Let's you to access the following things
(1) Your FB account
(2) Check cricket updates from the command line
(3) Search on Google and Wiki from the Command line
(4) Get lyrics of various songs from the command line
(5) Gives you the news bulletin as well
(6) Get scores of ongoing and recent matches
(7) Download random XKCD images for your local repo
(8) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus division
This program best runs on Ubuntu (Tested and executed) To run this program follow the given steps:
Before jumping into the steps, please clone and download the Utlyz-CLI repository
There are 2 ways to run this program!
After cloning the repo, run the following command in the command line:
. prep.sh
And your virtualenv will be setup and ready to use!
(1) Download virtualenv in the same folder as that of the Utlyz-CLI repository programs.(if you already have this then skip this and go to the next step)
sudo apt install virtualenv
(2) Then run the virutal environment in the same folder.
virtualenv venv
(3) Then to make sure you enter your virtual environment, enter the following command.
. venv/bin/activate
(4) Then type the command below, in order to make sure that the changes you do in your file are directly reflected in your virtual environment.
pip install --editable apps/
(5) Finally type the below commands one by one to make sure that you get a list of the functionalities available in the following program
fbcli --help
cricbuzz --help
lyrics --help
searching --help
news --help
football --help
xkcd --help
calc --help