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  • Introduce a new function, scope_fifo, which introduces a Rayon scope that executes tasks in per-thread FIFO order; in this mode, at least with one worker thread, the tasks that are spawned first execute first. This is on contrast to the tradition Rayon scope, which executes in per-thread LIFO order, such that tasks that are spawned first execute last. Per-thread FIFO requires a small amount of indirection to implement but is important for some use-cases.
  • Introduce a new function, spawn_fifo, that pushes tasks onto the implicit global scope. These tasks will also execute in FIFO order, in contrast to the existing spawn function.
  • Deprecate the existing breadth_first flag on ThreadPool. Users should migrate to creating a scope_fifo instead, as it is better behaved.
    • In the future, the breadth_first flag may be converted to a no-op.


The prioritization order for tasks can sometimes make a big difference to the overall system efficiency. Currently, Rayon offers only a single knob for tuning this behavior, in the form of the breadth_first option on builds. This knob is not only rather coarse, it can lead to quite surprising behavior when one intermingles scope and join (including stack overflows, see #590). The goal of this RFC is to make more options available to users while ensuring that these options "compose well" with the overall system.

Current behavior: Per-thread LIFO

By default, and presuming no stealing occurs, the current behavior of a Rayon scope is to execute tasks in the reverse of the order that they are created. Therefore, in the following code, task 2 would execute first, and then task 1:

rayon::scope(|scope| {
  scope.spawn(|scope| /* task 1 */ );
  scope.spawn(|scope| /* task 2 */ );

Thieves, in contrast, steal tasks in the order that they are created, so a thief would steal Task 1 before Task 2. Once a task is stolen, any new tasks that it spawns are processed first by the thief, again in reverse order (but may in turn be stolen by others, again in the order of creation).

Implementation notes. This behavior corresponds very nicely with the general "work stealing" implementation, where each thread has a deque of tasks. Each new task is pushed on to the back of the deque. The thread pops tasks from the back of the deque when executing locally, but steals from the front of the deque.

Per-thread FIFO

Unfortunately, for some applications, executing tasks in the reverse order turns out to be undesirable. One such application is stylo, the parallel rendering engine used in Firefox. The "basic loop" in Stylo is a simple tree walk that descends the DOM tree, spawning off a task for each element:

fn style_walk<'scope>(
  element: &'scope Element,
  scope: &rayon::Scope<'scope>,
) {
  for child in element {
    scope.spawn(|scope| style_walk(child, scope));

For efficiency, Stylo employs a per-worker-thread cache, which enables it to share information between tasks. For this task to be maximally effective, it is best to process all of the children of a given element first, before processing its "grandchildren" (this is because sibling tasks require the same cached information, but grandchildren may not). However, if we use the default scheduling strategy of per-thread LIFO, this is not what we get: instead, for a given element E, we would process first its last child Cn. Processing Cn would push more tasks onto the thread-local deque (the grandchildren of E) and those would be the next to be processed. In effect, we are getting a depth-first search when what we wanted was a breadth-first search.

To address this, we currently offer a per threadpool flag called breadth_first. This causes us to (globally) process tasks from the front of the queue first. This works well for Stylo, but interacts poorly with parallel iterators, as previously mentioned.

Instead of a flag on the threadpool, this RFC proposes to allow users to select the scheduling when constructing a scope. So stylo would create its scope using rayon::scope_fifo instead of rayon::scope:

rayon::scope_fifo(|scope| {

Creating a FIFO scope means that, when a thread goes to process a task that is part of the scope, it prefers first the tasks that were created most recently within the current thread. If we assume no stealing, then all tasks are created by one thread, and hence this is simply a FIFO ordering.

However, when stealing occurs, the ordering can get more complex and does not abide by a strict FIFO ordering. To illustrate, imagine that a thread T1 creates a scope S and creates three tasks, A, B and C within the scope. This thread T1 will begin by executing A, as it is the task created first. Let us imagine that processing A takes a very long time, and all the rest of the work proceeds before it completes.

Next, imagine that a thief thread T2 steals the task B. In executing B, it creates two more tasks, D and E. Once T2 finishes with B, it will proceed to execute D and E, in that order (presuming they are not stolen first). Only when it completes E will it go back to T1 and steal the task C. So the final ordering of task creation is A, B, C, D, E, but the tasks begin execution in a different order: A, B, D, E, C. This order is influenced by what gets stolen and when.

As it happens, this "per-thread FIFO" behavior is a very good fit for Stylo. It enables each worker thread to keep a cache in its thread-local data. When T2 steals the task B, its local cache is primed to process B's children, i.e., D and E. If T2 were to go and process C now, it would not benefit at all from the cache built up when processing B.

In fact, similar logic likely applies to many other applications: if nothing else, the caches on the CPU itself contain the state accessed from B, and it is likely that the tasks spawned by B are going to re-use more of those cache lines than task C. (In general, this is why we prefer a LIFO behavior, as it offers similar benefits.)

Guide-level explanation

New functions and types

We extend the rayon-core API to include two new functions, as well as two corresponding methods on the ThreadPool struct:

  • scope_fifo(..) and ThreadPool::scope_fifo
  • spawn_fifo(..) and ThreadPool::spawn_fifo

These two functions (and methods) are analogous to the existing scope and spawn functions respectively, except that they ensure per-thread FIFO ordering.

The scope_fifo function (and method) takes a closure implementing FnOnce(&ScopeFifo<'scope>) as argument. The ScopeFifo struct (also introduced by this RFC) is analogous to existing Scope struct -- it permits one to spawn new tasks that will execute before the scope_fifo function returns. It will offer one method, ScopeFifo::spawn_fifo, that permits one to spawn a (FIFO) task into the scope, analogous to Scope::spawn.


The breadth_first flag on thread-pools is deprecated but (for now) retains its current behavior. In some future rayon-core release, it may become a no-op, so users are encouraged to migrate to use scope_fifo or spawn_fifo instead.

Implementation notes

Implementing scope_fifo

Rayon's core thread pool operates on the traditional work-stealing mechanism, where each worker thread has its own deque. New tasks are pushed onto the back of the deque, and to obtain a local task, the thread pops from the back of the deque. When stealing, jobs are taken from the front of the deque. So how can we extend this to accommodate the new scheduling modes?

In addition, we have the goal that nested scopes using these modes should "compose" nicely with one another (and with the join operation)1. So, for example, if we have a thread nesting scopes like:

  • a per-thread LIFO scope S1 that contains a
    • per-thread FIFO scope S2 that contains
      • a join(A, B) of tasks A and B

then we should execute:

  • first, the tasks from the join (in reverse order, so A and then B)
  • then, the tasks from S2, in the order that they were created
  • then, the tasks from S1, in the reverse order from which they were created.

Implementing Per-thread LIFO scheduling is therefore very easy. Each new job pushed onto the stack is simply pushed directly onto the back of the deque. Worker threads pop local tasks from the back of the deque but steal from the front (if the breadth_first flag is true, then worker threads pop local tasks from the front as well).

Implementing Per-thread FIFO requires a certain amount of indirection. The scope creates N FIFOs, one per worker thread (as of this writing, the number of worker threads is fixed; if we later add the ability to grow or shrink the thread-pool dynamically, that will make this implementation somewhat more complex). When a new task is pushed onto a FIFO scope by the worker with index W, we actually push two items:

  • First, we push the task itself onto the FIFO with index W. This task contains the closure that needs to execute.
  • Second, we push an "indirect" task onto the worker's thread-local deque. This task contains a reference to the FIFO for the worker index W that created it, but does not record the actual closure that needs to execute.

Like any other task, this "indirect task" may be popped locally or stolen. In either case, when it executes, it must first find the closure to execute. To do that, it will find the FIFO for the worker W that created it and pop the next closure from the front, which it can then execute. Any new tasks pushed by this task T will be pushed onto the current thread, which is not necessarily the thread W that created it.

Note that the FIFO mode does impose some "indirection overhead" relative to the LIFO execution mode. This is partly what motivates the default, as well backwards compatibility concerns. In any case, the overhead does not seem to be too large: the prototype implementation of these ideas was evaluated experimentally by @bholley, who found that it performs equivalently to today's code.

Implementing spawn_fifo

The traditional spawn function used by Rayon behaves (roughly) "as if" there were a global scope surrounding the worker thread: presuming that spawn is executed from inside a worker thread, it simply pushes the task onto the current thread-local deque. (When executed from outside a worker thread, the task is added to the "global injector"; it will eventually be picked up by some worker thread and executed.)

spawn_fifo can be implemented in an analogous way to scope_fifo by having each worker thread have a global FIFO, analogous to the FIFOs created in each scope_fifo. spawn_fifo then pushes the true task onto this FIFO as well as an "indirect task" onto the thread-local deque, exactly as described above.

Rationale and alternatives

Why change at all? Two things are clear:

  • There is a need for FIFO-oriented scheduling, to accommodate Stylo.
  • The existing, global implementation -- while simple -- has serious drawbacks. It works well for Stylo, but it doesn't "compose" well with other code, that may wish to use parallel iterators or join-based invocations.

These two facts together motivate moving to something like the per-thread FIFO behavior described in this RFC.

Why offer both FIFO and LIFO modes? A serious alternative however would be to offer only this behavior, and not support per-thread LIFO -- this is the design which e.g. @stjepang is advocating for. In general, Rayon prefers offering fewer knobs, so that would be a general fit. However, there are some advantages to offering more scheduling modes:

  • Per-thread LIFO is the current default behavior of scopes. This is "semi-documented". While not strictly part of our semver guarantees, altering this behavior could negatively affect existing applications.
  • Per-thread LIFO offers the most efficient implementation in a "micro" sense, as it can build directly on the work-stealing deques and does not require any indirection. It also has desirable cache behavior, as threads will tend to continue the "most recent thing" you were doing, which is also the thing where the caches are warmest, etc. These two cases together argue that, for cases where the application doesn't otherwise care about execution order, per-thread LIFO is a good choice. This also applies to applications that wish to choose another scheduling constraint (see the next section).

Should we offer additional scheduling modes? Another question worth considering is "why stop with these two modes"? For example, the Rayon demo application for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem also uses the "indirect task" trick. However, in that case, it uses a (locked) priority queue to control the ordering. Similarly, earlier versions of this RFC considered a "global FIFO" ordering where tasks always executed in the order they were pushed, regardless of whether they were stolen or not. Rayon could conceivably offer some more flexible, priority-queue like mechanism as well. However, it's not clear that this is worth doing, since one can always achieve the same effect in "user space", as the TSP application does. (For this purpose, per-thread LIFO tasks are a great fit, as they add minimal overhead.)

Should scope_fifo return a Scope and not a ScopeFifo? The prototype implementation shares the same Scope type for both scope_fifo and scope, and stores a boolean value to remember which "mode" is in use. This RFC proposes a distinct return type, which gives us the freedom to avoid using a dynamic boolean at runtime (though the implementation is not required to take advantage of that freedom).

What to do with the breadth_first flag? Earlier drafts of this RFC proposed making the breadth_first flag a no-op immediately. It was decided however to simply deprecate the flag but keep its current behavior for the time being: users of breadth_first are encouraged to migrate to scope_fifo, however, since the breadth_first flag may become a no-op in the future (this would simplify the overall rayon-core implementation somewhat).

Unresolved questions



  1. The existing "global FIFO mode" fails miserably on this criteria, which is a partial motivator for this RFC.