17 Add ChemCompSearchWrapper() and associated tests 13-Mar-2020 - V0.18 Add formula matching method in ChemCompSearchIndexProvider() 13-Mar-2020 - V0.19 Make formula result MatchResults() 14-Mar-2020 - V0.20 Add formula parser in module MolecularFormula() 16-Mar-2020 - V0.21 Adjust formula range search filter. 16-Mar-2020 - V0.22 Simplify joint fingerprint and ssSearch - 16-Mar-2020 - V0.23 Suppress logging of formula results 27-Mar-2020 - V0.24 Adjust atom and bond stereo depiction avoid display undefined features 2-Apr-2020 - V0.25 Adjustments to improve labeling of large structures and include W/H stereo 10-Apr-2020 - V0.26 Adjustments for default substructure search constraints and build defaults 16-Apr-2020 - V0.27 Return screening fpScores with substructure search results - adjustments in depiction resolution 16-May-2020 - V0.28 Revise search index unique identifiers, adjustments for refine aligned depictions, add ChemCompDepictWrapper() 16-May-2020 - V0.29 Asign substructure name in mol2* files 17-May-2020 - V0.30 Adjust labeling in search index. 3-Jun-2020 - V0.31 Add getIndexFilePath() methods to each index provider class. 9-Jun-2020 - V0.32 Additional ChemCompSearchWrapper() methods to manage dependencies 10-Jun-2020 - V0.33 Allow file name adjustments to stash and recover methods and further suppress logging in quietMode 11-Jun-2020 - V0.34 Maintain the consistent cache behavior 11-Jun-2020 - V0.35 Allow cache reuse when rebuilding dependencies 27-Jun-2020 - V0.36 Unify cache management in search and depict wrapper classes 28-Jun-2020 - V0.37 Adding a fallback for missing depict config file 1-Jul-2020 - V0.38 Adjust match option names. 1-Jul-2020 - V0.39 Avoid exhaustive ss search for negative pre-filter results 20-Aug-2020 - V0.40 Update dependencies 29-Sep-2020 - V0.41 Update dependencies 21-Oct-2020 - V0.42 Separate substructure search in a new module, adjustments for latest black formatting 23-Oct-2020 - V0.43 Integrate new substructure search with ChemCompSearchWrapper() 10-Dec-2020 - V0.45 In progress update to py39, add toMolFile() to ChemCompDepictWrapper(), upversion 15-Dec-2020 - V0.47 Make the build type options adjustable in OeMoleculeFactory.buildRelated(), add tests, upversion 18-Dec-2020 - V0.48 Corrections in fileToMols() and stringToMols(), and add OeMcssSearchUtils() and tests 18-Jan-2021 - V0.49 Add module OeChemCompUtils() and tests, and update dependencies 18-Jan-2021 - V0.50 Reorder chem_comp_atom data items in OeChemCompUtils() 26-Jan-2021 - V0.51 Add module ChemCompAlignUtils() and update dependencies 27-Jan-2021 - V0.52 Adjustments to error handling in OeSearchMoleculeProvider() 31-Jan-2021 - V0.53 API adjustments in OeAlignUtils() to export feature coordinates/formal charge for cif/OE molecules 1-Feb-2021 - V0.54 Fix initialization for missing coordinates OeMoleculeFactory.getAtomDetails() 1-Feb-2021 - V0.55 Adjust reporting of undefined CIP stereochemistry for non-carbon atoms. 2-Feb-2021 - V0.56 Make OE warnings optional in OeAlignUtils(). 2-Feb-2021 - V0.57 Add working path to OeAlignUtils(). 3-Feb-2021 - V0.58 Add search criteria relaxed-stereo-sdeq and relaxed-sdeq 4-Feb-2021 - V0.59 Increase timeout in OeAlignUtils() and add return atom counts for molecule setters. 4-Feb-2021 - V0.60 Add working path for MarshalUtil() in OeAlignUtils() 4-Feb-2021 - V0.61 Reduce timeout to 120s in OeAlignUtils() 2-Mar-2021 - V0.62 Updating a search criteria, adding multipage substructure alignment depiction, and new comparison searchtests with depiction. 5-Mar-2021 - V0.63 Add BatchChemSearch() module and associated tests 8-Mar-2021 - V0.64 Add option (largestPart) to read/process the largest connected part in fileToMols()/OeMoleculeFactory() 9-Mar-2021 - V0.65 Add methods to import oeMol directly into OeAlignUtils(), add method to get CIF container object from OeChemCompUtils() 11-Mar-2021 - V0.66 Add option to skip annotations in OeChemCompUtils() 11-Mar-2021 - V0.67 Add timeout decorator to method addOeMol() OeChemCompUtils() 12-Mar-2021 - V0.68 Add constraint on the maximum number of matches for OESubSearch() in OeAlignUtils. 12-Mar-2021 - V0.69 Add constraint on the maximum number of substructure matches for OeDepictAlign(). 13-Mar-2021 - V0.70 Change to multi-process timeout decorator with variable timeout settings. 5-May-2021 - V0.71 Update dependencies 9-Jun-2021 - V0.72 Update installation tools and add diagnostic output for fingerprint score results 9-Jun-2021 - V0.73 Update manifest files 22-Aug-2021 - V0.74 Add ChemAxonDescriptorProvider and associated tests. Add ChemAxon smiles to search index build. 26-Aug-2021 - V0.75 Add filter for obsolete definitions in ChemCompMoleculeProvider and ChemCompSearchIndexProvider modules 23-Sep-2021 - V0.76 Set default for skipObsolete to True 9-Jan-2023 - V0.77 Configuration changes to support tox 4 19-May-2023 - V0.78 Update DNS to PDB archive 6-Feb-2024 - V0.79 Update Azure testing pipelines to use MacOS 13; Suppress errors logged for UNL (UNknown Ligand) chemical component 21-May-2024 - V0.80 Fix pylinting 11-Feb-2025 - V0.81 Update requirements and update CI/CD to python 3.10 26-Feb-2025 - V0.82 Adjust ChemAxon API request for SMILES standardization (following changes to their converter API)