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Ryan Stewart edited this page Sep 15, 2022 · 26 revisions

This guide is to help you get Blueflood running and make some API calls to it so you can see it working.

Table of Contents

  1. Running Blueflood
  2. Trying Blueflood

Running Blueflood

Quickest: docker-compose

Quickly start a Blueflood instance that you can interact with via API. This just lets you get a feel for how it works. Note that this uses a Docker Hub Blueflood image that hasn't been updated in a while. Maintainers needed!

git clone
docker-compose -f blueflood/contrib/blueflood-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up

You can stop the docker containers by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal where they're running or by sending the down command in the same way you sent the up command. Delete them with the rm command, like

docker-compose -f blueflood/contrib/blueflood-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml rm

For tinkering: build from source

Not quite as simple as docker-compose, this is the surest way to get it running and lets you easily change configuration or code and restart it.

Clone the project, and build it. Blueflood currently requires JDK 8 to build.

git clone
cd blueflood
mvn package -P skip-unit-tests,skip-integration-tests

Blueflood requires a Cassandra database. In another terminal, switch to the blueflood directory, and create a temporary database with docker.

docker run --name bf-cass -p 9042:9042 -v $(pwd)/src/cassandra/cli/load.cdl:/load.cdl \
    -e 'JVM_EXTRA_OPTS=-Dcassandra.skip_wait_for_gossip_to_settle=0' cassandra:4

Cassandra takes a little time to start the first time. Wait for the line with Starting listening for CQL clients on / to show up. This means Cassandra is ready to accept connections. Then create the initial schema.

docker exec bf-cass cqlsh -f /load.cdl

Blueflood also requires Elasticsearch. In yet another terminal, switch to the blueflood directory, and start an Elasticsearch node.

docker run --name bf-es -p "9200:9200" -p "9300:9300" elasticsearch:1.7

Once you see the "started" log from Elasticsearch, initialize it with


You should see {"acknowledged":true} printed out several times.

Now you can start Blueflood.


After a few moments, you should see All blueflood services started.

Ctrl+C will stop Blueflood. Stop Cassandra and Elasticsearch with docker stop bf-cass and docker stop bf-es. You can start the same containers again later with docker start <name>. Delete them with docker rm <name>.

Older methods

These are ways of running Blueflood that were done in the past and may or may not work anymore. Maintainers needed!


There's a Blueflood Vagrant box, but it hasn't been updated in some time. It needs maintenance. There's a packer build in Blueflood that's likely the source of the box.

mkdir blueflood_demo; cd blueflood_demo
vagrant init blueflood/blueflood
vagrant up

Trying Blueflood

Now that you have Blueflood running, send it some metrics.

now="$(date +%s)000"
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:19000/v2.0/100/ingest' -d "
    \"collectionTime\": $((now-1000)),
    \"ttlInSeconds\": 172800,
    \"metricValue\": 1337,
    \"metricName\": \"\"
    \"collectionTime\": $((now+1000)),
    \"ttlInSeconds\": 172800,
    \"metricValue\": 1338,
    \"metricName\": \"\"
    \"collectionTime\": $((now+1000)),
    \"ttlInSeconds\": 172800,
    \"metricValue\": 90210,
    \"metricName\": \"example.metric.two\"

You can query the metrics you just ingested like this:

curl -i "http://localhost:20000/v2.0/100/views/$before&to=$after&resolution=full"
curl -i "http://localhost:20000/v2.0/100/views/example.metric.two?from=$before&to=$after&resolution=full"

You should see some json returned with the values for the metrics you sent to the ingestion endpoint. the curl for should return this, for example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 321

  "unit": "unknown",
  "values": [
      "numPoints": 1,
      "timestamp": <a recent time value in milliseconds>,
      "average": 1337
      "numPoints": 1,
      "timestamp": <a more recent time value in milliseconds>,
      "average": 1338
  "metadata": {
    "limit": null,
    "next_href": null,
    "count": 2,
    "marker": null

List your metrics

curl -X GET "http://localhost:20000/v2.0/100/metrics/search?query=*"

This should return the list of all the metrics you ingested. There should be two so far:


Well done!

You've just sent a microscopically small amount of metrics to Blueflood! This is good, but the reason you are here is because you want more.

What Next?

There are a couple different paths you could take now:

  1. Play around with more and different requests to the server. You can find more information on our Query and Ingest In Depth page.
  2. Start sending metrics to Blueflood from your existing infastructure.
  3. Set up Grafana to visualize your metrics.
  4. Set up a local Blueflood development environment. Check out the Installing from Source page.
  5. Set up multi-server Blueflood environment. Something with Cassandra and Elasticsearch clusters, perhaps, so you can run this thing at scale.
  6. Debug blueflood using intelliJ

Configuring Blueflood

You can find all configuration options and their default values in the implementations of ConfigDefaults. Configuration values can be set in the given blueflood.config or as a Java system property on the command line: