By plugging the authentication backend into your django settings, the code will:
- authenticate a user via Harvard Pin -- uses Pin 2 authentication for constructing the PGP-signed message
- upon authentication, look up the person's info via HU LDAP
- create a Django User object based on the HU LDAP information (username, last name, first name, email)
Harvard specific
django, assuming you're using this already.
python-ldap, used by hu_ldap_basic module for accessing HU-LDAP
gnupg, open source version of PGP.
python-gnupg, python interface to gnupg. Used by hu_pin_auth module for verifying PGP message.
Install requirements/packages above.
- public key install, see 'gpg --import public.key'
Include "hu_ldap_basic" and "hu_pin_auth" modules on your PYTHON_PATH
- hackish: sys.path.append('Django-HU-Pin_Auth/')
In add 'hu_pin_auth.auth_hu_pin_backend_ldap.HarvardPinWithLdapAuthBackend' to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
- example with standard backend + HU PIN backend:
- AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'hu_pin_auth.auth_hu_pin_backend_ldap.HarvardPinWithLdapAuthBackend', )
- example with standard backend + HU PIN backend:
In, add GNUPG_HOME variable. Used by python-gnupg as described here
Add "HU_PIN_LOGIN_APP_NAMES" tuple with your app name. This is the name given when you Register a Pin 2 Application
Define these variables for LDAP authentication
- e.g. LDAP_CUSTOMER_NAME = 'fas_dept'
- e.g. LDAP_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD = 'MR-potato-head-123'
- e.g. LDAP_SERVER = 'ldaps://'
Include a "view_handle_pin_callback" url to match the url you specified in your Pin 2 Registration
An example callback url and view may be seen in:
hu_pin_auth/ view_handle_pin_callback
- ex/ url(r'^hu_auth/callback/$', 'view_handle_pin_callback', name='view_handle_pin_callback' ),
hu_pin_auth/ def view_handle_pin_callback(request):
For potential errors:
- hu_pin_auth/templates/view_pin_login_failed.html
Log out
- hu_pin_auth/templates/registration/logout.html (includes link to the HU Pin logout page)
Add a link to use PIN for admin (or other login.)
- Example of link that was added to the django admin/login.html template. overriding-admin-templates
- Include your app name where it reads 'FAS_MY_DEPT_AUTH_DEV':
<a href="{% url admin:index %}"><u>USE PIN LOGIN</u></a>
- Example may be found in file: hu_pin_auth/templates/admin/login.html
In the example above, a successful log in redirects back to the admin index page, to redirect to another page:
- (a) Define 'next' in the url query string.
- (b) Rewrite your view to go to the appropriate page (see example in hu_pin_auth/