I made this simple To Do application in python to help me get things done, at the moment it is simple but I have bigger plans for in the future, please feel free to mess around with it or contribute! :)
Libraries used:
- Tkinter
- Playsound
- Systray
- CTkinter
- Matpylib
Images stored in Image folder Sounds stored in SFX folder
Currently only supports Windows OS and is non-resizeable, plan is to make it run on other OS's and have customizable settings such as options for sound and program resolution.
Add Resiable window functionality (must keep UI assets anchored with the UI strechning along with the window)
Future implementation of a skill tree
- Represented by nodes linking to eachtoerh via skill history
- Interactive contribution graph of your progress
- Similar to github contribution graph
- Track everything on a online database