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This container starts an alpine based ssh server with a single allowed user account (username: default). The password for the user account is generated randomly during container startup and is displayed in the launching terminal. The home folder of the user default is mapped to the top level resource folder of the container as a docker volume.

By default, the sshd_config has root login disabled and only allows ssh access for the user default. You can enable root access as described in the section enabling root login. However, notice that this has some security implications.

Port forwarding and tunneling is allowed by the sshd_config. The main benefit of this container is that ssh can be used for port forwarding, file transfers and network tunnels.

Example Usage

First of all, we start the ssh container on our local machine:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ car run ssh
[+] Environment Variables:
[+]	car_local_uid                 1000
[+]	car_ssh_folder                /home/qtc/arsenal/ssh
[+]	car_ssh_port                  22
[+] Running: sudo -E docker-compose up
Creating network "ssh_default" with the default driver
Creating car.ssh ... done
Attaching to car.ssh
car.ssh    | [+] IP address of the container:
car.ssh    | [+] No password was specified.
car.ssh    | [+] Generated random password for user 'default': Ne5IhtZ3
car.ssh    | [+] Adjusting volume permissions.
car.ssh    | [+] Creating login log.
car.ssh    | [+] Starting sshd

The container configuration maps the ssh port (22) to your local system:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ ss -tlnp
State                    Recv-Q                   Send-Q                                     Local Address:Port                                       Peer Address:Port
LISTEN                   0                        4096                                                   *:22                                                    *:*

On a remote host, we open a webserver listening on and attempt to forward the corresponding port to the ssh container:

[user@other ~]$ ssh -l default -R
[email protected]'s password:
4c8e831e9d2d:~ $
[user@other www]$ echo Hello World :D > test.txt
[user@other www]$ python3 -m http.server --bind 8000
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

From our local machine, we should now be able to access the forwarded port. However, notice that the container is running in an isolated network namespace. Therefore, the forwarded port 8000 is not opened on your local machine, but on the container. You can use the containers IP address to access it:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ curl
Hello World :D

Enabling root login

Per default, only the user default can use ssh to connect to the container. This can be limiting, if you want to forward privileged ports (e.g. 445 -> 445). To make this possible, you have to enable root login on the container. You can do the following to achieve this:

  1. Mirror the ssh container $ car mirror ssh
  2. Enable root login on the mirror $ cd ssh && bash
  3. Run the mirrored container $ car run .

With root login enabled, the container will create a random password for the root account and allows root logins via ssh. Please notice that allowing root access to a container has certain security implications and is not considered best practice. Be careful with it and watch the server logs for unexpected root logins.

Configuration Options

The following configuration options can be adjusted within your car.toml configuration file:

  • ssh_folder: Top level resource folder of the container (used as docker volume).
  • ssh_port: SSH port that is opened on your local system.

You can also specify these options by using environment variables. The command car env ssh explains their corresponding usage:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ car env ssh
[+] Available environment variables are:
[+] Name               Current Value             Description
[+] car_ssh_folder     /home/qtc/arsenal/ssh     SSH resource folder. Mapped as a volume into the container.
[+] car_ssh_port       22                        SSH port mapped to your local machine.
[+] car_local_uid      1000                      UID of the SSH user.