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Releases: r0ughnex/chordus-arena-main-website

Updating packages for making repo public

21 Jul 07:31
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  • Updated all packages to support Node v18.16.0.

  • Updated <TeamGrid /> to use grayscale filter.

  • Updated with brief overview, additional information.

  • Updated with video of the app running on localhost.

  • Package version number (in package.json) updated to reflect changes.

New website with artifacts selector, viewer

04 May 09:47
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Fork website template from mint raffler.

  • Copied over all the existing files from the current site.

Create game, team and footer sections

  • Updated the <Button /> component to render either a button or an anchor tag, based on the passed props.

  • Added new font styles for h4 and h5 tags.

  • Updated mobile breakpoint to be slightly lower.

  • Created <GameInfo> and <InfoGrid /> components.

  • Created <TeamInfo /> and <TeamGrid />components.

  • Updated the social share image to include the updated fonts.

  • Added new icons for the 'Game aspects', 'Core team' sections.

  • Added delay for enter transitions / animations for each section.

Create game, team and footer sections

  • Added new copyright option to the <HeroNav />.

  • Added placeholder data for the 'Core team' section.

  • Added placeholder data for the 'Game aspects' section.

  • Updated 'Core team' section to contain the footer nav.

  • Package version number updated to reflect changes.

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Changed 'Lorem ipsum' copy across all sections.

  • Added @sketchfab/viewer-api to the repository.

  • Added basic config options for the loaded model's animations.

  • Added custom types for the 'Sketchfab' viewer's client and api objects.

  • Changed the iframe to use motion animations instead of css transitions.

  • Created a custom useArtifactViewer() hook to handle the 'Sketchfab' side of the things when the modelId changes.

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Added new members to the <TeamGrid /> data.

  • Added new tablet breakpoint helpers and mixins.

  • Added the option to show 'Artstation' and 'Sketchfab' links within the team info section.

  • Change the secondary call to action in the main intro component to show 'Whitepaper' instead of 'Sold out'.

  • Updated the <TeamGrid /> component to show the social link icons even if they were empty (shows them as disabled instead).

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Created a new <ArtifactCarousel /> component.

  • Added a scale quotient variable for scaling font size.

  • Added styles to differentiate default and selected artifact (within the artifacts viewer).

  • Updated <ArtifactsViewer /> to change it's model when the active carousel slide is changed.

  • Added new <ArtifactsLoading /> component to showing a loading indicator whilst the next artifact is being loaded.

  • Updated the <ArtifactsViewer /> to change the no. of visible slides based on the user's viewport size.

  • Created a new <GridItemLink /> component to be used within the <TeamGrid /> component.

  • Create new useMediaQuery hook to detect changes in the user's viewport size.

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Created the <ElementSelector /> component.

  • Added a new background-image helper mixin.

  • Updated all the model data for the artifacts viewer.

  • Added element type selector to the artifacts viewer.

  • Added images for the different types of element crystals.

  • Updated <ArtifactsViewer /> to allow the player to control the rotation and angle of the artifact under view.

  • Created blocks on the artifacts viewer to allow the user to scroll the page (instead of zooming in on the artifact).

  • Changed the cursor on the carousel slides to be move to indicate that they can move moved / dragged.

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Created a new <StatBar /> component.

  • Created a new <RankSelector /> component.

  • Created the <RankStatsSelector /> component.

  • Added rank statistics to the artifact viewer data.

  • Added new hook the retrieve the artifact's rank color.

Create ancient artifacts selector and viewer

  • Added a nested <span /> element to the button so as to vertically align the text / label.

  • Added a new mob-sm breakpoint to fix layout issues with the rank selector on smaller devices.

  • Minor typo fixes in the description of artifacts.

  • Minor refactor to how section padding is scaled.

  • Removed the B&W filter from the team profile images.

  • Added a custom close icon for the rank selector modal.

  • Added new pictures for 'Cathy', 'Alex' and 'Darkminaz'.

  • Package version number updated to reflect changes.