Google Cloud Platform Istio bootstrap for GKE
- Practical Istio - Introduction
- A brief introduction into Istio and its role in modern production Kubernetes. We prepare for the future instalments of Practical Istio.
- Practical Istio - Private Kubernetes Deployment
- Deployment of Kubernetes onto GKE making use of GCP Deployment Manager. The process insures we end up with a robust private cluster to work with moving forward.
- Practical Istio - Init & Install
- Initialising the Istio Custom Definitions and installing Istio onto our fresh Kubernetes cluster.
- Practical Istio - Ingress Gateway
- Configure a number of different Istio Ingress Gateways allowing traffic in for our various services.
- Practical Istio - Virtual Services
- Configure Istio VirtualService components to route Kiali, Jaeger, Prometheus and Grafana endpoints to the correct services.
Service | Endpoint |
kiali | |
prometheus | |
grafana | |
tracing | |
Service | Endpoint |
prometheus | |
grafana | |
./ <project_id> <resource> <action>
Resources must be deployed and removed in the following order
create | delete |
iam | dns |
network | bastion |
cloud-router | gke |
gke | cloud-router |
bastion | network |
dns | iam |
Or simply run the following to bring it all up
./ <project_id> all create
Connect to the bastion host and manage the kubernetes cluster from there using the steps below
gcloud compute scp \
--recurse ./k8s* <project_id>-bastion:~/ \
--zone australia-southeast1-a
gcloud compute ssh <project_id>-bastion \
--project <project_id> \
--zone australia-southeast1-a
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <project_id>-gke \
--project <project_id> \
--region australia-southeast1
Note: If you have a domain name you will be using, make sure to replace DNS_NAME with that entry. If you aren't going to use one, you'll need to patch out references to
replacing it with the ingres IP you are assigned later.
# Initialize Istio
./k8s/istio/ <project_id> init
# Install Istio Services
./k8s/istio/ <project_id> install
kubectl apply -f k8s/istio/gateways
kubectl apply -f k8s/istio/virtual-services
kubectl apply -f k8s/istio/destination-rules
kubectl apply -f k8s/istio/whitelists
We'll deploy an RBAC configuration that is used by helm. Perform the following actions from the Bastion server
# Create tiller service account & cluster role binding
kubectl create -f k8s/rbac-config.yaml
# init helm with the service account
helm init --service-account tiller --history-max 200
helm install \
--name external-dns stable/external-dns \
-f k8s/external-dns.yaml --wait
helm install \
--name prometheus stable/prometheus \
-f k8s/prometheus/values.yaml --wait
kubectl apply \
-f k8s/grafana/configmap.yaml
helm install \
--name grafana stable/grafana \
-f k8s/grafana/values.yaml --wait
helm delete --purge external-dns grafana prometheus
./k8s/istio/ <project_id> remove
- RBAC Configuration Example -
- Deployment Manager samples -
- cloud_router
- firewall
- gke - with modifications from Praveen Chamarthi
- iam_member
- network