diff --git a/deps/rabbit/BUILD.bazel b/deps/rabbit/BUILD.bazel
index 80891cf7382c..8571bc0b8caf 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/deps/rabbit/BUILD.bazel
@@ -319,8 +319,6 @@ rabbitmq_integration_suite(
     name = "classic_queue_prop_SUITE",
     size = "large",
-    shard_count = 6,
-    sharding_method = "case",
     deps = [
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/priv/schema/rabbit.schema b/deps/rabbit/priv/schema/rabbit.schema
index 226a86e96531..53d4556094cf 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/priv/schema/rabbit.schema
+++ b/deps/rabbit/priv/schema/rabbit.schema
@@ -2538,8 +2538,8 @@ end}.
 {translation, "rabbit.classic_queue_default_version",
     fun(Conf) ->
-        case cuttlefish:conf_get("classic_queue.default_version", Conf, 1) of
-            1 -> 1;
+        case cuttlefish:conf_get("classic_queue.default_version", Conf, 2) of
+            1 -> cuttlefish:invalid("Classic queues v1 are no longer supported");
             2 -> 2;
             _ -> cuttlefish:unset()
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index f645faef88b9..cd74ccc393b3 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -477,12 +477,8 @@ init_queue_mode(Mode, State = #q {backing_queue = BQ,
 init_queue_version(Version0, State = #q {backing_queue = BQ,
                                          backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
-    %% When the version is undefined we use the default version 1.
-    %% We want to BQ:set_queue_version in all cases because a v2
-    %% policy might have been deleted, for example, and we want
-    %% the queue to go back to v1.
     Version = case Version0 of
-        undefined -> rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 1);
+        undefined -> 2;
         _ -> Version0
     BQS1 = BQ:set_queue_version(Version, BQS),
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2.erl
index 4f8a2403e121..ef0f042c6214 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2.erl
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ sync(State0 = #qi{ confirms = Confirms,
     State#qi{ confirms = sets:new([{version,2}]) }.
--spec needs_sync(state()) -> 'false'.
+-spec needs_sync(state()) -> 'false' | 'confirms'.
 needs_sync(State = #qi{ confirms = Confirms }) ->
     ?DEBUG("~0p", [State]),
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
index 346b39abec78..249e870af775 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
@@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ init_for_conversion(#resource{ virtual_host = VHost } = Name, OnSyncFun, OnSyncM
                          'undefined' | non_neg_integer(), qistate()}.
 recover(#resource{ virtual_host = VHost } = Name, Terms, MsgStoreRecovered,
-        ContainsCheckFun, OnSyncFun, OnSyncMsgFun, Context) ->
+        ContainsCheckFun, OnSyncFun, OnSyncMsgFun,
+        %% We only allow using this module when converting to v2.
+        convert) ->
     #{segment_entry_count := SegmentEntryCount} = rabbit_vhost:read_config(VHost),
     put(segment_entry_count, SegmentEntryCount),
     VHostDir = rabbit_vhost:msg_store_dir_path(VHost),
@@ -323,10 +325,10 @@ recover(#resource{ virtual_host = VHost } = Name, Terms, MsgStoreRecovered,
     CleanShutdown = Terms /= non_clean_shutdown,
     case CleanShutdown andalso MsgStoreRecovered of
         true  -> case proplists:get_value(segments, Terms, non_clean_shutdown) of
-                     non_clean_shutdown -> init_dirty(false, ContainsCheckFun, State1, Context);
+                     non_clean_shutdown -> init_dirty(false, ContainsCheckFun, State1);
                      RecoveredCounts    -> init_clean(RecoveredCounts, State1)
-        false -> init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State1, Context)
+        false -> init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State1)
 -spec terminate(rabbit_types:vhost(), [any()], qistate()) -> qistate().
@@ -644,7 +646,7 @@ init_clean(RecoveredCounts, State) ->
 -define(RECOVER_BYTES, 2).
-init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State, Context) ->
+init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State) ->
     %% Recover the journal completely. This will also load segments
     %% which have entries in the journal and remove duplicates. The
     %% counts will correctly reflect the combination of the segment
@@ -679,84 +681,7 @@ init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State, Context) ->
     %% recovery fails with a crash.
     State2 = flush_journal(State1 #qistate { segments = Segments1,
                                              dirty_count = DirtyCount }),
-    case Context of
-        convert ->
-            {Count, Bytes, State2};
-        main ->
-            %% We try to see if there are segment files from the v2 index.
-            case rabbit_file:wildcard(".*\\.qi", Dir) of
-                %% We are recovering a dirty queue that was using the v2 index or in
-                %% the process of converting from v2 to v1.
-                [_|_] ->
-                    #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = QName} = State2#qistate.queue_name,
-                    rabbit_log:info("Queue ~ts in vhost ~ts recovered ~b total messages before resuming convert",
-                                    [QName, VHost, Count]),
-                    CountersRef = counters:new(?RECOVER_COUNTER_SIZE, []),
-                    State3 = recover_index_v2_dirty(State2, ContainsCheckFun, CountersRef),
-                    {Count + counters:get(CountersRef, ?RECOVER_COUNT),
-                     Bytes + counters:get(CountersRef, ?RECOVER_BYTES),
-                     State3};
-                %% Otherwise keep default values.
-                [] ->
-                    {Count, Bytes, State2}
-            end
-    end.
-recover_index_v2_dirty(State0 = #qistate { queue_name = Name,
-                                           on_sync = OnSyncFun,
-                                           on_sync_msg = OnSyncMsgFun },
-                       ContainsCheckFun, CountersRef) ->
-    #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = QName} = Name,
-    rabbit_log:info("Converting queue ~ts in vhost ~ts from v2 to v1 after unclean shutdown", [QName, VHost]),
-    %% We cannot use the counts/bytes because some messages may be in both
-    %% the v1 and v2 indexes after a crash.
-    {_, _, V2State} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:recover(Name, non_clean_shutdown, true,
-                                                            ContainsCheckFun, OnSyncFun, OnSyncMsgFun,
-                                                            convert),
-    State = recover_index_v2_common(State0, V2State, CountersRef),
-    rabbit_log:info("Queue ~ts in vhost ~ts converted ~b total messages from v2 to v1",
-                    [QName, VHost, counters:get(CountersRef, ?RECOVER_COUNT)]),
-    State.
-%% At this point all messages are persistent because transient messages
-%% were dropped during the v2 index recovery.
-recover_index_v2_common(State0 = #qistate { queue_name = Name, dir = Dir },
-                        V2State, CountersRef) ->
-    %% Use a temporary per-queue store state to read embedded messages.
-    StoreState0 = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:init(Name),
-    %% Go through the v2 index and publish messages to v1 index.
-    {LoSeqId, HiSeqId, _} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:bounds(V2State),
-    %% When resuming after a crash we need to double check the messages that are both
-    %% in the v1 and v2 index (effectively the messages below the upper bound of the
-    %% v1 index that are about to be written to it).
-    {_, V1HiSeqId, _} = bounds(State0),
-    SkipFun = fun
-        (SeqId, FunState0) when SeqId < V1HiSeqId ->
-            case read(SeqId, SeqId + 1, FunState0) of
-                %% Message already exists, skip.
-                {[_], FunState} ->
-                    {skip, FunState};
-                %% Message doesn't exist, write.
-                {[], FunState} ->
-                    {write, FunState}
-            end;
-        %% Message is out of bounds of the v1 index.
-        (_, FunState) ->
-            {write, FunState}
-    end,
-    %% We use a common function also used with conversion on policy change.
-    {State1, _StoreState} = rabbit_variable_queue:convert_from_v2_to_v1_loop(Name, State0, V2State, StoreState0,
-                                                                            {CountersRef, ?RECOVER_COUNT, ?RECOVER_BYTES},
-                                                                            LoSeqId, HiSeqId, SkipFun),
-    %% Delete any remaining v2 index files.
-    OldFiles = rabbit_file:wildcard(".*\\.qi", Dir)
-            ++ rabbit_file:wildcard(".*\\.qs", Dir),
-    _ = [rabbit_file:delete(filename:join(Dir, F)) || F <- OldFiles],
-    %% Ensure that everything in the v1 index is written to disk.
-    State = flush(State1),
-    %% Clean up all the garbage that we have surely been creating.
-    garbage_collect(),
-    State.
+    {Count, Bytes, State2}.
 terminate(State = #qistate { journal_handle = JournalHdl,
                              segments = Segments }) ->
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
index 9e54844c1940..0c5e59b73c91 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
 -export([start/2, stop/1]).
-%% Used during dirty recovery to resume conversion between versions.
+%% This function is used by rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2
+%% to convert v1 queues to v2 after an upgrade to 4.0.
 %% exported for testing only
 -export([start_msg_store/3, stop_msg_store/1, init/5]).
@@ -52,20 +52,13 @@
 %% Messages are persisted using a queue index and a message store.
 %% A few different scenarios may play out depending on the message
-%% size and the queue-version argument.
+%% size:
-%% - queue-version=1, size < qi_msgs_embed_below: both the message
-%%   metadata and content are stored in rabbit_queue_index
-%% - queue-version=1, size >= qi_msgs_embed_below: the metadata
-%%   is stored in rabbit_queue_index, while the content is stored
-%%   in the per-vhost shared rabbit_msg_store
-%% - queue-version=2, size < qi_msgs_embed_below: the metadata
+%% - size < qi_msgs_embed_below: the metadata
 %%   is stored in rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2, while the content
 %%   is stored in the per-queue rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2
-%% - queue-version=2, size >= qi_msgs_embed_below: the metadata
+%% - size >= qi_msgs_embed_below: the metadata
 %%   is stored in rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2, while the content
 %%   is stored in the per-vhost shared rabbit_msg_store
@@ -179,7 +172,7 @@
           ram_pending_ack,    %% msgs still in RAM
           disk_pending_ack,   %% msgs in store, paged out
           qi_pending_ack, %% Unused.
-          index_mod,
+          index_mod, %% Unused.
@@ -222,7 +215,7 @@
           %% default queue or lazy queue
           mode, %% Unused.
-          version = 1,
+          version = 2, %% Unused.
           %% Fast path for confirms handling. Instead of having
           %% index/store keep track of confirms separately and
           %% doing intersect/subtract/union we just put the messages
@@ -311,7 +304,6 @@
              ram_pending_ack       :: map(),
              disk_pending_ack      :: map(),
              qi_pending_ack        :: undefined,
-             index_mod             :: rabbit_queue_index | rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2,
              index_state           :: any(),
              store_state           :: any(),
              msg_store_clients     :: 'undefined' | {{any(), binary()},
@@ -346,7 +338,7 @@
              io_batch_size         :: pos_integer(),
              mode                  :: 'default' | 'lazy',
-             version               :: 1 | 2,
+             version               :: 2,
              unconfirmed_simple    :: sets:set()}.
 -define(BLANK_DELTA, #delta { start_seq_id = undefined,
@@ -431,14 +423,11 @@ init(Queue, Recover, Callback) ->
 init(Q, new, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) ->
     QueueName = amqqueue:get_name(Q),
     IsDurable = amqqueue:is_durable(Q),
-    %% We resolve the queue version immediately to avoid converting
-    %% between queue versions unnecessarily.
-    IndexMod = index_mod(Q),
-    IndexState = IndexMod:init(QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun),
+    IndexState = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:init(QueueName,
+        MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun),
     StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:init(QueueName),
     VHost = QueueName#resource.virtual_host,
-    init(queue_version(Q),
-         IsDurable, IndexMod, IndexState, StoreState, 0, 0, [],
+    init(IsDurable, IndexState, StoreState, 0, 0, [],
          case IsDurable of
              true  -> msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE,
                                             MsgOnDiskFun, VHost);
@@ -466,10 +455,8 @@ init(Q, Terms, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun) when ?is_amqqu
     TransientClient  = msg_store_client_init(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE,
                                              undefined, VHost),
-    %% We MUST resolve the queue version immediately in order to recover.
-    IndexMod = index_mod(Q),
     {DeltaCount, DeltaBytes, IndexState} =
-        IndexMod:recover(
+        rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:recover(
           QueueName, RecoveryTerms,
@@ -477,8 +464,8 @@ init(Q, Terms, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun) when ?is_amqqu
           ContainsCheckFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun,
     StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:init(QueueName),
-    init(queue_version(Q),
-         IsDurable, IndexMod, IndexState, StoreState, DeltaCount, DeltaBytes, RecoveryTerms,
+    init(IsDurable, IndexState, StoreState,
+         DeltaCount, DeltaBytes, RecoveryTerms,
          PersistentClient, TransientClient, VHost).
 process_recovery_terms(Terms=non_clean_shutdown) ->
@@ -489,27 +476,12 @@ process_recovery_terms(Terms) ->
         PRef      -> {PRef, Terms}
-queue_version(Q) ->
-    Resolve = fun(_, ArgVal) -> ArgVal end,
-    case rabbit_queue_type_util:args_policy_lookup(<<"queue-version">>, Resolve, Q) of
-        undefined -> rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 1);
-        Vsn when is_integer(Vsn) -> Vsn;
-        Vsn -> binary_to_integer(Vsn)
-    end.
-index_mod(Q) ->
-    case queue_version(Q) of
-        1 -> rabbit_queue_index;
-        2 -> rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2
-    end.
 terminate(_Reason, State) ->
     State1 = #vqstate { virtual_host        = VHost,
                         next_seq_id         = NextSeqId,
                         next_deliver_seq_id = NextDeliverSeqId,
                         persistent_count    = PCount,
                         persistent_bytes    = PBytes,
-                        index_mod           = IndexMod,
                         index_state         = IndexState,
                         store_state         = StoreState,
                         msg_store_clients   = {MSCStateP, MSCStateT} } =
@@ -526,7 +498,7 @@ terminate(_Reason, State) ->
              {persistent_count,    PCount},
              {persistent_bytes,    PBytes}],
     a(State1#vqstate {
-        index_state = IndexMod:terminate(VHost, Terms, IndexState),
+        index_state = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:terminate(VHost, Terms, IndexState),
         store_state = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:terminate(StoreState),
         msg_store_clients = undefined }).
@@ -649,8 +621,7 @@ ack([SeqId], State) ->
 ack(AckTags, State) ->
     {{IndexOnDiskSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore, SeqIdsInStore, AllMsgIds},
-     State1 = #vqstate { index_mod         = IndexMod,
-                         index_state       = IndexState,
+     State1 = #vqstate { index_state       = IndexState,
                          store_state       = StoreState0,
                          ack_out_counter   = AckOutCount }} =
@@ -664,7 +635,7 @@ ack(AckTags, State) ->
                           {accumulate_ack(MsgStatus, Acc), State3}
           end, {accumulate_ack_init(), State}, AckTags),
-    {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} = IndexMod:ack(IndexOnDiskSeqIds, IndexState),
+    {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:ack(IndexOnDiskSeqIds, IndexState),
     StoreState1 = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:delete_segments(DeletedSegments, StoreState0),
     StoreState = lists:foldl(fun rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:remove/2, StoreState1, SeqIdsInStore),
     State2 = remove_vhost_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, State1),
@@ -762,36 +733,32 @@ ram_duration(State) ->
     State1 = update_rates(State),
     {infinity, State1}.
-needs_timeout(#vqstate { index_mod   = IndexMod,
-                         index_state = IndexState,
+needs_timeout(#vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
                          unconfirmed_simple = UCS }) ->
-    case {IndexMod:needs_sync(IndexState), sets:is_empty(UCS)} of
+    case {rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:needs_sync(IndexState), sets:is_empty(UCS)} of
         {false, false} -> timed;
         {confirms, _}  -> timed;
-        {other, _}     -> idle;
         {false, true}  -> false
-timeout(State = #vqstate { index_mod   = IndexMod,
-                           index_state = IndexState0,
+timeout(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState0,
                            store_state = StoreState0,
                            unconfirmed_simple = UCS,
                            confirmed   = C }) ->
-    IndexState = IndexMod:sync(IndexState0),
+    IndexState = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:sync(IndexState0),
     StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:sync(StoreState0),
     State #vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
                      store_state = StoreState,
                      unconfirmed_simple = sets:new([{version,2}]),
                      confirmed   = sets:union(C, UCS) }.
-handle_pre_hibernate(State = #vqstate { index_mod   = IndexMod,
-                                        index_state = IndexState0,
+handle_pre_hibernate(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState0,
                                         store_state = StoreState0,
                                         msg_store_clients = MSCState0,
                                         unconfirmed_simple = UCS,
                                         confirmed   = C }) ->
     MSCState = msg_store_pre_hibernate(MSCState0),
-    IndexState = IndexMod:flush(IndexState0),
+    IndexState = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:flush(IndexState0),
     StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:sync(StoreState0),
     State #vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
                      store_state = StoreState,
@@ -843,7 +810,6 @@ info(disk_writes, #vqstate{disk_write_count = Count}) ->
 info(backing_queue_status, #vqstate {
           delta = Delta, q3 = Q3,
           mode             = Mode,
-          version          = Version,
           len              = Len,
           target_ram_count = TargetRamCount,
           next_seq_id      = NextSeqId,
@@ -852,7 +818,6 @@ info(backing_queue_status, #vqstate {
           disk_pending_ack = DPA,
           unconfirmed      = UC,
           unconfirmed_simple = UCS,
-          index_mod        = IndexMod,
           index_state      = IndexState,
           store_state      = StoreState,
           rates            = #rates { in      = AvgIngressRate,
@@ -860,7 +825,7 @@ info(backing_queue_status, #vqstate {
                                       ack_in  = AvgAckIngressRate,
                                       ack_out = AvgAckEgressRate }}) ->
     [ {mode                , Mode},
-      {version             , Version},
+      {version             , 2},
       {q1                  , 0},
       {q2                  , 0},
       {delta               , Delta},
@@ -876,7 +841,7 @@ info(backing_queue_status, #vqstate {
       {avg_egress_rate     , AvgEgressRate},
       {avg_ack_ingress_rate, AvgAckIngressRate},
       {avg_ack_egress_rate , AvgAckEgressRate} ]
-    ++ IndexMod:info(IndexState)
+    ++ rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:info(IndexState)
     ++ rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:info(StoreState);
 info(_, _) ->
@@ -896,94 +861,12 @@ zip_msgs_and_acks(Msgs, AckTags, Accumulator, _State) ->
                         [{Id, AckTag} | Acc]
                 end, Accumulator, lists:zip(Msgs, AckTags)).
-%% No change.
-set_queue_version(Version, State = #vqstate { version = Version }) ->
-    State;
-%% v2 -> v1.
-set_queue_version(1, State0 = #vqstate { version = 2 }) ->
-    %% We call timeout/1 so that we sync to disk and get the confirms
-    %% handled before we do the conversion. This is necessary because
-    %% v2 now has a simpler confirms code path.
-    State = timeout(State0),
-    convert_from_v2_to_v1(State #vqstate { version = 1 });
-%% v1 -> v2.
-set_queue_version(2, State0 = #vqstate { version = 1 }) ->
-    %% We call timeout/1 so that we sync to disk and get the confirms
-    %% handled before we do the conversion. This is necessary because
-    %% v2 now has a simpler confirms code path.
-    State = timeout(State0),
-    convert_from_v1_to_v2(State #vqstate { version = 2 }).
--define(CONVERT_COUNT, 1).
--define(CONVERT_BYTES, 2). %% Unused.
-%% We move messages from the v1 index to the v2 index. The message payload
-%% is moved to the v2 store if it was embedded, and left in the per-vhost
-%% store otherwise.
-convert_from_v1_to_v2(State0 = #vqstate{ index_mod   = rabbit_queue_index,
-                                         index_state = V1Index,
-                                         store_state = V2Store0 }) ->
-    {QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun} = rabbit_queue_index:init_args(V1Index),
-    #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = QName} = QueueName,
-    rabbit_log:info("Converting running queue ~ts in vhost ~ts from v1 to v2", [QName, VHost]),
-    State = convert_from_v1_to_v2_in_memory(State0),
-    V2Index0 = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:init_for_conversion(QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun),
-    %% We do not need to init the v2 per-queue store because we already did so in the queue init.
-    {LoSeqId, HiSeqId, _} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(V1Index),
-    CountersRef = counters:new(?CONVERT_COUNTER_SIZE, []),
-    {V2Index, V2Store} = convert_from_v1_to_v2_loop(QueueName, V1Index, V2Index0, V2Store0,
-                                                    {CountersRef, ?CONVERT_COUNT, ?CONVERT_BYTES},
-                                                    LoSeqId, HiSeqId,
-                                                    %% Write all messages.
-                                                    fun (_, FunState) -> {write, FunState} end),
-    %% We have already deleted segments files but not the journal.
-    rabbit_queue_index:delete_journal(V1Index),
-    rabbit_log:info("Queue ~ts in vhost ~ts converted ~b total messages from v1 to v2",
-                    [QName, VHost, counters:get(CountersRef, ?CONVERT_COUNT)]),
-    State#vqstate{ index_mod   = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2,
-                   index_state = V2Index,
-                   store_state = V2Store }.
-convert_from_v1_to_v2_in_memory(State = #vqstate{ q1 = Q1b,
-                                                  q2 = Q2b,
-                                                  q3 = Q3b,
-                                                  q4 = Q4b,
-                                                  ram_pending_ack  = RPAb,
-                                                  disk_pending_ack = DPAb }) ->
-    Q1 = convert_from_v1_to_v2_queue(Q1b),
-    Q2 = convert_from_v1_to_v2_queue(Q2b),
-    Q3 = convert_from_v1_to_v2_queue(Q3b),
-    Q4 = convert_from_v1_to_v2_queue(Q4b),
-    %% We also must convert the #msg_status entries in the pending_ack fields.
-    RPA = convert_from_v1_to_v2_map(RPAb),
-    DPA = convert_from_v1_to_v2_map(DPAb),
-    State#vqstate{ q1 = Q1,
-                   q2 = Q2,
-                   q3 = Q3,
-                   q4 = Q4,
-                   ram_pending_ack  = RPA,
-                   disk_pending_ack = DPA }.
-%% We change where the message is expected to be persisted to.
-%% We do not need to worry about the message location because
-%% it will only be in memory or in the per-vhost store.
-convert_from_v1_to_v2_queue(Q) ->
-    List0 = ?QUEUE:to_list(Q),
-    List = lists:map(fun (MsgStatus) -> convert_from_v1_to_v2_msg_status(MsgStatus) end, List0),
-    ?QUEUE:from_list(List).
-convert_from_v1_to_v2_map(T) ->
-    maps:map(fun (_, MsgStatus) -> convert_from_v1_to_v2_msg_status(MsgStatus) end, T).
-convert_from_v1_to_v2_msg_status(MsgStatus) ->
-    case MsgStatus of
-        #msg_status{ persist_to = queue_index } ->
-            MsgStatus#msg_status{ persist_to = queue_store };
-        _ ->
-            MsgStatus
-    end.
+%% Queue version now ignored; only v2 is available.
+set_queue_version(_, State) ->
+    State.
+%% This function is used by rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2
+%% to convert v1 queues to v2 after an upgrade to 4.0.
 convert_from_v1_to_v2_loop(_, _, V2Index, V2Store, _, HiSeqId, HiSeqId, _) ->
     {V2Index, V2Store};
 convert_from_v1_to_v2_loop(QueueName, V1Index0, V2Index0, V2Store0,
@@ -1036,159 +919,6 @@ convert_from_v1_to_v2_loop(QueueName, V1Index0, V2Index0, V2Store0,
                     [Name, VHost, length(Messages)]),
     convert_from_v1_to_v2_loop(QueueName, V1Index, V2Index, V2Store, Counters, UpSeqId, HiSeqId, SkipFun).
-%% We move messages from the v1 index to the v2 index. The message payload
-%% is moved to the v2 store if it was embedded, and left in the per-vhost
-%% store otherwise.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1(State0 = #vqstate{ index_mod   = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2,
-                                         index_state = V2Index }) ->
-    {QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:init_args(V2Index),
-    #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = QName} = QueueName,
-    rabbit_log:info("Converting running queue ~ts in vhost ~ts from v2 to v1", [QName, VHost]),
-    State = convert_from_v2_to_v1_in_memory(State0),
-    %% We may have read from the per-queue store state and opened FDs.
-    #vqstate{ store_state = V2Store0 } = State,
-    V1Index0 = rabbit_queue_index:init_for_conversion(QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun, MsgAndIdxOnDiskFun),
-    {LoSeqId, HiSeqId, _} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:bounds(V2Index),
-    CountersRef = counters:new(?CONVERT_COUNTER_SIZE, []),
-    {V1Index, V2Store} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_loop(QueueName, V1Index0, V2Index, V2Store0,
-                                                    {CountersRef, ?CONVERT_COUNT, ?CONVERT_BYTES},
-                                                    LoSeqId, HiSeqId,
-                                                    %% Write all messages.
-                                                    fun (_, FunState) -> {write, FunState} end),
-    rabbit_log:info("Queue ~ts in vhost ~ts converted ~b total messages from v2 to v1",
-                    [QName, VHost, counters:get(CountersRef, ?CONVERT_COUNT)]),
-    %% We have already closed the v2 index/store FDs when deleting the files.
-    State#vqstate{ index_mod   = rabbit_queue_index,
-                   index_state = V1Index,
-                   store_state = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:terminate(V2Store) }.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_in_memory(State0 = #vqstate{ q1 = Q1b,
-                                                   q2 = Q2b,
-                                                   q3 = Q3b,
-                                                   q4 = Q4b,
-                                                   ram_pending_ack  = RPAb,
-                                                   disk_pending_ack = DPAb }) ->
-    {Q1, State1} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_queue(Q1b, State0),
-    {Q2, State2} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_queue(Q2b, State1),
-    {Q3, State3} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_queue(Q3b, State2),
-    {Q4, State4} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_queue(Q4b, State3),
-    %% We also must convert the #msg_status entries in the pending_ack fields.
-    %% We must separate entries in the queue index from other entries as
-    %% that is what is expected from the v1 index.
-    {RPA, State5} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_map(RPAb, State4),
-    {DPA, State6} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_map(DPAb, State5),
-    State6#vqstate{ q1 = Q1,
-                    q2 = Q2,
-                    q3 = Q3,
-                    q4 = Q4,
-                    ram_pending_ack  = RPA,
-                    disk_pending_ack = DPA }.
-%% We fetch the message from the per-queue store if necessary
-%% and mark all messages as delivered to make the v1 index happy.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_queue(Q, State0) ->
-    List0 = ?QUEUE:to_list(Q),
-    {List, State} = lists:mapfoldl(fun (MsgStatus, State1) ->
-        convert_from_v2_to_v1_msg_status(MsgStatus, State1, true)
-    end, State0, List0),
-    {?QUEUE:from_list(List), State}.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_map(T, State) ->
-    convert_from_v2_to_v1_map_loop(maps:iterator(T), #{}, State).
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_map_loop(Iterator0, Acc, State0) ->
-    case maps:next(Iterator0) of
-        none ->
-            {Acc, State0};
-        {Key, Value0, Iterator} ->
-            {Value, State} = convert_from_v2_to_v1_msg_status(Value0, State0, false),
-            convert_from_v2_to_v1_map_loop(Iterator, maps:put(Key, Value, Acc), State)
-    end.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_msg_status(MsgStatus0, State1 = #vqstate{ store_state = StoreState0,
-                                                                ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
-                                                                ram_bytes = RamBytes }, Ready) ->
-    case MsgStatus0 of
-        #msg_status{ seq_id = SeqId,
-                     msg = undefined,
-                     msg_location = MsgLocation = {rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2, _, _} } ->
-            {Msg, StoreState} = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:read(SeqId, MsgLocation, StoreState0),
-            MsgStatus = MsgStatus0#msg_status{ msg = Msg,
-                                               msg_location = memory,
-                                               is_delivered = true,
-                                               persist_to   = queue_index },
-            %% We have read the message into memory. We must also update the stats.
-            {MsgStatus, State1#vqstate{ store_state = StoreState,
-                                        ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + one_if(Ready),
-                                        ram_bytes = RamBytes + msg_size(MsgStatus) }};
-        #msg_status{ persist_to = queue_store } ->
-            {MsgStatus0#msg_status{ is_delivered = true,
-                                    persist_to   = queue_index }, State1};
-        _ ->
-            {MsgStatus0#msg_status{ is_delivered = true }, State1}
-    end.
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_loop(_, V1Index, _, V2Store, _, HiSeqId, HiSeqId, _) ->
-    {V1Index, V2Store};
-convert_from_v2_to_v1_loop(QueueName, V1Index0, V2Index0, V2Store0,
-                           Counters = {CountersRef, CountIx, BytesIx},
-                           LoSeqId, HiSeqId, SkipFun) ->
-    UpSeqId = lists:min([rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:next_segment_boundary(LoSeqId),
-                         HiSeqId]),
-    {Messages, V2Index1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:read(LoSeqId, UpSeqId, V2Index0),
-    {V1Index3, V2Store3} = lists:foldl(fun
-        %% Read per-queue store messages before writing to the index.
-        ({_MsgId, SeqId, Location = {rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2, _, _}, Props, IsPersistent},
-         {V1Index1, V2Store1}) ->
-            {Msg, V2Store2} = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:read(SeqId, Location, V2Store1),
-            %% When we are resuming the conversion the messages may have already been written to disk.
-            %% We do NOT want them written again: this is an error that leads to a corrupted index
-            %% (because it uses a journal it cannot know whether there's been a double write).
-            %% We therefore check first if the entry exists and if we need to write it.
-            V1Index2 = case SkipFun(SeqId, V1Index1) of
-                {skip, V1Index1a} ->
-                    V1Index1a;
-                {write, V1Index1a} ->
-                    counters:add(CountersRef, CountIx, 1),
-                    counters:add(CountersRef, BytesIx, Props#message_properties.size),
-                    V1Index1b = rabbit_queue_index:publish(Msg, SeqId, rabbit_queue_index, Props, IsPersistent, infinity, V1Index1a),
-                    rabbit_queue_index:deliver([SeqId], V1Index1b)
-            end,
-            {V1Index2, V2Store2};
-        %% Keep messages in the per-vhost store where they are.
-        ({MsgId, SeqId, rabbit_msg_store, Props, IsPersistent},
-         {V1Index1, V2Store1}) ->
-            %% See comment in previous clause.
-            V1Index2 = case SkipFun(SeqId, V1Index1) of
-                {skip, V1Index1a} ->
-                    V1Index1a;
-                {write, V1Index1a} ->
-                    counters:add(CountersRef, CountIx, 1),
-                    counters:add(CountersRef, BytesIx, Props#message_properties.size),
-                    V1Index1b = rabbit_queue_index:publish(MsgId, SeqId, rabbit_msg_store, Props, IsPersistent, infinity, V1Index1a),
-                    rabbit_queue_index:deliver([SeqId], V1Index1b)
-            end,
-            {V1Index2, V2Store1};
-        %% Ignore messages that are in memory and had an entry written in the index.
-        %% @todo Remove this clause some time after CMQs get removed as this will become dead code.
-        ({undefined, _, memory, _, _}, {V1Index1, V2Store1}) ->
-            {V1Index1, V2Store1}
-    end, {V1Index0, V2Store0}, Messages),
-    %% Flush to disk to avoid keeping too much in memory between segments.
-    V1Index = rabbit_queue_index:flush(V1Index3),
-    %% We do a garbage collect because the old index may have created a lot of garbage.
-    garbage_collect(),
-    %% We have written everything to disk. We can delete the old segment file
-    %% to free up much needed space, to avoid doubling disk usage during the upgrade.
-    {DeletedSegments, V2Index} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:delete_segment_file_for_seq_id(LoSeqId, V2Index1),
-    V2Store = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:delete_segments(DeletedSegments, V2Store3),
-    %% Log some progress to keep the user aware of what's going on, as moving
-    %% embedded messages can take quite some time.
-    #resource{virtual_host = VHost, name = Name} = QueueName,
-    rabbit_log:info("Queue ~ts in vhost ~ts converted ~b messages from v2 to v1",
-                    [Name, VHost, length(Messages)]),
-    convert_from_v2_to_v1_loop(QueueName, V1Index, V2Index, V2Store, Counters, UpSeqId, HiSeqId, SkipFun).
 %% Get the Timestamp property of the first msg, if present. This is
 %% the one with the oldest timestamp among the heads of the pending
 %% acks and unread queues.  We can't check disk_pending_acks as these
@@ -1296,7 +1026,7 @@ one_if(false) -> 0.
 cons_if(true,   E, L) -> [E | L];
 cons_if(false, _E, L) -> L.
-msg_status(Version, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, SeqId,
+msg_status(IsPersistent, IsDelivered, SeqId,
            Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize) ->
     MsgId = mc:get_annotation(id, Msg),
     #msg_status{seq_id        = SeqId,
@@ -1308,7 +1038,7 @@ msg_status(Version, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, SeqId,
                 is_delivered  = IsDelivered,
                 msg_location  = memory,
                 index_on_disk = false,
-                persist_to    = determine_persist_to(Version, Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
+                persist_to    = determine_persist_to(Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
                 msg_props     = MsgProps}.
 beta_msg_status({MsgId, SeqId, MsgLocation, MsgProps, IsPersistent})
@@ -1464,9 +1194,9 @@ expand_delta(_SeqId, #delta { count       = Count,
 %% Internal major helpers for Public API
-init(QueueVsn, IsDurable, IndexMod, IndexState, StoreState, DeltaCount, DeltaBytes, Terms,
+init(IsDurable, IndexState, StoreState, DeltaCount, DeltaBytes, Terms,
      PersistentClient, TransientClient, VHost) ->
-    {LowSeqId, HiSeqId, IndexState1} = IndexMod:bounds(IndexState),
+    {LowSeqId, HiSeqId, IndexState1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:bounds(IndexState),
     {NextSeqId, NextDeliverSeqId, DeltaCount1, DeltaBytes1} =
         case Terms of
@@ -1504,7 +1234,6 @@ init(QueueVsn, IsDurable, IndexMod, IndexState, StoreState, DeltaCount, DeltaByt
       next_deliver_seq_id = NextDeliverSeqId,
       ram_pending_ack     = #{},
       disk_pending_ack    = #{},
-      index_mod           = IndexMod,
       index_state         = IndexState1,
       store_state         = StoreState,
       msg_store_clients   = {PersistentClient, TransientClient},
@@ -1540,7 +1269,6 @@ init(QueueVsn, IsDurable, IndexMod, IndexState, StoreState, DeltaCount, DeltaByt
       io_batch_size       = IoBatchSize,
       mode                = default,
-      version             = QueueVsn,
       virtual_host        = VHost},
@@ -1733,13 +1461,12 @@ remove_from_disk(#msg_status {
                 is_persistent = IsPersistent,
                 msg_location  = MsgLocation,
                 index_on_disk = IndexOnDisk },
-       State = #vqstate {index_mod           = IndexMod,
-                         index_state         = IndexState1,
+       State = #vqstate {index_state         = IndexState1,
                          store_state         = StoreState0,
                          msg_store_clients   = MSCState}) ->
     {DeletedSegments, IndexState2} =
         case IndexOnDisk of
-            true  -> IndexMod:ack([SeqId], IndexState1);
+            true  -> rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:ack([SeqId], IndexState1);
             false -> {[], IndexState1}
     {StoreState1, State1} = case MsgLocation of
@@ -1890,11 +1617,10 @@ purge_and_index_reset(State) ->
 purge1(AfterFun, State) ->
     a(purge_betas_and_deltas(AfterFun, State)).
-reset_qi_state(State = #vqstate{ index_mod   = IndexMod,
-                                 index_state = IndexState0,
+reset_qi_state(State = #vqstate{ index_state = IndexState0,
                                  store_state = StoreState0 }) ->
     StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:terminate(StoreState0),
-    IndexState = IndexMod:reset_state(IndexState0),
+    IndexState = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:reset_state(IndexState0),
     State#vqstate{ index_state = IndexState,
                    store_state = StoreState }.
@@ -1946,12 +1672,9 @@ remove_queue_entries1(
 process_delivers_and_acks_fun(deliver_and_ack) ->
     %% @todo Make a clause for empty Acks list?
-    fun (NextDeliverSeqId, Acks, State = #vqstate { index_mod   = IndexMod,
-                                                    index_state = IndexState,
+    fun (NextDeliverSeqId, Acks, State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
                                                     store_state = StoreState0}) ->
-            %% We do not send delivers to the v1 index because
-            %% we've already done so when publishing.
-            {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} = IndexMod:ack(Acks, IndexState),
+            {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:ack(Acks, IndexState),
             StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:delete_segments(DeletedSegments, StoreState0),
@@ -1976,7 +1699,6 @@ publish1(Msg,
          IsDelivered, _ChPid, _Flow, PersistFun,
          State = #vqstate { q3 = Q3, delta = Delta = #delta { count = DeltaCount },
                             len                 = Len,
-                            version             = Version,
                             qi_embed_msgs_below = IndexMaxSize,
                             next_seq_id         = SeqId,
                             next_deliver_seq_id = NextDeliverSeqId,
@@ -1988,7 +1710,7 @@ publish1(Msg,
     MsgId = mc:get_annotation(id, Msg),
     IsPersistent = mc:is_persistent(Msg),
     IsPersistent1 = IsDurable andalso IsPersistent,
-    MsgStatus = msg_status(Version, IsPersistent1, IsDelivered, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
+    MsgStatus = msg_status(IsPersistent1, IsDelivered, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
     %% We allow from 1 to 2048 messages in memory depending on the consume rate. The lower
     %% limit is at 1 because the queue process will need to access this message to know
     %% expiration information.
@@ -2006,7 +1728,7 @@ publish1(Msg,
                      stats_published_disk(MsgStatus1, State2)
     {UC1, UCS1} = maybe_needs_confirming(NeedsConfirming, persist_to(MsgStatus),
-                                         Version, MsgId, UC, UCS),
+                                         MsgId, UC, UCS),
     State3#vqstate{ next_seq_id         = SeqId + 1,
                     next_deliver_seq_id = maybe_next_deliver_seq_id(SeqId, NextDeliverSeqId, IsDelivered),
                     in_counter          = InCount + 1,
@@ -2027,8 +1749,7 @@ publish_delivered1(Msg,
                    MsgProps = #message_properties {
                                  needs_confirming = NeedsConfirming },
                    _ChPid, _Flow, PersistFun,
-                   State = #vqstate { version             = Version,
-                                      qi_embed_msgs_below = IndexMaxSize,
+                   State = #vqstate { qi_embed_msgs_below = IndexMaxSize,
                                       next_seq_id         = SeqId,
                                       next_deliver_seq_id = NextDeliverSeqId,
                                       in_counter          = InCount,
@@ -2039,11 +1760,11 @@ publish_delivered1(Msg,
     MsgId = mc:get_annotation(id, Msg),
     IsPersistent = mc:is_persistent(Msg),
     IsPersistent1 = IsDurable andalso IsPersistent,
-    MsgStatus = msg_status(Version, IsPersistent1, true, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
+    MsgStatus = msg_status(IsPersistent1, true, SeqId, Msg, MsgProps, IndexMaxSize),
     {MsgStatus1, State1} = PersistFun(false, false, MsgStatus, State),
     State2 = record_pending_ack(m(MsgStatus1), State1),
     {UC1, UCS1} = maybe_needs_confirming(NeedsConfirming, persist_to(MsgStatus),
-                                         Version, MsgId, UC, UCS),
+                                         MsgId, UC, UCS),
            State2#vqstate{ next_seq_id         = SeqId + 1,
@@ -2053,14 +1774,14 @@ publish_delivered1(Msg,
                            unconfirmed         = UC1,
                            unconfirmed_simple  = UCS1 })}.
-maybe_needs_confirming(false, _, _, _, UC, UCS) ->
+maybe_needs_confirming(false, _, _, UC, UCS) ->
     {UC, UCS};
 %% When storing to the v2 queue store we take the simple confirms
 %% path because we don't need to track index and store separately.
-maybe_needs_confirming(true, queue_store, 2, MsgId, UC, UCS) ->
+maybe_needs_confirming(true, queue_store, MsgId, UC, UCS) ->
     {UC, sets:add_element(MsgId, UCS)};
 %% Otherwise we keep tracking as it used to be.
-maybe_needs_confirming(true, _, _, MsgId, UC, UCS) ->
+maybe_needs_confirming(true, _, MsgId, UC, UCS) ->
     {sets:add_element(MsgId, UC), UCS}.
 batch_publish_delivered1({Msg, MsgProps}, {ChPid, Flow, SeqIds, State}) ->
@@ -2115,7 +1836,6 @@ maybe_batch_write_index_to_disk(Force,
                                 State = #vqstate {
                                            target_ram_count = TargetRamCount,
                                            disk_write_count = DiskWriteCount,
-                                           index_mod        = IndexMod,
                                            index_state      = IndexState})
   when Force orelse IsPersistent ->
     {MsgOrId, DiskWriteCount1} =
@@ -2124,19 +1844,9 @@ maybe_batch_write_index_to_disk(Force,
             queue_store -> {MsgId, DiskWriteCount};
             queue_index -> {prepare_to_store(Msg), DiskWriteCount + 1}
-    IndexState1 = case IndexMod of
-        %% The old index needs IsDelivered to apply some of its optimisations.
-        %% But because the deliver tracking is now in the queue we always pass 'true'.
-        %% It also does not need the location so it is not given here.
-        rabbit_queue_index ->
-            IndexMod:pre_publish(
-                            MsgOrId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, true,
-                            TargetRamCount, IndexState);
-        _ ->
-            IndexMod:pre_publish(
-                            MsgOrId, SeqId, MsgLocation, MsgProps, IsPersistent,
-                            TargetRamCount, IndexState)
-    end,
+    IndexState1 = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:pre_publish(
+        MsgOrId, SeqId, MsgLocation, MsgProps,
+        IsPersistent, TargetRamCount, IndexState),
     {MsgStatus#msg_status{index_on_disk = true},
      State#vqstate{index_state      = IndexState1,
                    disk_write_count = DiskWriteCount1}};
@@ -2155,7 +1865,6 @@ maybe_write_index_to_disk(Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
                                    msg_props     = MsgProps},
                           State = #vqstate{target_ram_count = TargetRamCount,
                                            disk_write_count = DiskWriteCount,
-                                           index_mod        = IndexMod,
                                            index_state      = IndexState})
   when Force orelse IsPersistent ->
     {MsgOrId, DiskWriteCount1} =
@@ -2164,21 +1873,12 @@ maybe_write_index_to_disk(Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
             queue_store -> {MsgId, DiskWriteCount};
             queue_index -> {prepare_to_store(Msg), DiskWriteCount + 1}
-    IndexState2 = IndexMod:publish(
+    IndexState2 = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:publish(
                     MsgOrId, SeqId, MsgLocation, MsgProps, IsPersistent,
                     persist_to(MsgStatus) =:= msg_store, TargetRamCount,
-    %% We always deliver messages when the old index is used.
-    %% We are actually tracking message deliveries per-queue
-    %% but the old index expects delivers to be handled
-    %% per-message. Always delivering on publish prevents
-    %% issues related to delivers.
-    IndexState3 = case IndexMod of
-        rabbit_queue_index -> IndexMod:deliver([SeqId], IndexState2);
-        _ -> IndexState2
-    end,
     {MsgStatus#msg_status{index_on_disk = true},
-     State#vqstate{index_state      = IndexState3,
+     State#vqstate{index_state      = IndexState2,
                    disk_write_count = DiskWriteCount1}};
 maybe_write_index_to_disk(_Force, MsgStatus, State) ->
@@ -2188,20 +1888,19 @@ maybe_write_to_disk(ForceMsg, ForceIndex, MsgStatus, State) ->
     {MsgStatus1, State1} = maybe_write_msg_to_disk(ForceMsg, MsgStatus, State),
     maybe_write_index_to_disk(ForceIndex, MsgStatus1, State1).
-maybe_prepare_write_to_disk(ForceMsg, ForceIndex0, MsgStatus, State = #vqstate{ version = Version }) ->
+maybe_prepare_write_to_disk(ForceMsg, ForceIndex0, MsgStatus, State) ->
     {MsgStatus1, State1} = maybe_write_msg_to_disk(ForceMsg, MsgStatus, State),
     %% We want messages written to the v2 per-queue store to also
     %% be written to the index for proper accounting. The situation
     %% where a message can be in the store but not in the index can
     %% only occur when going through this function (not via maybe_write_to_disk).
-    ForceIndex = case {Version, persist_to(MsgStatus)} of
-        {2, queue_store} -> true;
+    ForceIndex = case persist_to(MsgStatus) of
+        queue_store -> true;
         _ -> ForceIndex0
     maybe_batch_write_index_to_disk(ForceIndex, MsgStatus1, State1).
-                     Msg,
                      #message_properties{size = BodySize},
                      IndexMaxSize) ->
     %% The >= is so that you can set the env to 0 and never persist
@@ -2224,9 +1923,8 @@ determine_persist_to(Version,
          false ->
              Est = MetaSize + BodySize,
              case Est >= IndexMaxSize of
-                 true                     -> msg_store;
-                 false when Version =:= 1 -> queue_index;
-                 false when Version =:= 2 -> queue_store
+                 true  -> msg_store;
+                 false -> queue_store
@@ -2283,14 +1981,13 @@ remove_pending_ack(false, SeqId, State = #vqstate{ram_pending_ack  = RPA,
-                  State = #vqstate { index_mod         = IndexMod,
-                                     index_state       = IndexState,
+                  State = #vqstate { index_state       = IndexState,
                                      store_state       = StoreState0 }) ->
     {IndexOnDiskSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore, SeqIdsInStore, State1} = purge_pending_ack1(State),
     case KeepPersistent of
         true  -> remove_transient_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, State1);
         false -> {DeletedSegments, IndexState1} =
-                     IndexMod:ack(IndexOnDiskSeqIds, IndexState),
+                     rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:ack(IndexOnDiskSeqIds, IndexState),
                  StoreState1 = lists:foldl(fun rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:remove/2, StoreState0, SeqIdsInStore),
                  StoreState = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:delete_segments(DeletedSegments, StoreState1),
                  State2 = remove_vhost_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, State1),
@@ -2299,12 +1996,11 @@ purge_pending_ack(KeepPersistent,
-  State = #vqstate { index_mod         = IndexMod,
-                     index_state       = IndexState,
+  State = #vqstate { index_state       = IndexState,
                      store_state       = StoreState }) ->
     {_, MsgIdsByStore, _SeqIdsInStore, State1} = purge_pending_ack1(State),
     StoreState1 = rabbit_classic_queue_store_v2:terminate(StoreState),
-    IndexState1 = IndexMod:delete_and_terminate(IndexState),
+    IndexState1 = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:delete_and_terminate(IndexState),
     State2 = remove_vhost_msgs_by_id(MsgIdsByStore, State1),
     State2 #vqstate { index_state = IndexState1,
                       store_state = StoreState1 }.
@@ -2510,8 +2206,8 @@ next({delta, #delta{start_seq_id = SeqId,
                     end_seq_id   = SeqId}, State}, IndexState) ->
     next(istate(delta, State), IndexState);
 next({delta, #delta{start_seq_id = SeqId,
-                    end_seq_id   = SeqIdEnd} = Delta, State = #vqstate{index_mod = IndexMod}}, IndexState) ->
-    SeqIdB = IndexMod:next_segment_boundary(SeqId),
+                    end_seq_id   = SeqIdEnd} = Delta, State}, IndexState) ->
+    SeqIdB = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:next_segment_boundary(SeqId),
     %% It may make sense to limit this based on rate. But this
     %% is not called outside of CMQs so I will leave it alone
     %% for the time being.
@@ -2520,15 +2216,9 @@ next({delta, #delta{start_seq_id = SeqId,
                         %% otherwise the queue will attempt to read up to segment_entry_count()
                         %% messages from the index each time. The value
                         %% chosen here is arbitrary.
-                        %% @todo We have a problem where reduce_memory_usage puts messages back to 0,
-                        %%       and then this or the maybe_deltas_to_betas function is called and it
-                        %%       fetches 2048 messages again. This is not good. Maybe the reduce_memory_usage
-                        %%       function should reduce the number of messages we fetch at once at the
-                        %%       same time (start at 2048, divide by 2 every time we reduce, or something).
-                        %%       Maybe expiration does that?
                         SeqId + 2048,
-    {List, IndexState1} = IndexMod:read(SeqId, SeqId1, IndexState),
+    {List, IndexState1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:read(SeqId, SeqId1, IndexState),
     next({delta, Delta#delta{start_seq_id = SeqId1}, List, State}, IndexState1);
 next({delta, Delta, [], State}, IndexState) ->
     next({delta, Delta, State}, IndexState);
@@ -2610,7 +2300,6 @@ maybe_deltas_to_betas(DelsAndAcksFun,
                       State = #vqstate {
                         delta                = Delta,
                         q3                   = Q3,
-                        index_mod            = IndexMod,
                         index_state          = IndexState,
                         store_state          = StoreState,
                         msg_store_clients    = {MCStateP, MCStateT},
@@ -2618,30 +2307,20 @@ maybe_deltas_to_betas(DelsAndAcksFun,
                         ram_bytes            = RamBytes,
                         disk_read_count      = DiskReadCount,
                         delta_transient_bytes = DeltaTransientBytes,
-                        transient_threshold  = TransientThreshold,
-                        version              = Version },
+                        transient_threshold  = TransientThreshold },
                       MemoryLimit, WhatToRead) ->
     #delta { start_seq_id = DeltaSeqId,
              count        = DeltaCount,
              transient    = Transient,
              end_seq_id   = DeltaSeqIdEnd } = Delta,
-    %% For v1 we always want to read messages up to the next segment boundary.
-    %% This is because v1 is not optimised for multiple reads from the same
-    %% segment: every time we read messages from a segment it has to read
-    %% and parse the entire segment from disk, filtering the messages we
-    %% requested afterwards.
-    %%
     %% For v2 we want to limit the number of messages read at once to lower
     %% the memory footprint. We use the consume rate to determine how many
     %% messages we read.
-    DeltaSeqLimit = case Version of
-        1 -> DeltaSeqIdEnd;
-        2 -> DeltaSeqId + MemoryLimit
-    end,
+    DeltaSeqLimit = DeltaSeqId + MemoryLimit,
     DeltaSeqId1 =
-        lists:min([IndexMod:next_segment_boundary(DeltaSeqId),
+        lists:min([rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:next_segment_boundary(DeltaSeqId),
                    DeltaSeqLimit, DeltaSeqIdEnd]),
-    {List0, IndexState1} = IndexMod:read(DeltaSeqId, DeltaSeqId1, IndexState),
+    {List0, IndexState1} = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:read(DeltaSeqId, DeltaSeqId1, IndexState),
     {List, StoreState3, MCStateP3, MCStateT3} = case WhatToRead of
         messages ->
             %% We try to read messages from disk all at once instead of
@@ -2769,10 +2448,9 @@ merge_sh_read_msgs(MTail, _Reads) ->
 %% Flushes queue index batch caches and updates queue index state.
-ui(#vqstate{index_mod        = IndexMod,
-            index_state      = IndexState,
+ui(#vqstate{index_state      = IndexState,
             target_ram_count = TargetRamCount} = State) ->
-    IndexState1 = IndexMod:flush_pre_publish_cache(
+    IndexState1 = rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2:flush_pre_publish_cache(
                     TargetRamCount, IndexState),
     State#vqstate{index_state = IndexState1}.
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
index d758adf45fc5..ae37a4a366dd 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/backing_queue_SUITE.erl
@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ groups() ->
      {backing_queue_tests, [], [
-          {backing_queue_v2, [], Common ++ V2Only},
-          {backing_queue_v1, [], Common}
+          {backing_queue_v2, [], Common ++ V2Only}
@@ -124,14 +123,6 @@ init_per_group1(backing_queue_tests, Config) ->
                "Backing queue module not supported by this test group: ~tp~n",
-init_per_group1(backing_queue_v1, Config) ->
-    ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
-      application, set_env, [rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 1]),
-    Config;
-init_per_group1(backing_queue_v2, Config) ->
-    ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
-      application, set_env, [rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 2]),
-    Config;
 init_per_group1(backing_queue_embed_limit_0, Config) ->
     ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
       application, set_env, [rabbit, queue_index_embed_msgs_below, 0]),
@@ -176,12 +167,6 @@ end_per_group1(backing_queue_tests, Config) ->
     rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
       ?MODULE, teardown_backing_queue_test_group, [Config]);
 end_per_group1(Group, Config)
-when   Group =:= backing_queue_v1
-orelse Group =:= backing_queue_v2 ->
-    ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
-      application, unset_env, [rabbit, classic_queue_default_version]),
-    Config;
-end_per_group1(Group, Config)
 when   Group =:= backing_queue_embed_limit_0
 orelse Group =:= backing_queue_embed_limit_1024 ->
     ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
@@ -745,10 +730,7 @@ bq_queue_index(Config) ->
       ?MODULE, bq_queue_index1, [Config]).
 index_mod() ->
-    case application:get_env(rabbit, classic_queue_default_version) of
-        {ok, 1} -> rabbit_queue_index;
-        {ok, 2} -> rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2
-    end.
+    rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2.
 bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
@@ -761,10 +743,7 @@ bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
     SeqIdsC = lists:seq(0, trunc(SegmentSize/2)),
     SeqIdsD = lists:seq(0, SegmentSize*4),
-    VerifyReadWithPublishedFun = case IndexMod of
-        rabbit_queue_index -> fun verify_read_with_published_v1/3;
-        rabbit_classic_queue_index_v2 -> fun verify_read_with_published_v2/3
-    end,
+    VerifyReadWithPublishedFun = fun verify_read_with_published_v2/3,
       fun (Qi0, QName) ->
@@ -854,8 +833,7 @@ bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
     %% d) get messages in all states to a segment, then flush, then do
-    %% the same again, don't flush and read. CQ v1: this will hit all
-    %% possibilities in combining the segment with the journal.
+    %% the same again, don't flush and read.
       fun (Qi0, _QName) ->
               {Qi1, [Seven,Five,Four|_]} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
@@ -882,8 +860,7 @@ bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
-    %% e) as for (d), but use terminate instead of read, which (CQ v1) will
-    %% exercise journal_minus_segment, not segment_plus_journal.
+    %% e) as for (d), but use terminate instead of read.
       fun (Qi0, QName) ->
               {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsE} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
@@ -909,15 +886,6 @@ bq_queue_index1(_Config) ->
-verify_read_with_published_v1(_Persistent, [], _) ->
-    ok;
-                           [{MsgId, SeqId, _Location, _Props, Persistent}|Read],
-                           [{SeqId, MsgId}|Published]) ->
-    verify_read_with_published_v1(Persistent, Read, Published);
-verify_read_with_published_v1(_Persistent, _Read, _Published) ->
-    ko.
 %% The v2 index does not store the MsgId unless required.
 %% We therefore do not check it.
 verify_read_with_published_v2(_Persistent, [], _) ->
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/classic_queue_prop_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/classic_queue_prop_SUITE.erl
index 848f9036bbad..baf103fbc89c 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/classic_queue_prop_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/classic_queue_prop_SUITE.erl
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 -record(cq, {
     amq = undefined :: amqqueue:amqqueue(),
     name :: atom(),
-    version :: 1 | 2,
     %% We have one queue per way of publishing messages (such as channels).
     %% We can only confirm the publish order on a per-channel level because
@@ -73,19 +72,12 @@
 %% Common Test.
 all() ->
-    [{group, classic_queue_tests}, {group, classic_queue_regressions}].
+    [{group, classic_queue_tests}].
 groups() ->
     [{classic_queue_tests, [], [
 %        manual%,
-        classic_queue_v1,
-     ]},
-     {classic_queue_regressions, [], [
-        reg_v1_full_recover_only_journal,
-        reg_v1_no_del_jif,
-        reg_v1_no_del_idx,
-        reg_v1_no_del_idx_unclean
@@ -136,10 +128,10 @@ instrs_to_manual([Instrs]) ->
     io:format("~ndo_manual(Config) ->~n~n"),
         ({init, CQ}) ->
-            #cq{name=Name, version=Version} = CQ,
-            io:format("    St0 = #cq{name=~0p, version=~0p,~n"
+            #cq{name=Name} = CQ,
+            io:format("    St0 = #cq{name=~0p,~n"
                       "              config=minimal_config(Config)},~n~n",
-                      [Name, Version]);
+                      [Name]);
         ({set, {var,Var}, {call, ?MODULE, cmd_setup_queue, _}}) ->
             Res = "Res" ++ integer_to_list(Var),
             PrevSt = "St" ++ integer_to_list(Var - 1),
@@ -197,15 +189,6 @@ manual(Config) ->
 do_manual(Config) ->
     Config =:= Config.
-classic_queue_v1(Config) ->
-    true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
-        ?MODULE, do_classic_queue_v1, [Config]).
-do_classic_queue_v1(Config) ->
-    true = proper:quickcheck(prop_classic_queue_v1(Config),
-                             [{on_output, on_output_fun()},
-                              {numtests, ?NUM_TESTS}]).
 classic_queue_v2(Config) ->
     true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
         ?MODULE, do_classic_queue_v2, [Config]).
@@ -225,16 +208,11 @@ on_output_fun() ->
 %% Properties.
-prop_classic_queue_v1(Config) ->
-    {ok, LimiterPid} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id),
-    InitialState = #cq{name=?FUNCTION_NAME, version=1,
-                       config=minimal_config(Config), limiter=LimiterPid},
-    prop_common(InitialState).
 prop_classic_queue_v2(Config) ->
     {ok, LimiterPid} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(no_id),
-    InitialState = #cq{name=?FUNCTION_NAME, version=2,
-                       config=minimal_config(Config), limiter=LimiterPid},
+    InitialState = #cq{name=?FUNCTION_NAME,
+                       config=minimal_config(Config),
+                       limiter=LimiterPid},
 prop_common(InitialState) ->
@@ -343,8 +321,8 @@ next_state(St=#cq{q=Q0, confirmed=Confirmed, uncertain=Uncertain0}, AMQ, {call,
     St#cq{amq=AMQ, q=Q, restarted=true, crashed=true, uncertain=Uncertain};
 next_state(St, _, {call, _, cmd_set_v2_check_crc32, _}) ->
-next_state(St, _, {call, _, cmd_set_version, [Version]}) ->
-    St#cq{version=Version};
+next_state(St, _, {call, _, cmd_set_version, _}) ->
+    St;
 next_state(St=#cq{q=Q}, Msg, {call, _, cmd_publish_msg, _}) ->
     IntQ = maps:get(internal, Q, queue:new()),
     St#cq{q=Q#{internal => queue:in(Msg, IntQ)}};
@@ -530,8 +508,10 @@ postcondition(_, {call, _, Cmd, _}, Q) when
     element(1, Q) =:= amqqueue;
 postcondition(_, {call, _, cmd_set_v2_check_crc32, _}, Res) ->
     Res =:= ok;
-postcondition(#cq{amq=AMQ}, {call, _, cmd_set_version, [Version]}, _) ->
-    do_check_queue_version(AMQ, Version) =:= ok;
+postcondition(#cq{amq=AMQ}, {call, _, cmd_set_version, _}, _) ->
+    %% We cannot use CQv1 anymore so we always
+    %% expect the queue to use v2.
+    do_check_queue_version(AMQ, 2) =:= ok;
 postcondition(_, {call, _, cmd_publish_msg, _}, Msg) ->
     is_record(Msg, amqp_msg);
 postcondition(_, {call, _, cmd_purge, _}, Res) ->
@@ -698,21 +678,16 @@ crashed_and_previously_received(#cq{crashed=Crashed, received=Received}, Msg) ->
 %% Helpers.
-cmd_setup_queue(St=#cq{name=Name, version=Version}) ->
+cmd_setup_queue(St=#cq{name=Name}) ->
     ?DEBUG("~0p", [St]),
     IsDurable = true, %% We want to be able to restart the queue process.
     IsAutoDelete = false,
-    %% We cannot use args to set the version as the arguments override
-    %% the policies and we also want to test policy changes.
-    cmd_set_version(Version),
-    Args = [
-%        {<<"x-queue-version">>, long, Version}
-    ],
+    Args = [],
     QName = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, iolist_to_binary([atom_to_binary(Name, utf8), $_,
     {new, AMQ} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(QName, IsDurable, IsAutoDelete, Args, none, <<"acting-user">>),
-    %% We check that the queue was creating with the right version.
-    ok = do_check_queue_version(AMQ, Version),
+    %% We check that the queue was created with the right version.
+    ok = do_check_queue_version(AMQ, 2),
 cmd_teardown_queue(St=#cq{amq=undefined}) ->
@@ -788,7 +763,7 @@ do_check_queue_version(AMQ, Version, N) ->
     [{backing_queue_status, Status}] = rabbit_amqqueue:info(AMQ, [backing_queue_status]),
     case proplists:get_value(version, Status) of
-        Version -> ok;
+        2 -> ok;
         _ -> do_check_queue_version(AMQ, Version, N - 1)
@@ -1098,243 +1073,6 @@ queue_fold(Fun, Acc0, {R, F}) when is_function(Fun, 2), is_list(R), is_list(F) -
 queue_fold(Fun, Acc0, Q) ->
     erlang:error(badarg, [Fun, Acc0, Q]).
-%% Regression tests.
-%% These tests are hard to reproduce by running the test suite normally
-%% because they require a very specific sequence of events.
-reg_v1_full_recover_only_journal(Config) ->
-    true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0,
-        ?MODULE, do_reg_v1_full_recover_only_journal, [Config]).
-do_reg_v1_full_recover_only_journal(Config) ->
-    St0 = #cq{name=prop_classic_queue_v1, version=1,
-              config=minimal_config(Config)},
-    Res1 = cmd_setup_queue(St0),
-    St3 = St0#cq{amq=Res1},
-    Res4 = cmd_channel_open(St3),
-    true = postcondition(St3, {call, undefined, cmd_channel_open, [St3]}, Res4),
-    St7 = next_state(St3, Res4, {call, undefined, cmd_channel_open, [St3]}),
-    Res8 = cmd_restart_queue_dirty(St7),
-    true = postcondition(St7, {call, undefined, cmd_restart_queue_dirty, [St7]}, Res8),
-    St11 = next_state(St7, Res8, {call, undefined, cmd_restart_queue_dirty, [St7]}),
-    Res12 = cmd_channel_publish_many(St11, Res4, 117, 4541, 2, true, undefined),
-    true = postcondition(St11, {call, undefined, cmd_channel_publish_many, [St11, Res4, 117, 4541, 2, true, undefined]}, Res12),
-    St14 = next_state(St11, Res12, {call, undefined, cmd_channel_publish_many, [St11, Res4, 117, 4541, 2, true, undefined]}),
-    Res15 = cmd_restart_vhost_clean(St14),
-    true = postcondition(St14, {call, undefined, cmd_restart_vhost_clean, [St14]}, Res15),
-    St15 = next_state(St14, Res15, {call, undefined, cmd_restart_vhost_clean, [St14]}),
-    cmd_teardown_queue(St15),
-    true.
-%% The following reg_v1_no_del_* cases test when a classic queue has a
-%% published message before an upgrade to 3.10. In that case there is
-%% no delivery marker in the v1 queue index.
-%% After upgrade to 3.10 there is a published message in the journal file.
-%% Consuming and acknowledging the message should work fine.
-reg_v1_no_del_jif(Config) ->
-    try
-        true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
-                 Config, 0, ?MODULE, do_reg_v1_no_del_jif, [Config])
-    catch exit:{exception, Reason} ->
-            exit(Reason)
-    end.
-do_reg_v1_no_del_jif(Config) ->
-    St0 = #cq{name=prop_classic_queue_v1, version=1,
-              config=minimal_config(Config)},
-    Res1 = cmd_setup_queue(St0),
-    St3 = St0#cq{amq=Res1},
-    {St4, Ch} = cmd(cmd_channel_open, St3, []),
-    %% Simulate pre-3.10.0 behaviour by making deliver a noop
-    ok = meck:new(rabbit_queue_index, [passthrough]),
-    ok = meck:expect(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, fun(_, State) -> State end),
-    {St5, _Res5} = cmd(cmd_channel_publish, St4, [Ch, 4, _Persistent = 2, _NotMandatory = false, _NoExpiration = undefined]),
-    %% Enforce syncing journal to disk
-    %% (Not strictly necessary as vhost restart also triggers a sync)
-    %% At this point there should be a publish entry in the journal and no segment files
-    rabbit_amqqueue:pid_of(St5#cq.amq) ! timeout,
-    {SyncTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, sync, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for sync took ~p ms", [SyncTime div 1000]),
-    %% Simulate RabbitMQ version upgrade by a clean vhost restart
-    %% (also reset delivery to normal operation)
-    ok = meck:delete(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, 2),
-    {St10, _} = cmd(cmd_restart_vhost_clean, St5, []),
-    meck:reset(rabbit_queue_index),
-    %% Consume the message and acknowledge it
-    %% The queue index should not crash when finding a pub+ack but no_del in the journal
-    %% (It used to crash in `action_to_entry/3' with a case_clause)
-    {St6, _Tag} = cmd(cmd_channel_consume, St10, [Ch]),
-    receive SomeMsg -> self() ! SomeMsg
-    after 5000 -> ct:fail(no_message_consumed)
-    end,
-    {St7, _Msg = #amqp_msg{}} = cmd(cmd_channel_receive_and_ack, St6, [Ch]),
-    %% enforce syncing journal to disk
-    rabbit_amqqueue:pid_of(St7#cq.amq) ! timeout,
-    {SyncTime2, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, sync, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for sync took ~p ms", [SyncTime2 div 1000]),
-    validate_and_teaddown(St7).
-%% After upgrade to 3.10 there is a published message in a segment file.
-%% Consuming and acknowledging the message inserts an ack entry in the journal file.
-%% A subsequent restart (of the queue/vhost/node) should work fine.
-reg_v1_no_del_idx(Config) ->
-    try
-        true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
-                 Config, 0, ?MODULE, do_reg_v1_no_del_idx, [Config])
-    catch exit:{exception, Reason} ->
-            exit(Reason)
-    end.
-do_reg_v1_no_del_idx(Config) ->
-    St0 = #cq{name=prop_classic_queue_v1, version=1,
-              config=minimal_config(Config)},
-    Res1 = cmd_setup_queue(St0),
-    St3 = St0#cq{amq=Res1},
-    {St4, Ch} = cmd(cmd_channel_open, St3, []),
-    %% Simulate pre-3.10.0 behaviour by making deliver a noop
-    ok = meck:new(rabbit_queue_index, [passthrough]),
-    ok = meck:expect(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, fun(_, State) -> State end),
-    ok = meck:new(rabbit_variable_queue, [passthrough]),
-    {St5, _Res5} = cmd(cmd_channel_publish, St4, [Ch, 4, _Persistent = 2, _NotMandatory = false, _NoExpiration = undefined]),
-    %% Wait for the queue process to get hibernated
-    %% handle_pre_hibernate syncs and flushes the journal
-    %% At this point there should be a publish entry in the segment file and an empty journal
-    {Time, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_variable_queue, handle_pre_hibernate, '_', 10000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for hibernate took ~p ms", [Time div 1000]),
-    ok = meck:unload(rabbit_variable_queue),
-    %% Simulate RabbitMQ version upgrade by a clean vhost restart
-    %% (also reset delivery to normal operation)
-    ok = meck:delete(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, 2),
-    {St10, _} = cmd(cmd_restart_vhost_clean, St5, []),
-    %% Consume the message and acknowledge it
-    {St6, _Tag} = cmd(cmd_channel_consume, St10, [Ch]),
-    receive SomeMsg -> self() ! SomeMsg
-    after 5000 -> ct:fail(no_message_consumed)
-    end,
-    {St7, _Msg = #amqp_msg{}} = cmd(cmd_channel_receive_and_ack, St6, [Ch]),
-    meck:reset(rabbit_queue_index),
-    %% enforce syncing journal to disk
-    %% At this point there should be a publish entry in the segment file and an ack in the journal
-    rabbit_amqqueue:pid_of(St7#cq.amq) ! timeout,
-    {SyncTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, sync, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for sync took ~p ms", [SyncTime div 1000]),
-    meck:reset(rabbit_queue_index),
-    %% Another clean vhost restart
-    %% The queue index should not crash when finding a pub in a
-    %% segment, an ack in the journal, but no_del
-    %% (It used to crash in `segment_plus_journal1/2' with a function_clause)
-    catch cmd(cmd_restart_vhost_clean, St7, []),
-    {ReadTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, read, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for queue read took ~p ms", [ReadTime div 1000]),
-    validate_and_teaddown(St7).
-%% After upgrade to 3.10 there is a published message in a segment file.
-%% Consuming and acknowledging the message inserts an ack entry in the journal file.
-%% The recovery after a subsequent unclean shutdown (of the queue/vhost/node) should work fine.
-reg_v1_no_del_idx_unclean(Config) ->
-    try
-        true = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
-                 Config, 0, ?MODULE, do_reg_v1_no_del_idx_unclean, [Config])
-    catch exit:{exception, Reason} ->
-            exit(Reason)
-    end.
-do_reg_v1_no_del_idx_unclean(Config) ->
-    St0 = #cq{name=prop_classic_queue_v1, version=1,
-              config=minimal_config(Config)},
-    Res1 = cmd_setup_queue(St0),
-    St3 = St0#cq{amq=Res1},
-    {St4, Ch} = cmd(cmd_channel_open, St3, []),
-    %% Simulate pre-3.10.0 behaviour by making deliver a noop
-    ok = meck:new(rabbit_queue_index, [passthrough]),
-    ok = meck:expect(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, fun(_, State) -> State end),
-    ok = meck:new(rabbit_variable_queue, [passthrough]),
-    {St5, _Res5} = cmd(cmd_channel_publish, St4, [Ch, 4, _Persistent = 2, _NotMandatory = false, _NoExpiration = undefined]),
-    %% Wait for the queue process to get hibernated
-    %% handle_pre_hibernate syncs and flushes the journal
-    %% At this point there should be a publish entry in the segment file and an empty journal
-    {Time, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_variable_queue, handle_pre_hibernate, '_', 10000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for hibernate took ~p ms", [Time div 1000]),
-    ok = meck:unload(rabbit_variable_queue),
-    %% Simulate RabbitMQ version upgrade by a clean vhost restart
-    %% (also reset delivery to normal operation)
-    ok = meck:delete(rabbit_queue_index, deliver, 2),
-    {St10, _} = cmd(cmd_restart_vhost_clean, St5, []),
-    %% Consume the message and acknowledge it
-    {St6, _Tag} = cmd(cmd_channel_consume, St10, [Ch]),
-    receive SomeMsg -> self() ! SomeMsg
-    after 5000 -> ct:fail(no_message_consumed)
-    end,
-    meck:reset(rabbit_queue_index),
-    {St7, _Msg = #amqp_msg{}} = cmd(cmd_channel_receive_and_ack, St6, [Ch]),
-    %% (need to ensure that the queue processed the ack before triggering the sync)
-    {AckTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, ack, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for ack took ~p ms", [AckTime div 1000]),
-    %% enforce syncing journal to disk
-    %% At this point there should be a publish entry in the segment file and an ack in the journal
-    rabbit_amqqueue:pid_of(St7#cq.amq) ! timeout,
-    {SyncTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, sync, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for sync took ~p ms", [SyncTime div 1000]),
-    meck:reset(rabbit_queue_index),
-    %% Recovery after unclean queue shutdown
-    %% The queue index should not crash when finding a pub in a
-    %% segment, an ack in the journal, but no_del
-    %% (It used to crash in `journal_minus_segment1/2' with a function_clause)
-    {St20, _} = cmd(cmd_restart_queue_dirty, St7, []),
-    {RecoverTime, ok} = timer:tc(fun() -> meck:wait(rabbit_queue_index, recover, '_', 1000) end),
-    ct:pal("wait for queue recover took ~p ms", [RecoverTime div 1000]),
-    validate_and_teaddown(St20).
 cmd(CmdName, StIn, ExtraArgs) ->
     Res0 = apply(?MODULE, CmdName, [StIn | ExtraArgs]),
     true = postcondition(StIn, {call, undefined, CmdName, [StIn | ExtraArgs]}, Res0),
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/priority_queue_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/priority_queue_SUITE.erl
index eb7df79378bd..3c34f5adee79 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/priority_queue_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/priority_queue_SUITE.erl
@@ -392,6 +392,8 @@ info_head_message_timestamp1(_Config) ->
     PQ:delete_and_terminate(a_whim, BQS6),
+%% Because queue version is now ignored, this test is expected
+%% to always get a queue version 2.
 info_backing_queue_version(Config) ->
     {Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 0),
     Q1 = <<"info-priority-queue-v1">>,
@@ -402,7 +404,7 @@ info_backing_queue_version(Config) ->
                     {<<"x-queue-version">>, byte, 2}]),
         {ok, [{backing_queue_status, BQS1}]} = info(Config, Q1, [backing_queue_status]),
-        1 = proplists:get_value(version, BQS1),
+        2 = proplists:get_value(version, BQS1),
         {ok, [{backing_queue_status, BQS2}]} = info(Config, Q2, [backing_queue_status]),
         2 = proplists:get_value(version, BQS2)
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/unicode_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
index 65088e613961..4f28d1362c24 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/unicode_SUITE.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ all() ->
 groups() ->
      {queues, [], [
-                   classic_queue_v1,
@@ -57,14 +56,7 @@ init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
 end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
     rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase).
-classic_queue_v1(Config) ->
-    ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
-           Config, 0, application, set_env, [rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 1]),
-    ok = queue(Config, ?FUNCTION_NAME, []).
 classic_queue_v2(Config) ->
-    ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
-           Config, 0, application, set_env, [rabbit, classic_queue_default_version, 2]),
     ok = queue(Config, ?FUNCTION_NAME, []).
 quorum_queue(Config) ->
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
index d8738b1de580..07c67b857d9c 100644
--- a/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
@@ -1135,21 +1135,21 @@ queues_test(Config) ->
                    auto_delete => false,
                    exclusive   => false,
                    arguments   => #{},
-                   storage_version => 1},
+                   storage_version => 2},
                  #{name        => <<"foo">>,
                    vhost       => <<"/">>,
                    durable     => true,
                    auto_delete => false,
                    exclusive   => false,
                    arguments   => #{},
-                   storage_version => 1}], Queues),
+                   storage_version => 2}], Queues),
     assert_item(#{name        => <<"foo">>,
                   vhost       => <<"/">>,
                   durable     => true,
                   auto_delete => false,
                   exclusive   => false,
                   arguments   => #{},
-                  storage_version => 1}, Queue),
+                  storage_version => 2}, Queue),
     http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
     http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", {group, '2xx'}),
@@ -2339,8 +2339,8 @@ queue_pagination_test(Config) ->
     ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, PageOfTwo)),
     ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, PageOfTwo)),
     ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, PageOfTwo)),
-    assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>, storage_version => 1},
-                 #{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>, storage_version => 1}
+    assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>, storage_version => 2},
+                 #{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>, storage_version => 2}
                 ], maps:get(items, PageOfTwo)),
     SortedByName = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=name&page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/shared_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/shared_SUITE.erl
index acfadfc270d6..e89d25dfcd33 100644
--- a/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/shared_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/shared_SUITE.erl
@@ -201,11 +201,8 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
                 [{rmq_nodes_count, Nodes},
                  {rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}]),
-    Config3 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(
-                Config2,
-                {rabbit, [{classic_queue_default_version, 2}]}),
     Config = rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(
-               Config3,
+               Config2,
                rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/v5_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/v5_SUITE.erl
index 4ca22953ed58..309e221aabe2 100644
--- a/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/v5_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_mqtt/test/v5_SUITE.erl
@@ -169,8 +169,7 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
                  {rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}]),
     Config2 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(
-                {rabbit, [{classic_queue_default_version, 2},
-                          {quorum_tick_interval, 200}]}),
+                {rabbit, [{quorum_tick_interval, 200}]}),
     Config = rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(
                rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++